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Hah, it was a prediction, Ben-based on the knowledge that he came very close to joining the show on at least one occasion. I don't know if DTC or casting goes on these boards-maybe my posts gave them ideas? I do think Nicholas really was an obvious choice for the role, though. If he is indeed playing Sharon's father, too, the physical resemblance between them will be quite wonderful.

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I can say tonight’s episode was well-written, and well-acted (and reminds me again that Matt di Angelo can play the material when it’s there for him), but the basic core of this story just disgusts me and seems to be collapsing further into a pool of its own sick.

I had no idea where they were going with Shirley’s past memories with Buster. All the talk of giving herself to drunken men…Buster going on about how perfect she was when he first saw her at 13. Apparently some other fans were as disturbed by this scene as I was (frankly, it sounded like grooming), and other fans replied that Buster and Shirley are around the same age, so that wasn’t how it was intended. It is almost like a parody at this point - more angst and pain for Shirley, more and more, in lieu of character development or direction.

Now we seem to have the same for Dean. Pain and woe and angst, and yes, there are hints he will eventually be found out for what he did to Linda, but it’s all months too late. Nor do I believe it was meant to be stretched out this long for some type of “realism” - I think they stretched it out this long because they erroneously believed it was good fodder for the anniversary (the whole “Is Dean dead?”) and created a story that damaged a wide swathe of characters. This seems like their belated attempt to add some depth to the character and material, and to tie him into other isolated, poorly drawn stories. The sad part is he and Roxy actually have a great deal of chemistry (far more than she’s had with Charlie), but who is going to ever want to see him in a relationship?

What I dislike most about this story is the repeated statement that Roya has CF because of “punishment” to poor poor Shirley and poor poor Dean. For a soap that is patting itself on the back for realism and being praised by a charity, this is a horrendous, offensive, shallow way to treat a serious condition. The idea that children are magically punished with a debilitating illness so that their parent or grandparent can have an extended pity party is heinous for their many sins (sins that they never really feel that bad about - not when it counts) it’s cheap, and it makes me feel dirty even watching this show.

Edited by DRW50
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I get where you're coming from Carl, but I think it's realistic for some parents to feel that way when their kid (or whomever) gets a life changing disease; they automatically go into pity-party mode, blaming themselves, saying it's a punishment, why me, etc, etc. I think it makes sense for Dean to feel that way, as he's beginning to consciously acknowledge what he did to Linda. And, Shirley always victimises herself, anyway, so nothing new here. But, what this kind of writing needs is for someone to say that's a load of bullcrap, and slap them back to reality. Sadly, other characters usually indulge them in this line of thinking, b/c it's tragic and emotional.

I wasn't completely paying attention to those scenes, but I do think Shirley and Buster as supposed to be the same age. I just can't take any more Shirley pity-parties. I get it: Shirley's had an awful life, the worst anyone could ever have - like, ever. Now, give her some development before she reaches 80!

Watching those scenes of Roxy and Dean reminded me of the time they briefly included Lola in this story. I felt like Roxy was in the role that was originally intended for Lola, but they realised Roxy had nothing to do so threw her in with Dean.

It's a damn shame DTC ever thought the rape story was a good idea. Dean could have been a great character, one that could have lasted many years on the show, but due to the ill-conceived rape plot, it means he has an expiry date. Matt said he was originally contracted to the end of the rape story, but they asked him to re-sign for the Roya story, and that the rape story will resume at some point. I think it all sounds a like a bit of mess, and ill-thought out. At this point, they can't really make Dean a viable character for the long-term, as right now I'm struggling to have any feelings for Dean at all - I can't revel in his misery, and I can't sympathise with him, either. Home and Away is the only other soap (outside of US soaps) to keep a rapist on for many years and make him one half of a popular couple. But that story wasn't without its detractors, and was in fact very controversial. I don't think EE could pull that off with Dean and survive the backlash.

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i though Matt D was horrible in last night's episode. He's got all the bad actor habits. There's that particular bad actor habit of constantly standing outside of himself watching himself act rather than ever being directly in the moment, something that Linda Henry, Karl Howman and Lindsay Coulson are quite capable of. He's awful. Not awful to the point of being embarrassing like the guy who plays Les Coker but awful in a painfully predictable, low on energy, dull sort of way.

Speaking of bad actors someone should sit Samantha Womack down and tell her that taking simple sentences and putting a question mark at the end of them is super annoying. She was enormously guilty of that last night.

Edited by TimWil
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I'm not much of a fan as I think he's often wooden, but I did think he was very good last night. I think the episode would have been even worse otherwise, because those scenes were so melodramatic. The one with Buster and Dean I thought was particularly well-acted. He wasn't as good on his own or with the always mediocre Rita Symons.

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Nice scenes with Martin and Stacy tonight. But Sonia and Carol are morons for not figuring out what was going on in their own home.

Roxy said to Dean tonight "Shut up and get naked." And in a post-coital scene there was a lingering shot of him without his shirt on. Great, let's make a sex object out of the rapist.

Buster is definitely growing on me. He had one particular line "When I was in the nick I did anything to pass the time. Well...ALMOST anything." Methinks Buster was telling a porky pie. He's spent most of his adult life in prison, hasn't he?

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So Roxy and Dean had sex?

Roxy is such a trollop. I really wish they'd do more with the character then having her be the Square's top whore. I swear she's had the same story every years since her inception.

And once again, I hate that they made Dean into a rapist. I truly do. I just wish they would've brought Chelsea back for him.

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Not once but on two separate occasions now.

I understand Roxy being drunk out of her skull and making a bad choice by bedding down with Dean. Sort of. But then a day or so later she not only summons him back for seconds she begins the session with "Shut up and get naked"? Did she not get the memo that he's a rapist? I guess she doesn't believe Linda. Hmmm. I can envision a scenario where they're in the middle of the act, he cracks up for some reason, calls her "Linda" and rapes her. God help Roxy.

Edited by TimWil
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She's with him now because Ronnie questioned her. She's a brat who is lashing out at her sister. That boring flop Charlie shaming her just exacerbated it.

I know some think him raping her or confessing to the rape will be caught on Ronnie's webcam.

Personally I'd rather they just have Dean leave town and never have any of the story mentioned again. Yes, "justice" is important, but none of it will be about Linda anyway, it will be Shirley tears and Mick looking constipated. Who gives a [!@#$%^&*]?

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I have to laugh when some fans keep going on about how "realistic" this story with Dean is and that's why he's still around - so this story can have a "realistic" conclusion. So realistic that they make sure we get all kinds of beefcake shots. The directors know what some people want to see, and they give it.

I'm still having a hard time with this Martin. I find something very unsettling about him - to be honest a part of me keeps expecting to learn he's secretly a killer or a psychopath. He has all these slightly offcenter stares at Stacey. He and Lacey Turner also have no chemistry, which makes their inevitable love story (and the obvious kicker that he's good for her and she doesn't realize it) more difficult for me to buy. It's a shame, because I should have enjoyed him talking about his childhood, but instead I just kept thinking what fat arms he had.

My eyes went back in my head at Vincent being a chessmaster to show us what a brilliant mind he has. Daran Little is a little too clever a writer for his own good. Anyway, I do think Karl Howman's doing a good job as Buster - I think he could be a good long-term character if they so choose. He doesn't stick out the way many of this type, like Eddie Moon, did.

Sonia just gets on my nerves. So sour and such a know-it-all. And Tina doesn't fit into that family at all. She feels like she wandered off the Corrie set.

The shot of Cindy under the bed, caught out, was a great cliffhanger...if only she'd been a Carter, of course.

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I totally agree about Martin and Stacey having zero chemistry. I don't think she has any with Kush, either. They should introduce an older, powerful male character she was involved with when she was away from Walford.

Even if there wasn't the Rapist Factor I'd still think Roxy and Dean didn't have any chemistry. I see lot of chemistry between her and Vincent, though.

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