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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Thanks for posting that montage, Rakesh. That lead me to the episodes where Jake finds out about the affair - those scenes with Jake/Becca. :o Jake is a violent guy! That was intense.

So Justin was 16 when he had the affair with Becca? How old was Becca? Mid to late 20's? When will schools ever learn to not put young sexy teachers in classes with teenage boys. :lol:

Rak, were you able to find Becca's death and funeral scenes? I couldn't find any. I just found the clip of Becca getting stabbed and that's it.

Did you watch baby Grace's death and funeral yet? I just finished watching those now. It's so sad. I almost cried when I saw the tiny coffin. :( I felt to bad for Mandy and Tony.....especially Tony when he breaks down in the church and when he's talking to Grace in the cemetery. :(

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I decided to watch another funeral (Mel and Sophie's) - boy, Brian Kirkwood sure loved killing off people. LOL

The explosion at The Dog was really good! I felt so bad for Russ and Justin and Zoe (it was heartbreaking how she found out Joe died - the cell phone ringing). Here's part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTUvC_b-7eU There's 5 parts.

And here's the funeral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8NWewoIXFQ There's 4 parts. It was very poetic how Justin asked the priest to bury Mel 11 minutes after Sophie.

I've found that Chris Fountain (Justin) is a great actor. It's too bad they haven't given him much since I started watching in late June. I'm guessing it's not his turn to be in front burner.

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Yw. I saw those scenes and they were great. I thought he had a right to be angry.

LOL Agreed. The actress is really pretty. :wub:

Nope, I couldn't find them at all. I only found the montage and that was it. I really wanted to watch the funeral. Ya, I saw her getting stabbed too. I wanted to kill her cellmate.

I only saw her death. OMG! That was so sad and shocking. I felt really bad for Mandy and Tony. I'll have to watch her funeral today.

I'll have to watch this one too. I like the fact that a lot of peeps get killed off. That is how I write me soaps too. LOL. Thank God they don't come back alive.

I saw the explosion too. And I agree that it was sad and shocking how they found out how Joe died. I was shocked they found out about it that way too. I haven't watched the funeral yet. I have 3 funerals to watch today. LOL

Thanks for the clips.

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That was a happy day for Clare and Mercedes. LOL! Clare and Mel hated one another, and of coruse Mel was going to expose Clare before she died. Mercedes hated Sophie and started that affair with Russ to hurt Sophie initially.

He took some time off this year, I believe. He was front-burner all throughout 2006, 2007, and earlier this year.

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PRAISE JESUS!!! I couldn't handle Mandy and Louise for much longer. I'm still downloading Monday's episode but I'm like three episodes behind so yeah, I need to get on that. I'm really interested in the Ravi twist and hope they pursue this, possibly with Kris. The only female relationship of Kris' that I enjoyed was Jess. I'd like them to seriously try and pair him with a guy.

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Roxanne is leaving?????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( She's the hottest girl on the show. Damn this sucks. :(

Louise better not die!!!

Well, I guess it's good I'm making Roxanne/Louise edits.

And Alvin, spoiler tags. ;)

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