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I am so there with you. I cannot stand Laurel and Marlon. I hate that we are supposed to feel sorry for their cheating deceptive asses. It steams me that she is raising Gabby who is not even hers biologically. I want Bernice and Ashley to reunite and take both kids from Laurel.

Edited by Ann_SS
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While I kinda like the concept of the promo, it represents everything that is wrong with the show. It's dark and dreary, promoting characters and stories that are the rot that is destroying the show. It doesn't even say anything, but we are meant to be enticed by seeing the characters we "care about" walk onto the screen and explode into petals?! Where are Gennie & Nickhil? She's giving birth in the Live episode, and should have featured. It doesn't even promote 40 years; and that logo sucks - too industrial and cheap. It doesn't make me want to tune back in, so I can't imagine how they expect this promo to intrigue new viewers.

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Now that Emmerdale will be rewarded with a producer who might actually be competent, it's time for my suggestions on who should be written out. I'd love to see your suggestions too.

First of all, I really, really feel like Chas should be on this list, after the last few years. But I just can't do it :( Sorry.

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I love doing these lists, so here are my choices ...

Marlon - I don't think I've ever hated character more than him

Laurel - Ruined beyond belief. I want Rhona to go crazy and kill these bitches

Cameron - Douchebag extraordinaire

Declan / Megan / Robbie - Too secluded. Declan just doesn't work. Time for a new Home Farm family. Though I do think Megan could have potential, because I like the actress.

Katie - The only reason I pause about her is because I will always want a Robert return and she would be integral to that story

Brenda / Bob / Rodney - Useless. They bring absolutely nothing to the show.

Jimmy - He needs to die. Nicola needs to go back to being fun again and without him and Laurel tying her down, I think she could achieve that. Plus, the awesomeness of Carl is always brought down by his bitching.

Alex - Who? Exactly.

Ruby - I think that's her name? I like Alli, Dan, the kids and Rachel, but this chick has absolutely no screen presence. Snoozer.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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People I would write out:

Laurel - NOTHING and NO ONE represent the stench of death the way Laurel Potts now does. She cannot stay on this show if it wants to survive.

Marlon - Why bother explaining this? They have always just barely managed to stop from going too far with the damage this character does to himself and to the show. The last year was too far.

Declan - should have left when the Wyldes did.

Megan - stunt casting and nothing more. Would anyone notice she was gone?

Robbie - send him back to face Gollum, change the locks, don't let him back in

Andy - I'm all for the Sugdens, but it's time to bring back or recast Robert, or bring in some cousins. This character has been going nowhere for years and years, and probably should have gone after the wife-beating story. The only interesting thing about him is to see if he's going to burst out of his underpants, and can't we just bring back Nathan Wylde back for the same purpose??

Charity - Has she had one good story since he return? Sometimes you can't go back. I also can't take that hair anymore.

Debbie - More straw on a stick. I loved Debbie before Gavin Blythe ruined the show, but that doesn't mean things will get better. Looking back, I am starting to wonder if I only loved her because of Jasmine. So let's start a petition to get Charley Webb on Doctor Who with Jenna Louise Coleman. Debbie has reached her limit.

Adam - can't act, not hot enough to justify staying around for that reason, zero interesting relationships with anyone on the show.

Alex - dead space skinhead

Spencers not named Dan - I don't care! I just don't care! I don't even watch the real Shameless now, much less a copy. The only one I want to keep is Dan, who is an idiot but is the perfect type for the kind-hearted-sometimes-jerky-supporting-player-and-cafe-owner, a role now held by...

Bob - Not worth keeping without Viv. Frankly, he makes me feel sad.

Brenda - pointless and when she is written for she's annoying.

Jai - dead end, my friend. I don't think he is a good actor but in the right role, like he had on Corrie, it can work. The role has never fit the actor and I struggle to remember a good story Jai was involved in.

I think Jimmy and Nicola were OK at first, and his relationship with Carl is fun with the proper writing. The writing just sucks. Jimmy's presence is the only thing stopping Carl from going way too far over the cliff.

I would have listed Cameron but I have a feeling he's gone soon anyway.

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