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This Finch guy is a creep and I think he wants to blackmail Liz regarding her disappearance. Has she read the papers yet? She doesn't know her actions have caused a lot of problems! Time to grow up and face the music, Miss Wilson- provided you can get away from your pervert neighbor!

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Yes, Liz was in both episodes. Yes, her neighbor/stalker is seriously creepy. He has that Ted Bundy/John Lennon assassin (who I refuse to mention by name) look to him.

I like Martha already - and even Nick didn't chew her out that much. Sadly, Sally Gracie and Gerald Gordon passed away the same week - she on August 13, 2001, and he went four days later on the 17th.

Thank you, Maggie, for verbalizing what we all want to hear - "I want Karen out of my house - NOW!!!" Too bad Matt was out of his office when she said that. Honestly, if Karen came parading up to Matt in a negligee and was purring about how much she admires him, he still wouldn't have a clue!!

I also can't wait for Althea to be back, which sounds like it will be soon. The sooner Dr. Davis and Liz Wilson are back at Hope Memorial, the better - and with the embittered reporter Nathan Bunker lurking around, the fireworks should be fun to watch.

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The actress who is playing Polly Meriweather has reminded me, particularly with her voice, of Sallie Gracie ever since I started watching these reruns.

I wonder if Sallie Gracie auditioned for the role of Polly, and the show decided to cast her as Martha instead.

Sallie Gracie had completed a role on The Nurses on ABC since that show had been cancelled.

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If I were Nick Bellini I'd go incognito ASAP 'cause the you-know-what is hitting the fan! A lot of people at the hospital will blame him for Liz' situation- breaking the engagement and such. And this is just the thing Bunker can use to try to push Matt out of Hope Memorial. I swear, so many people are in turmoil there, they should call the place Hopeless Memorial!!

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It's so cool that TD has a cast list at the end of the episode - very helpful for us trivia buffs.

George L Smith was credited as policeman.Later he became Det Cadman a regular who dated Martha. I'm not sure when Ernie came on and am wondering if this was the beginning of the role -rather like Carolee Campbell appearing as an under five and evolving into a regular.

They splurged on the budget with these episodes-more extras,a TV, wind machine!

Guess Pam Toll was just lying down and the angle made it appear she was hanging on for dear life.

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The last couple of episodes have really been a window to the past, haven't they? No 50", HD flat screen TV for these folks! Fuzzy picture and rabbit ears! Then, you have the rotary phones. LOL I wonder if they are going to catch the creepy guy responsible for Liz climbing onto the ledge in the first place - I wouldn't mind leaving him alone in a room with Dr. Nick "Raging Bull" Bellini!!!!

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