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EastEnders: Discussion Thread

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If u don’t want to go through Lola‘s sickness and her dying story that was the main story for months then I would say just start with the introduction of the Knights in June or jump directly to Cinfy‘s return. Coz all storys are running smoothly for anyone to join in right now

OH MY GOD they did a FatBoy cameo last night! Can they please hurry up and bring him back full time? FatBoy was the best 

am I the only one liking Anna? She is so likeable compared to Gina.

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I actually do like Anna, and I think Molly isn't as bad as she could be. Her character is a bright spot on the canvas too.

Gina, I'm always torn. The actress was strong in her scenes with Cindy, but I don't think she does subtlety very well, especially where her character is spiraling out of control at Peggy's. 

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I started watching after hearing all the Cindy buzz. BritBox had episodes from June so I started there and this is excellent! I’m almost to August and blown away with how good the show is overall. The writing, the diversity, the sets, multiple real stories going on. It’s made the US soaps unwatchable for me. 

Other than Cindy’s very clever return, I love Kim’s story with PTSD. Mental health can often be overlooked in Black households so it’s interesting to see this through the eyes of a Black family. Also, Kim and Denise have brilliant chemistry as sisters. 

It’s also so lovely seeing Gillian Taylforth who somehow looks even younger than she did on Footballers Wives all those years ago. Her character seems fun and I’m enjoying all of her wedding drama. 

Im taking a breather before I dive into August. I binged two months in a week so I want to chill a bit before I dive into Cindy’s return and get caught up. 

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I'd be willing to check it out on BritBox, though I have been skeptical about Cindy's return and the particular sort of tossed-off, offscreen approach of the reveal from the jump. It just feels like a cartoon at this point when you have one dead character surprising another dead character at home, their immediately trading bitchy barbs and the whole thing seeming underplayed. The UK soaps used to be more grounded, a resurrection was a rare occurrence. (Though I do think bringing back Kathy was absolutely a good choice, she should've never been killed off however so-so her usage has been since.)

Does anybody have dates on the reveal episodes where they unveiled her with Ian and family in more detail beyond a stinger? Or I guess when she rolled back into town. I'll give it a chance.

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