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ATWT Christmas Ep gossip

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Got this from an online friend who works on the show--can't say more. Nothing too exciting but sounds worth watching :D

THanks... Yes...the Christmas Episode is going to air December 21. Let me tell you....it was a MAJOR undertaking. I am still exhausted! It was most likely...I hate to say....the last of these type of shows. There just isn't the money these days for Soap Operas to be so extravagant. But we pulled out all the stops for this one..... There were TV crews from the Netherlands (we are very popular there...) and Canada covering it for their entertaiment shows as well.

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And I'm sure if Nuke hadn't developed a following on youtube, we wouldn't have gotten any.

Dollhouse? Nevermind. I'm back to hating the idea again. I hope this IS the last of the "high-concept" stuff. I don't care for it (ugh, those anniversary shows almost killed me...) I would just want like entire families gathered together and interacting. One Christmas miracle thrown in. Some mysterious stranger that might be Santa helping out troubled characters. (I floved "Nick's" visits on GL years ago.) DOLLHOUSE??? Who comes up with this [!@#$%^&*]????

I can't wait to see Katie portraying the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe...or some such baloney.

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And God only knows what type of "situation" will be reminiscent of Paul/Craig/Meg/Rosanna.

A dollhouse? Really?


You know who always produced the best Christmas eps? "All in the Family." Remember that one Christmas when Edith worried about the possibility of breast cancer? Or that one Christmas when her best friend, transgendered entertainer Beverly LaSalle, was murdered in a hate crime? Or when Mike invited his friend, a Vietnam draft dodger, to share Christmas dinner with Archie and his friend, who had lost his son in the war?

I know these examples sound bleak and depressing. However, in their own peculiar way, each of these playlets emphasized the (secular) point of Christmas: family, and hope.

And GL's Christmas from '84 wasn't half-bad, either. ;)

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I'm not ashamed to admit I watched All in the Family (before they were reruns...;) ) but other than Sammy Davis kissin' Archie I don't have a lot of specific recollection of the eppys. But I totally agree that it's the "message" that's important, not some high falutin' "concept" TIIC will probably use as emmy reels (although God help them if they use this...). Especially NOW, when most of the show seems to feature one cesspool of moral ineptitude story after another. Speaking as a Carjacker, one "message of Hope" story (Hell, one moment) would be a Godsend after the past two years.

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This will better than doing nothing which they've done lately, but I see this as more of a way to win their wardrobe department another Emmy than actually sitting down and thinking about what fans really want to see.

I'm going to remain optimistic, at least until I watch it, but I was hoping for some family stuff in a real setting, particularly involving Nancy and the Hughes family.

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I was looking forward to it until I read the dollhouse reference. :rolleyes: And all of Goutmans special shows have sucked. Expect for the Thankgiving show which wasnt that bad. I would have loved it if we had Babs and family and the Hughes celebrating it.

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I wouldn't have minded an "Oakdale Christmas, circa 1907", with the current cast taking on new roles that mirror their current situations; but when you add a dollhouse to the mix, well, lol....

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