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BBC One has made two best of trailers for Peggy in preparation for Barbara Windsor's last episode. I'm sure we'll get another one promoting her actual exit when we get closer to it.

The first promo is a compilation of Peggy's infamous slaps, the second one is more general moments promoting something on the BBC EastEnders site.

Watch them here:


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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For Carol fans, 1:32 in or so until the remainder of the clip....

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Those trailers are very good. The "She's a Lady" was a bit strange because they included praise from two of her men who were later revealed to be pedophiles -- but then that's part of her history I guess. Kind of funny they included an early scene of her in a granny nightgown, as Barbara hated that wardrobe.

I think she's been turning in some just great performances these last few weeks. She's not a technically great actress but when she gives her all and the material is there then she can move you. The confrontation with Phil was so tough to watch, especially when he literally threw her out. Pat's support of her has been the first time they've ever made an effort to actually show a friendship between Pat and Peggy, instead of telling us.

That long scene between Heather and Abi was, in terms of viewer interest, brave, as neither are big characters, but it was a long time coming to see more of Abi's point of view outside of being used as a pawn by her parents. I especially liked the scene where she talked about how happy she'd been to be one of the only kids in school who had parents that had stayed together. And Heather in a supporting, secure role, was what best suited her character.

The talk between Carol and Bianca, that's what I am enjoying more lately, just seeing people talk, not spit plot points back and forth. Bianca getting Ricky to talk Carol up, then getting annoyed when he went on about it. Fun stuff. This is the Bianca I remember from her first run, not what she's been the past few years.

I agree that Sam looks better with her natural look. It's a shame that Santer so ruined the character that so many grew to hate her. Did she remind anyone else of Wendy Richard in those scenes?

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I have never watched Corrie so I can't compare Little's work. I thought yesterday's script was fine. Nothing outstanding. Overall EE feels better scripted and the storytelling is more cohesive. There is a stronger sense of community and connection among the characters. I suspect that this is only happening because Kirkwood is laying the ground work for his own stories which will kick off with the Vic fire and Kat/Alfie's arrival. Once that happens, it will be plot point to plot point just like with Santer.

The Peggy online stuff is okay. I am just not a fan. I'm looking forward to her departure. Hell, she can't leave fast enough for me.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I really hope this week was not the last we'll see of Glenda (and I hope she doesn't return only to be killed in the fire, either), as she has become a bit of a favourite character of mine. I think she's quite a fascinating character, what with her complicated psychology. She likes to live in a fantasy world, as her many lies have demonstrated, which is quite an interesting trait.

But, I don't like how a lot of people are painting her as some kind of monster on the scale of Archie (an abuser), while Peggy is quickly forgiven (a woman who knew her sons were being beaten and did nothing to stop it), as opposed to Glenda, who suspected, but never actually knew. People seem to forget that Glenda was Archie's wife, and was probably just as much a victim of his psychological manipulation as Peggy was, which is probably why she believed he was replacing her with Ronnie (that doesn't have to be sexual, either... but still twisted); she chose to run away b/c she couldn't face thinking of her husband as an abuser, just like Peggy did - who would? It was the worst thing she could do, but there are reasons why she did it. There are lots of people who take this approach and choose to go into denial, b/c they aren't strong enough to face their darkest fears and confront the situation; it's horrible, and Ronnie's reaction is right, but I do hope she can move on from it, and try to build bridges with Glenda, just like she has with Peggy.

It's a shame they decided to take the character in this direction, as it's a very difficult road to come back from, but it's not impossible. And if Peggy can be forgiven, then surely Glenda can, too?... Or maybe I'm just biased as I liked the character before all of this, and don't want to see potential wasted.

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Apparently, there was a tweet that the actress who plays Glenda will be back though for not how long. I'm sure that Glenda will be forgiven. It is a soap after all and as you pointed out Peggy was and I find her failure to protect her sons despicable.

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I didn't really see any strong similarities to Daran's work on Corrie in Friday's episode. I thought it was a solid script overall, though.

The only similarity I can see in his work is that he likes to have the character's mention relevant past history, like Peggy mentioning Simon and David to Pat when she tried to stop Peggy from visiting Phil, and then again when Phil recounted some of their family history in the scenes with Peggy.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Kind of sad we won't get one last Sharon and Peggy bitchfest. No one ever got under Peggy's skin better than Sharon. Barbara and Letitia had the best chemistry together.

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