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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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It's quite nice that Jai hasn't become persona non grata now that his relationship with Holly is out. I love Oates' tenure more greatly, but if this was her Jai would have been kidnapped and had the truth beaten out of him. Refreshing.


I didn't connect at all to the Cain and Charity scenes. It's nothing but a retread. We've already seen them move on. Succeed past their relationship with each other. I can't get into this bit of the story.

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I know it was originally supposed to be a break, but I do wonder where the character could have even gone at that point. Zoe could easily return even now, but that isn't likely. 


I'm glad the show tweeted about this, as did a number of actors present (Mark Charnock) and past (Amy Nuttall, Liam O'Brien). And they've nearly reached their goal, which I don't think they were expecting at all. It tells you that people can be kind even today but also tells you the impact Leah made as Zoe. 


An update from her:



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Hope she will be okay.

Moira really gets me on the show. It is now quite sure that Ross will be somehow responsible for James' death, probably an accident while fighting over Emma and Moira.

I find Priya to be really annoying. Kerry and Dan are a good pairing. Enjoy them.

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I loved Nicola's line about Jimmy today. "You know, you're basically turning into Homer Simpson." :lol:


Rebecca is already more likable than Chrissie ever has been. And her/the show saying that Robert isn't gay is going to throw those Robron twerps into a tailspin. Carl, I hope you'll try to enjoy their meltdown.

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To be honest the fans out there who go on and on about Robron and their teenage girl fans and how the show panders to them 24/7 (if a couple who rarely kiss or have scenes alone together is that heavy of pandering than these people have watched few soaps) annoy me as much as some of the more annoying "Robron" fans. I can't stand a lot of their fans, especially the ones who clearly just watch for that mediocre pairing, talk about how awful it is compared to the good old days when Robert was trying to kill people every other month, and talk about how terrible the rest of the show is (or talk about how everything it does is a ripoff of Hollyoaks), but Emmerdale has a lot of awful fans in general. I remember how outraged some of them were when it won a BSA for Best Soap because they said it was down to Robron fans and that meant it shouldn't have won because it didn't win when it was a better show. They are also claiming that "Robron" fans are dumb sheep who will vote for Rebecca as Best Newcomer at the NTAs...yet they've also said these fans will hate her and send hate to the actress. 


Anyway, the problem with her line is that the show is scared to ever say whether Robert is gay or bisexual. I just hope this isn't some excuse to have him come out as gay. I'm never going to believe the character is gay. And if they do this while they clearly have him having more chemistry with a woman while he barely even interacts with his boyfriend, it will be ludicrous. 


I don't mind Rebecca (and I thought the entrance with helicopter and villagers scurrying was very funny), but I hope Emily Head stops talking like she has a bit in her teeth. 


I'm not thrilled with some of the Priya and Rakesh story (her hissing with Chrissie is somewhat embarrassing - the show doesn't really know how to have that type of conflict between women in recent years), but I feel like Priya's really come into her own thanks to her friendship with Leyla miraculously reviving, and her strong bond with her family (I miss Nikhil but I'm enjoying the Sharmas more than I have in a while, even without him). I loved the scene where Jai tried to ask her about Rakesh and she said Rakesh doesn't exist anymore. I think they could still do something with Rakesh if they try, Pasha Bocarie is worth keeping around, but at this point I'd rather see Priya on her own, or with a new man.


(I'd also like to see them actually put her in a scene with David...)

Edited by DRW50
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John Middleton and Zoe Henry interview on GMB. Apparently some at Hollyoaks, including that "actor" who plays Freddie Roscoe (who surely has more important things to deal with at the moment...), had a bit of a boo hoo that their precious POV week was slighted in this interview. I have no tears to cry.


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Emma keeping James captive in that old house has some gothic undertones I really like. I couldn't avoid the spoiler about James but I don't know exactly what's going to happen.
I don't think they should have killed Holly off as I feel they're just gonna move on fast from it. Will they keep Moira on the frontburner long enough? She was a background character for a long while before that story.
Rebecca is a good addition so far. I don't like that she slept with Robert though.
All this Rakesh drama, including him wanting to kill himself, and Priya forgives him straight away? A bit anticlimatic, and I must have missed the explanation re: Chrissie's pictures.

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