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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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You weren't speechless over my 5000000 word post above that? :lol:

It is a bit odd isn't it. Just shows how many different genres and phases Emmerdale has gone through over the years.

That was when soaps used to release videos all the time. Did you ever see any of those where the Dingles went to Venice, and then to Australia?

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Carl, I absolutely love your longer posts. And trust me, reading them, they don't seem long at all. And again, no, I wasn't even aware any other videos like The Woolpackers existed. Number 5 on the UK charts? I'd expect Corrie and EastEnders to do that well, but the 'Dales. Color me shocked.

Regarding Terry: That has to be a testament to the actor, at least in part, to be on the show for 15 years without any strong family ties, basically working as an individual for most of his run.

With you mentioning his previous close ties to Zak, I don't see why they don't play that relationship up more, with Gennie being his step-daughter and all.

And again, being a newer viewer, I would have never guessed Viv/Terry had such a history. This is all very fascinating to me.

And something I forgot to respond to before ... I totally agree about Moira, I don't really like her much either. But yes, that scene was Eve was pretty darn good. Smart bitchiness is always fun to watch, instead of just meaningless insults. Though I did love, a few weeks ago, that line Nicola had about Viv's children being a thug, an adulterer and ... what was the last one?

Anyway, I'm off to watch Episode #3 on YouTube now.

Edited by Amello
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Tuesday's show:

It was quite amusing that John/Moira ever thought they could win against Cain. Even though Cain was technically in the wrong, I feel the Barton turmoil is payback for not knowing their place. :lol:

Now, I simply must ask, where the F.UCK is Charity at? I miss her. :(

YES, WE GOT AN AARON/VICTORIA SCENE! Why the hell was it so short? Do the writers not see the GOLDMINE they have in their friendship. The two actors are one of the best soap pairs to come around in LONG LONG time.

And Vivian. God, I feel so bad for her. The writers do a great job of showing her humanity and her cow-ness all at the same time.

Hmm, I really hope they don't close the Wylde shop. I don't want Doug/Layla's relationship to end anytime soon. They're always a nice treat together.

Regarding Nathan, I've been wondering why he hasn't pulled the blackmail card yet, but alas, his little good son act will quickly be coming to an end. :)

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It's a good idea you have there. Cain basically has become Viv, a fussy old gossip. I do like that they are trying to show another side of Cain through his support of Aaron. I just wish they'd figure out what to do with Charity and Cain.

I'm glad they may be closing down that village shop, it's always seemed out of place to me. I hope they won't just put Layla and Doug at the candy factory, I don't like that place, who wants to see people standing around wearing those caps on their heads? It reminds me of Silkwood.

I loved Natasha's line about wanting to see Declan in jodphurs.

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The actor is available, since Kingdom was canned. I guess they could recast though. I don't know if I can see him with Gennie, he usually likes the more hot babe type.

Did you know that Nicola took his virginity.

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