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Oh no! Really??  Well, then I'm probably going to end up agreeing with the masses. I've FLOVED the machinations and scheming up to this point. And Rae most definitely did catch them on Monday. Fired Michael. On Friday, we were left with Senaca returning home from his business trip to find Rae and Kim screaming at each other.  Was hoping that, since it's sweeps month, this storyline would end.   Guess not!  I'll continue to share my thoughts as I make my way through 1981.


Edited to add:  Thanks for the warning!

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Reverend Ann Gillespie (Siobhan #2) has left her position as Senior Associate Rector at Christ Church of Alexandria in Virginia


Saying Goodbye is hard….and yet it’s vitally important to do

Somebody stood in line this past Sunday to tell me they wouldn’t be here for my final Sunday, and then said, “But I am not saying ‘Goodbye.’ I’m saying ‘See you around.’” It was hard even for her to look me in the eye. It’s true, we might bump into each other, he and I, but goodbyes are important and if we avoid them we miss out on something powerful.

Jesus thought saying Goodbye was so important, four chapters in the Gospel of John - in what we call the Farewell Discourse - are devoted to preparing the disciples for his absence. In that discourse, he instructs them to “love one another, as I have loved you” and then to carry that love out into the world.

We must feel all the feelings, the hard ones, the painful ones, the powerless ones along with the joyous and fun ones. We must acknowledge endings when they happen. When I leave Christ Church, it marks the end of a pastoral relationship. A pastoral relationship is unique. We were brought together by God (along with some help from Pierce and the search committee). When I was commissioned, it was my charge to love you and serve you to the best of my ability and to the glory of God. It was my charge to engage with you in ministry that would help bring in the reign of God. We have laughed together and we have cried together and we have made a difference in the world together. We have done it in the name and spirit of Christ and it is in that same way that we will say Goodbye. And God will lead me somewhere else where my pastoral gifts will be used and God will bring you new pastors. God is always in the middle of it and God is always making things new. But before they can be new, some things must die. And that is sad. “Blessed are those who mourn,” says Jesus in his first sermon.

We need to get good at saying goodbye. Loss – any loss - is to be felt fully and deeply because it expands our ability to love. When we accept that heartbreak is just part of this human experience, it actually makes the heart stronger and more flexible. And then we are able to love one another more fully and deeply and then take that love out into the world which so desperately needs it. Will it be hard? You bet. Will I feel lost without this community? Yes, for a while, I will. But the beloved community of Christ Church will go on being the beloved community and I will find other communities to love and serve.

Be well. Do God’s work. Have fun and feel all the feelings.


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This Friday's episode for me was 1490 above. There is a scene at 40 minutes (the video is Thurs & Fri together) where Jack confronts Delia about who gave her the money to start the Crystal Palace. I loved Randall in the scene and it made me think about what @amybrickwallace asked me when I was in the midst of my disgust with Delia for purposefully trying to run down Barry with her car. Amy asked me how I would've felt if IK were doing the storyline. Ever since then, I've been thinking about the difference between the two performances.


Edited to say: Thinking back on that storyline of Delia/Barry/Car, I do think that if IK had been Delia at the time, I would've believed that the character would do something like that. I still wouldn't have liked it, but it wouldn't have seemed so out of left field as it did to me with RE.


While I personally don't care for IK's acting, I understand and appreciate that she *is* Delia. Her version of Delia is obviously bi-polar or manic depressive or has some sort of serious psychological issue. Randall's was ditzier but also not so manic. In the scene I mentioned above, I was trying to picture IK doing the scene. It would've been slightly OTT, manic, and it would've been so OBVIOUS that she was lying. I prefer Randall's acting because, although both the audience and Jack can see that she's lying, it's subtle. You can see that she's trying to keep her cool but her face gives her away here and there.


Anyway, I thought it good stuff and wanted to bring it up. David Rasche is also back as Wes Leonard - Rae trying to use him to make Michael jealous - and succeeding!  I really love her acting as well. In the scene that is (I believe) before the Jack/Delia scene,  Rae is with Wes at dinner; Michael comes to try and pull her away via work matters. Wes is talking to Michael and Rae is watching Wes. From the look on her face, I get that she likes Wes, doesn't find him attractive in the slightest, but he is playing his part exactly as she hoped he would. She appears both pleased and amused. Just little details that I love so much from many of these actors. 


I do wish we saw the Ryans more but, with Siobhan back, I'm hoping that changes. Right now, we just get a lot of Siobhan and Joe, which I also enjoy, and I understand they're re-establishing them on the canvas. When I think of the fact that, at the end of this year, the SoapNet run is over, I do get a little sad. I have quite enjoyed Ryan's Hope over the past 6 years!

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