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ATWT: Week Of June 30th

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Well, that answers that question. I rarely get around to reading Toups' writer/director thread. Interesting. I shudder to think of Courtney Sherman writing daily scripts though. Her continuity as stunk for years.

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And she is given so much praise. :lol: As a veteran writer and actress you would think she would be a great writer...but I think she is not. What happened to all the good classic writers??

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I've noticed that the pacing has picked up. Lately, it had been real slow. Back to Sherman and her character...the therapist....she was written so badly....she was so dumb to what was going on with her patients. :lol:

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Well, back twenty years ago, she was smart. :D

I've never forgiven her for buying into JuliaI's "breakdown" post-miscarriage that had Jack guiltily deciding to stay until some magical time when she'd be "all better".

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ATWT is much better these days.

At some point I thought that they were presenting Sophie as Nola Reardon who is smitten with Mr. McCord / Paul Ryan. I guess TPTB didn't have that exactly in mind.

It is great to see all these veterans again. Barbara and Lisa, Tom & Margo :)

The Casey-Emily storyline seems exactly the same with the Holden-Carly. I just wish they have kept them as romantic friendships. These affairs are very bad for the characters in the long run.

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I at least felt the drama today (at least in the first half of the eppy), unlike some days (like Ali/Chris' trial). The Paul/Babs stuff continues to be excellent.

While I really wanted to feel Chris' pain, eh...I didn't so much. I FLOVED the talk with Kim he had (OMG...did Kim actually utter the word smart ass on television??? I. AM. SHOCKED. :D) but the breast beating he did with Ali seemed forced. The stink of that lawsuit continues to linger. TIIC made a huge mistake making it about Ali/nursing school instead of Chris having her removed from patient care.

Tom and Margo's anniversary....I liked the effort, and appreciated the mentions of departed cast members. But it felt lame to me.

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Good stuff with Babs involved. I want Babs to be the killer but I doubt it. Goutman and Pissant will do the obvious and make Cole the killer. Unless Sophie injected herself to frame Meg. But I doubt Pissant and Goutman would think of that...LOL>

I was hoping Kim would have used her kiddo speech. :D Good scenes between them both.

I enjoyed it. TPTB could have brought back the departed cast members for just one day. I dont think it would have cost them that much.

As for tomorrow...ugh....Carly/Holden/Lily are back....the story is so bad. I just cringe when I see it now. What a awful attempted pairing. Add Nuke to the nausating mix and I am about to throw up.

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I could not possibly agree more. I will lose my mind if this happens. I mean, this child would make a lot more sense than say, Ethan or Natalie. Those two children were completely unnecessary and did nothing to further the drama. I REALLY do not want Carly to be the mother of 4, but at least a Colden child would have a ton of connections and cause lots of drama for years to come. Still, I do NOT want it to happen.

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OMG...didn't you get the memo...NUKE is to be adored by all! All Hail NUKE!! :P At least Cyndi Lauper's going to be on...I caught her on The D-List, and she did Australian Mardi Gras or something with Kathy Griffin. It was funny.

Sigh...I can't wait to hear the explanation about why Carly is celebrating July 4th with Lilden, and apparently no other Snyders. :rolleyes:

OH, and when I said Carly/Holden/Lily had the same vibe as Em/Tom/Margo, I wasn't referring to anyone getting pregnant. Just that the "friend betraying friend" theme was close, 'cause at the time Margo had reached out to Em after Diego raped her, and then Em went all stalker on Tom. NOT that I think Carly's going stalker on Holden either. :lol:

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