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Santa Barbara Discussion Thread


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One thing I liked about the early sets was they really felt *Santa Barbara* to anyone who had been there. The Capwell mansion as initially shown, La Mesa as mentioned above, Santana's appartment, some of the fake exteriors, really had a sense of place.

Later on they started becoming a tad more generic. 

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I loved the first Capwell atrium. I loved Cruz's beach house. And I loved Mason's apartment. 

I remember that during the Bateman and earlier years, I wanted a Sophia/Lionel rekindle. I think JM had the same amount of chemistry with Bateman and Costner. But then Jed Allan was cast and those feelings went out the window. I wanted JA with JM- PERIOD! But I prefer a rekindle with Lionel to TJ (who for some reason made my skin crawl). 

They shifted the affair a lot. But my impression was that there were 5 backslides throughout the marriage. I know in the tunnel she shouted 5 times CC, 5 times! 

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I agree that Jed Allan brought a sex appeal to the role and their chemistry was worth rooting for, as opposed to the smarminess of Paul Burke (as previously mentioned the scene of Burke in a tank top and high waisted shorts working out with Santana make me repeat my lunch).

What doesn't track for me was Sophia blowing up the off shore oil rig, that caused her divorce from CC and the downward spiral that included the affair with TJ.  Her motive was insecurity over CC's relationship with Pamela.  However, there's no logic to Sophia being jealous of Pamela.  First of all CC left Pamela for Sophia, so his preference was obvious.  Second, he made no secret of his disdain toward Pamela when she returned to Santa Barbara.  Third, Pamela was always a bit unstable veering from anxious recluse to murderous maniac, so she wasn't much of a threat. 

I preferred Sophia as an object of desire to guys like Stephen Slade and Lionel who idolized her.  I did not like it when Sophia was put in a position to try to pursue CC and she was made to feel inferior to women like Megan and Gina.  Although, after TJ, her affair with Ken made complete sense and was such an interesting wrinkle that this aging actress could be so easily taken in by a con man who made her feel wanted.

I also would have liked a bit more character study of the differences in her relationships with her kids.  Eden was always torn by the abandonment of her mother versus the childhood fantasy of have her magical return.  Kelly worked side by side with Sophia at Armonti and was therefore able to have more of an adult relationship.  Ted, was just Ted, he didn't seem to think about his mother that often, and certainly never sought her approval like he did CC.  And, of course Brick was abandoned and forgotten.  An aging actress is such an interesting idea for a soap matriarch that it was a shame that Sophia was left so unexplored as a character. 

Edited by j swift
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I agree - especially when the character debuted as a man for weeks on end. Then she was shown in many silly wigs and large glasses. My favorite moment was when Sophia showed up to confront Peter Flint in his hospital bed. She was wearing all black, complete with a huge hat and veil. It was hard to stop laughing because she looked so incongruous in that setting. Not one of the extras looked at her oddly. It was too funny.

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Yes to a very unsexy 2nd CC. Sorry, not mentioning that name. And doing everything I can to eradicate the memories from my mind. Shiver.

Thank you for everything you just said about Sophia. I find her extremely fascinating. She should have been explored more. I don't think she should have ever felt inferior. CC always wanted her and she knew it. But there was always her own underlying guilt and insecurity created because if that guilt. I've actually never seen most of the Pamela years. College and TV did not hapoennoften with me. So, I started at the beginning. I'm just to the reveal of Channing murderer. (Something to look forward to on Monday.) But even though I have not seen it, I agree that I don't get it. But I'm also very fuzzy on WHEN CC and Pamela ended. Depending on the day, Sophia broke them up or they had been divorced for a while. 

Brick was switched not abandoned. Well, abandoned by inferior writers who didn't know what to do with him after Amy left. Or even a little before she left... But that's different.

Also, I'm so gkad there are people who want to dish a 37 year old soap with me. Lol

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