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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Firstly, I wouldn't get rid of Rodney. I think he is an underrated character, and one who is integral to the show. He's Nicola's dad, and has history with Diane and Bernice. He's also the only character to showed kindness and support to Ashley in his time of need. For that reason alone, he should stay.

Secondly, I see no reason why Amy should stay simply b/c she has some fans - the show does not need to pander to fan bases. Also, they haven't built that much around her that they can't rip down with her finding happiness and moving away.

So, hit list...

The Spencers: Every single one of them needs to go. They don't fit into the show at all. Rachel was OK to start with, but this baby story with Jai has really brought out the worst in her personality - the way she's so judgemental, always sticking her nose into other people's business, things are always someone else's fault, never hers. Ruby has potential, but without Ali, I see no point in her sticking around.

Declan: He's had ample time to work, but hasn't. It's time Home Farm had a family it deserves.

Megan: Stunt casting is right. She's neither here not there as a character, and without Declan, she has no point staying in the show.

Robbie: Terrible character. Totally miscast. Poor development.

Laurel: Ruined beyond repair. She needs to go pronto. Preferably meeting a sticky end.

Marlon: I used to like Marlon. I think he represented a certain type of person. Now, he's been ruined by his "epic love" for Laurel. Is death his only option for an exit?

Andy: Outstayed his welcome. Nowhere else to take his character.

Amy: Annoying she may be, she has done a lot in a short space of time. Where else can they take her?

Kerry: Without Amy, she has no business staying.

Bob: Sadly, he no longer has a real place in the show without Viv.

Brenda: She's a spare part, like Bob, for most of the time. She should have left after Terry died.

Chas: Where can she go from here? She eats away at the show whenever she gets a frontburner story. The character needs a long rest.

Debbie: See above.

Alex: Deadbeat character.

ETA: Who do you think they'll kill off in the Live episode? I hope it isn't anyone I'll miss, like Carl. Or anyone who is old and doesn't want to leave, like Alan and Betty - I wouldn't want TPTB to kill one of these 2 off for shock value, unless they wanted to leave.

Edited by Ben
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I don't think she should stay because she has fans, I just mean after all the time they wasted on her and since she did have a somewhat positive reception, I would get rid of others first and bring new people in. Then I'd probably write her out. I'd mostly wait to move Val and Eric on to other stories believably.

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What has she done that is so horrible? I read somewhere (I think it was earlier in this thread) something about an affair with Marlon. Has that come true?

Whatever it is I'm sad to hear that she's been ruined. It just confirms that my decision to stop watching this show was right. I loved Laurel when I was watching, and I would hate to watch her being destroyed.

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She had a fling with Marlon and was going to run off until she realized she couldn't take the kids. Then the show had a very ugly, poisonous story about Ashley abusing his father, in order to make viewers side with Laurel. She froze him out of the kids' lives. She then hooked up with Marlon, and began pushing him to sue for custody of his son with Rhona.

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That's idiotic! The Laurel I knew would never betray Ashley. She was crazy about him for years before they were married.

Why are the writers so un-creative and shortsighted? You need to have some stable couples to keep a show viable, and Laurel and Ashley was a perfect candidate for that.

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I think the producer, Stuart Blackburn, somehow became obsessed with the idea of Marlon and Laurel (I have no idea why, as they barely interacted for years) and it took prominence over anything else. It never made any sense for Laurel's character, and destroyed the most consistent thing about Laurel - her love for Ashley.

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