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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Oh Emma! I can't believe (well yes I can) that she is faking an illness to keep Pete and Finn in Emmerdale. I wonder how long she'll be able to keep up this lie. 


As I said in a previous thread, I like Cain but I hate how he resorted back to his brutish ways tonight. It wasn't that serious for him to pop Pete in the face. If anything, he should've popped Holly's lame ass for scheming to get Pete over there. 


Glad Belle took the morning after pill to prevent pregnancy b/c we don't need anymore babies for the foreseeable future. 


Chrissie telling Andy she loved him was so awkward and unconvincing. Being the sap that he is, Andy of course bought it. I did find it hypocritical that Andy tried keeping Chrissie from finding her biological dad when Andy was adopted too. Good or bad, Andy should encourage her journey to find the truth. I also found it odd that he'd side with Lawrence given that he had Andy battered and bruised a few weeks ago. I am all about forgiveness but not that damn fast. 

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I think it's probably because Andy sees the damage she's doing to Lawrence and to herself. Every time I see her she's haranguing the man. It's obvious where this is going. What a waste of John Bowe. 


I laughed when Charity told Belle to take the morning after pill and "cross your...fingers." I'm just hoping Belle won't always be written so immaturely.


Emma is shameless and I imagine it's going to get even worse. I just realized she'd been on the show nearly a year and a half. Crazy. 


Ross gets so hurt when people don't pick him. I wish Finn would stand up to it a bit more. I do enjoy their relationship, but it's not really what it used to be a few years ago.

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I love Ross but he shouldn't be surprised that Finn won't choose him as of late. Especially, when his record is tarnished thanks to Ross. I think their relationship will be repaired but it'll take time. 


With Emma, it'll get worse. I do think it'd be somewhat funny and karmic if she did wound up sick with the illness she's faking to have. That would be a nice twist to the story. 

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I still think there's more to Ronny Hale than the likelihood that he's Chrissy's birth father. I think he had a sexual relationship with Laurence, too. I would totally believe Laurence's hesitation and anguish over revealing the truth if it turned out that Laurence had "brought in" Ronny for three-way sex with Ellen and that's how both Chrissy and Rebecca were conceived.

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Finn wanted to start a taxi business. As, thanks to Ross' scheme with Charity unintentionally leading to Finn's arrest, Ross has to be the one running the business because he is the only one without a criminal record. When Finn wanted to get Pete involved, Ross refused, and said Finn had to choose. Finn continued to try to get Pete involved (Pete wanted to move to Scotland instead), so Ross said Finn had lost them both. 


I love this shot (drunk hotness and all)




Mike Parr and Jennifer Metcalfe are going to be on The Chase next week.

Edited by DRW50
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I knew it! I knew Emma was gonna blackmail the doctor into lying for her. I doubt she has long as Cain is hot on the trail of who Belle was fooling around with. 


Diane's scenes were cute. Nice to have her rethink wanting to close this chapter in her life and start a new one. I don't blame Chas for wanting Diane to stay over Charity, who'll constantly serve as a headache.


I really didn't care for Aaron's story. I am glad it wrapped up and Gordon is gone to prison. I hope this is the last time we hear about this. 

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It isn't, though, right? Something will no doubt happen to Gordon in prison. And then we have the ramifications of Robert burning that letter...

I was no fan of Sharon Marshall's when she wrote for EE but I did love her line for Emma "Lie for me. Or I'll wreck your life." Pure bonkers soapy goodness.

Edited by TimWil
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