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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I've watched the Laurel/Ashley wedding eps twice now, they were just fantastic. Brilliant work by Charlotte Bellamy, and John Middleton and Katherine Dow Blyton were great too. 

So much emotion! I loved it at the end of Monday's episode when Harriet told Laurel she looked beautiful. (And she did - that dress was gorgeous). Having Harriet back in her cassock reinforced for me that she NEEDS to become the village vicar again when Ashley is no longer able. There is still so much untapped potential with Harriet, and she deserves to be at the heart of the community as a modern, human vicar who has flaws just like Ashley had.

Sidenote: am so happy that Duncan Preston came back to the show. Doug and Laurel's relationship is so believable, I really love their scenes together. 

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Why the f-ck did they bring Holly back? She was and will be my least favorite Barton. She does nothing but whine and complain, and that's when she's not snorting something. Can they send her back to London or even better, kill her? 


Whoa! I am shocked that Rhona blew up her own chances of adoption. It did show how much she's grown to realize bringing another child in her situation is wrong. What I don't like is that she forgiven Paddy and has agreed to run off to Germany with him. 


Typical Val to have her headstone ceremony be a ruckus. It was hilarious watching David sling his body on her grave to prevent the men from laying her headstone down. It was refreshing to see all the people that loved Val be there but we were so missing Diane. Her presence was missed. 


Robert/Andy/Chrissie ... meh. Just run Robert his money, Chrissie, and f-ck off. I still can't get over Andy having the gall to say and think that Robert does not deserve nothing out of that marriage. Chrissie did just as much damage as he did. She needs to pay Robert what is owed to him. 

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I saw them, yes. The first one actually makes me very annoyed because it's so contrived and it's just a way to shoehorn Robert back into that godawful unwatchable family. Kate Oates never lets him get away from them. The second one I will wait and see on. It all feels like it's out of nowhere. I hope they won't ruin the character, as the actor is handsome and talented. 


This interview also involves that first spoilers, and it's one delusion after another after another. I truly hate this pairing and I hate both characters. I'm tired of hearing Louise Marwood talk about what a victim Chrissie is and how decent she is. Chrissie is a nasty, whiny, misogynist, self-righteous, cruel, petty, deluded bitch who has done nothing but hurt people. And I have to raise my eyebrows at the part mocking Aaron and Robert for "holding hands and skipping." Then there's this:




KF: It’s weird, I’ve not had many scenes with Tom, and I guess I’d see a lot of younger Andy in him. They’re from completely different backgrounds but he’s somewhat a little bit of a lost soul and he feels like a black sheep within his own family and that’s how Andy felt. He never felt like he had somewhere to belong. So, I guess he could maybe sympathise with him and understand his years of torment. At the heart of him, there’s a good, sensitive boy, but he’s just a little bit lost and confused. That’s where the class and the fact that he’s got money, and that Andy came from the opposite, doesn’t matter. Andy can still relate. Maybe he would be a bit of a father figure, I don’t know.


It's bullsh!t. That's the only word for it. Absolute horse sh!t. Emmerdale refuses to face up to Lachlan being a monster. He has assaulted 4 women. He has burgled. He nearly shot two people. He nearly killed his grandfather. And yet we still have to hear about how decent he is. It's absolutely disgusting. It's disgusting.


I'm tired of it. I'm tired of this family. They are worthless. And the show continues to use Robert as a bogeyman to hide how worthless they are. Enough already. I've been tired of this family for over a year, and I'm even more tired of these delusional interviews. Get Bernice out of there and nuke Home Farm ASAP. They can kiss my ass. 

Edited by DRW50
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This would be like if we kept hearing about how Dean was sweet and good and no one cared that he raped or tried to rape several women. And at least Dean was a hot piece of ass, whereas Lachlan is just a brat. Yet they can't stop with him. I'd love to know if Kate Oates resents the viewers who can't get the memo about Lachlan's perfection. 


It's just ludicrous. I don't even like Aaron and Robert together, but the delusion of talking about how they're "holding hands and skipping" when their current relationship amounts to Aaron taking his rapist father to court - it's jaw-dropping to me, not to mention borderline homophobic. I don't need to see that garbage. It really disappointed me. It also shows me yet again how cavalierly Emmerdale takes rape and sexual abuse.

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I don't like how Aaron and Robert's relationship has been reduced to the molestation story either, but I do appreciate the few cute scenes they give them. However, it makes me question how long until they make Robert screw up and all the progress made in this story is tossed aside? 


With Lachlan, I don't get why they are trying to make him stick either. Besides Jacob, ED has not been good at developing young teen males on this show. Lachlan has been the worst in years and I just don't see longevity with him. They need to put a bullet in him and move on. 

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The only way that Aaron and Robert will work is a couple is if Aaron accepts who Robert is. If they have Robert do and say stupid things and Aaron gets fussy and gets the vapors and can't take it, then it will just be too dumb to bother with. 


I think they like the actor who plays Lachlan, which is fine, but they have done nothing with him. They won't even address what Lachlan did. Instead they TELL us how good he is and how wonderful he is and how nothing is his fault. That's not how writing works. The fans out there who see Robert or Aaron/Robert as the great evil and the Whites as poor poor victims might buy it, but no one else does. The show needs to realize this about Lachlan and his mother, but I doubt they ever will. Instead they will just keep trying to force these failures on viewers.

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My poor Jacob! Oh how I hate to see him sad but I agree with him! I don't want that hussy, Tracy (even though I like her), to pursue David! That's Alicia's man! 


I am praying that they aren't about to give David cancer. It's already enough doom and gloom on this show. I hope the lump on this testicles are benign and it is nothing major. I did enjoy the cute scenes with him and Eric though. 


Belle....:rolleyes: I really wish Joanie would sock this broad in the side of her neck. Never have I rooted for a side chick like I have Joanie in this situation. Especially, when Belle is about to become possibly engage in the same type of behavior her damn self....


Does anyone think that Harriet is about to become the village's new vicar? Those scenes with Ashley and Harriet are very telling. 


Why? Oh why did they bring that she-beast known as Holly back?! Why couldn't've her drug dealer snuff her and did us all a favor?!

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