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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Maxwell has a very hot body, moreso than his face, which is just kind of waxen yet well-preserved. I don't know why they keep him in all those clothes so often.

I think Emmerdale at the moment has a number of very hot guys (especially John Barton), although EE is usually the soap which gets attention for their studs. I still remember the hoopla over Walford's new hunk...Callum Munks.

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Was that one of the Charlie Brooker shows? He tends to hate everything doesn't he?

Emmerdale is often seen as stodgy and silly and a bit tired. Most of the British soaps are looked down on, although Eastenders, in spite of being seen as too depressing, sometimes gets critical acclaim when they do their much hyped "issue" stories. Corrie is also sneered at but is seen as an institution. Hollyoaks is sometimes praised but often seen as a shallow teen soap.

I really enjoy Emmerdale, I think it's a much better show than it's given credit for and has done "issues" better than EE in recent years.

You might want to look at some of the Debbie/Jasmine clips on Youtube, it's good soap.

The cot death story they had last year was also very good. Here's the first part:

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Edited by CarlD2
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QAF, huh? That's interesting. Russell Davies is a big Corrie fan, he even wrote one of their video specials and nearly worked for them as a storyliner. He said he wanted that job for years but when he was offered, he turned it down because he realized if he took it he'd never leave. Perhaps he was just having a laugh at those who look down on soaps, or he sees Emmerdale as being inferior to Corrie.

Emmerdale recently brought in a new producer to try to be less crap, or stodgy, or panto. They have a "sexy" new farming family (which basically seems to mean the father wears tight jeans and plunging shirts) and are clearing out some deadwood. It's not bad, although I didn't think the stories last year were bad either.

They had a producer last year named Anita Turner who was treated horribly by the press. They called her "Anita Turnoff" and ran stories about how she fired extras and how she fired a child actor (she did this because he kept crying in scenes with the actor who played his father). I often wonder if a man would get that type of press if he behaved in a similar way.

Something else I always remember about Emmerdale is early in this decade they brought in actors who won some Soapstar reality show. They made them a new family. I guess it's like an extended version of that "Wanna be a Soap Star" Soapnet did for a few years. Anyway, one of the show's leading actresses, who had been there for about 15 years, complained to the press. The family didn't last a year, but they also fired the actress. I wonder if they were just looking for an opportunity anyway.

Do you ever get to see any of the British soaps?

Edited by CarlD2
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Oh no...he definitely painted soaps in a positive light and mentioned them very often among the other guy(Stuart's best friend). He tells this girl he went out on a date with that he had juggle his schedule around Coronation Street and she asks, "You watch The Street?!"

So when the Emmerdale reference came up(RE: The Lesbian Wedding), someone said, "That's not homophobia, that's good taste in television" or something to that effect, I assumed that meant Emmerdale was the Days of our Lives of British Soaps.

No, I have not seen any of the British Soaps(aside from assorted clips of Hollyoaks and the occassional EastEnders Omnibus from when BBC America used to air it), but I am in love with QAF. I've only gotten through episode two, but it beautifully shot and produced, the characters seem so real and raw, and there's no victim complex or some plot that's baited to the audience that's supposed to make us feel sorry for these people(unlike the US version which all about tragedy in body glitter and 2xIST underwear). There aren't any punches pulled with the British version and I respect it, no matter how badly it makes me cringe to see it.

Do most Brit Soaps have a similar style? Not meaning the gay thing, but the way their stories are told?

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I'm assuming everyone has seen QAF...

Not sure of the character names, but the guy Stuart had a one-night stand with is talking to the group of men about his mother being unable to come to terms with his sexuality. He mentioned the lesbian wedding on Emmerdale and how his mother just shut off the TV. One of the queens said, "That's not homophobia. That's good taste in television."

I've been watching the show on Hulu. If you want to hear the dialogue word for word, feel free to watch.

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No. The British soaps have varying styles.

Emmerdale is more slow-paced, there's more comedy, more of a slow burn, more "old" people. For many years the show was about farming as much as sex or death. In recent years, starting around a huge plane crash in the village in 1995, the show has become more and more dramatic, although it still has something of its old country flair.

Coronation Street is also more slow-paced, lots more comedy and older characters sitting around trading one-liners. They have tried to amp up the drama in recent years, there's more sex and violence now.

Eastenders is more stunt stunt stunt, there's always a big death or revelation or affair, with a few bad comedy moments mixed in. The show used to be much more complex and rich but not in a long time.

Hollyoaks is teens, issue issue issue, teens, wacky comedy moment, music video, teens.

The Emmerdale lesbian wedding they were talking about was with Zoe Tate and one of her girlfriends. Zoe cheated with her girlfriend's ex-partner not long after the wedding, so no wonder RTD wasn't a fan :P

Emmerdale had more gay content on their show than any other soap, UK or US. They had gay, bi, and lesbian characters consistently for almost 20 years. Unfortunately that has now stopped.

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Eric lost the factory due to money problems. It's now owned by two South Asian brothers. Their wild sister is also in town. Eric and Val now own half of the B&B, running it with poor Terry Woods.

Speaking of Wyldes, the Wylde family is the big rich family on the show now, they moved into Home Farm after buying it from the Kings, who lost everything. The head of the family is Mark Wylde, his wife is Natasha. Their children are stuck up but insecure Nathan, wild child Maisie, and then Will, who is only about 9 or 10. He's friends with Belle Dingle. There's a huge secret hanging over Mark's head, as his real name is Daniel Lamb. He abandoned his wife, Faye Lamb, over 25 years ago, because he was tired of being poor. He did not know she was pregnant. Faye saw his photo in a magazine earlier this year and began stalking him. He brushed her off, and Natasha upon learning the truth threatened to send her to prison, then finally bribed her to stay away. Instead, Faye moved to Emmerdale with their son, Ryan. She is now sort of involved with Cain Dingle, who hates Mark. Mark told Natasha a few months ago about Faye and Ryan, but no one else knows. Ryan doesn't know either. He just thinks Mark is some married man his mother hooked up with.

Meanwhile, Debbie, after being released from prison after the murder she helped cover up, got custody of Sarah, her daughter with Andy Sugden. She lives with her father, Cain. Cain is upset because she's dating a man named Michael who Cain does not trust. Recently Michael told Debbie that he was supposed to marry another woman, but he's truly in love with Debbie.

Viv returned from prison, to a mixed reception from Bob. Bob had just slept with Gennie Walker, daughter of his business partner Brenda. Viv still doesn't know. Bob's son Jamie began dating Gennie, which made Bob nervous and jealous. Jamie soon learned the truth and washed his hands of Gennie and his father.

Carl King was in a loveless marriage with Lexi King -- loveless on his part. Lexi was obsessed with him and wanted his child. She had an ecoptic pregnancy and learned she would struggle to bear a child. She wanted to do IVF but Carl didn't want to have a child with her. Nicola, who had gotten together with Jimmy and was near the end of her own pregnancy, told Carl to be a man and be honest with Lexi, who deserved better. Carl did tell Lexi, and she got so angry at Nicola that she accidentally caused her to fall down the stairs. Nicola went into labor and had a healthy little girl. She forgave Lexi, but Carl was nasty to Lexi. Lexi ended up going to the roof with the baby. She gave the baby back, but nearly jumped. Carl caught her before she fell. She finally decided to wash her hands of Carl once and for all.

Carl then got involved with his old flame Chastity Dingle, even though she was living with the vet, Paddy Kirk, who adored her. When Carl told Paddy the truth, he threw Chastity out and humiliated her in front of everyone at the pub. Chas is now living with Carl, Jimmy, and Nicola, in a tense situation. Chastity's son Aaron, a teenage thug, is still living with Paddy (who dotes on him), as he despises Carl and sees Chas as a slapper.

There's a new farming family, the Bartons. They moved into Andy Sugden's farm. After Jack died and Andy lost custody of little Sarah, he had a mental breakdown and let the farm fall into total disrepair. John Barton, his wife Moira, and their teenage son and teen daughters all live there now. Andy helps out. There was some drama as Moira incorrectly assumed he was interested in one of her daughters, but that was sorted.

Edited by CarlD2
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