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The Doctors

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Liz reminds me a lot of Jane Curtin in some shots.

I wonder what the whole story was with the drug. She was helping Nick with a drug, she despaired over his not wanting her, so she took it? Or was it something else?

I wonder if NBC was pushing some sort of cautionary tale stories about young girls and drug overdoses. Wasn't 1967 the year Lee was given LSD on AW?

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According to the book Soap World, Liz took the drug because she believed in Mike's work. It had a psychedelic effect, and she went on the ledge. The book goes into detail of what happens next, but not sure if people want to be spoiled for 1968 story. The one thing that is odd is that it seemed like Liz already had a health issue that had a psych element mentioned in earlier episodes...that RTV has aired.

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Another 'The Doctors'/'Dark Shadows' connection. Mostoller who did costume design for 'Dark Shadows' also did the costume design for 'The Doctors' -- according to the credits. But, like Bob Cobert, her work on 'TD' is not listed in her IMDB profile. On 'Shadows' she was credited as Ramse Mostoller. She also did clothes for 'The Electric Company' and 'Ryan's Hope'.

Something else that makes me curious about the credits. It appears as though they ran the credits and then cut for a final commercial/network promo/station ID at the end of the crew, then came back with the show's title card and 'stay tuned for AW in color'. Seeing other end credits from that time period, it would appear that this practice is unique to 'The Doctors'.

1967 appears to be a big year for LSD and LSD awareness. Google 1967 and LSD and a ton of stuff comes up.

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I was just a kid but I remember 1967 was a big year for the counter-culture. There was the Summer of Love in San Francisco. Dr. Timothy Leary was all over TV advocating using LSD and other psychedelic drugs in psychiatry. Paul McCartney became the first Beatle to admit he had used LSD.(and the Beatles were very influential for those too young to have experienced that).

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I was laughing today when Steve (while on the phone) kept trying to touch the newly engaged nurse on the hand & she kept pulling away until she silently stuck her hand up in his face & flashed him her engagement ring to which is nonchalantly (and rather dryly) muttered "Very nice." lol

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Yeah, that scene was pretty funny. Nice try, Dr. Love. LOL

Boy, Dr. Bellini keeps on making friends, doesn't he? Talk about your bite being worse than your bark. I wanted Carolee to smack him over the head with the clipboard when he blamed her for waking him early when Dr. Powers left unexpectedly on the emergency - which she had nothing to do with.

Speaking of Carolee, from personal experience I felt bad for her when she invited Steve into her and Liz's apartment after their date. When he began flirting with the younger and newly single Liz and nearly forgot Carolee - the look on her face said it all.

Starting with the January 5, 1968 episode, Bethel Leslie's name is no longer in the credits. When Maggie comes back, will it be Lydia Bruce or a temp until Lydia Bruce takes over permanently?

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Carolee is older than Liz. Liz is only 18/19 (by my estimation) while, I think, Carolee is at least in her late 20s (maybe even 30ish). Carolee Campbell was 31 when these episodes were taped. Carolee marries (a couple of years from now) Dan Allison who already has a young son named Billy. When Dan dies (I won't spoil the story), Carolee gets Billy to raise, which she and Steven eventually do together. This is why Billy's full name is often given as Billy Allison Aldrich.

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