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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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As of Oct 17th Hollyoaks will be screening for the first time on free to air in Australia. the episodes will begin from Sept 09.

The schedule is as follows

10:00 Coronation Street

10:30 Emmerdale

11:00 Hollyoaks New to 7Two

12:00 All My Children New Time

1pm is Martha Stewart.

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Anyway, Lee's return is boring and Jem is still a huge hypocritical cu*tress, who can't leave soon enough for me. I hope she is one of the people that dies in the Il Gnosh fire. This lame Jamil story seems to finally be over, but the actor is terrible regardless so anything more with him will continue to be lame.

On the other side of the coin, I actually really like the O'Conner's, well, at least Sinead and Diane. I wish Lynsey was connected to other characters rather then Cheryl and Brendan because I really like the actress.

Edited by Amello
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I will say, the show does seem like it will actually start to get exciting again. I'm happy the McQueens, even MERCEDES!!!, will be coming to the forefront again. The fire plot doesn't interest me too much since it seems pretty obvious to me who will die. If they shock me here, I will eat crow, but I don't think that will happen.

I hope Carl or Brendan will be the person to be murdered.

I wonder what two men will fall for Mercedes? Good to see she'll go back to her slutty ways, LoL.

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or Darren/Mercedes/Tony

I`m just thinking off the top of my head.


Her first stint wasnt that memorable.

Paul`s revamp of the show has had its flaws. Not all the characters are that great and it just shows that he isn`t a good of a producer than Bryan was when he started Hollyoaks. Never the less i reckon he will get better.

Hope Hollyoaks Later 3 lives up to its first 2 Miniseries.

I hope the Carmel/Theresa story isnt brushed off quickly. I hope Carmel gets a new romance. Maybe Lee or Darren would be pretty good.

Lets hope The Fire Plot lives up to expectations

the bad boy looks quite menacing but wouldnt add him to the main show unless they bump Brenden & Danny off.

The Murder sounds cool. "The Scareist Murder The Show has ever done". Hope it lives up ?

Glad they are bringing back One Off Late Night Hollyoaks. use to love them

Guess Jasmine`s story climaxes at christmas.

I Wonder who stirs Mitzee on to get back at Carl...Heidi ? Nathan ?

"LOng Standing Character"...Would be either Jack Or Tony.

Im guessing that ROb`s a peadophile then

"Someone Gets Stabbed"...Brenden or Carl again spring to mind. And so does Darren

A New McQueen is coming to Hollyoaks.

Overall looks pretty exciting.

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