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Writer's Strike Thread

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That's exactly what I wondering. Emotions are very raw at this point. And with it being so close to the nomination/voting period for the Emmys I wondered if the union would or had ever in the past come out and urge their members to not support certain writers/storylines/shows/actors because they were written by former members who went fi-core.

If it only effected the writing categories... I would be in full support of it. But if some of the performers don't get the recognition they deserve because their scenes were written by those that crossed the picket lines.... well that would be really unfair.

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I completely agree. I don't know what to say. I've deleted and backspaced like crazy typing my reply and... I just don't know what to say. :huh:

Television is probably one of the MOST unstable jobs anyone can have, and I don't understand where the HELL this extreme sense of entitlement is coming from with both of these women! Alburger with her Nordstrom's comment set me off like crazy, and Page? OMG! After that $200 haircut comment, I wanted to smack her in the face with a damn Flowbee!

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And clearly not all TV writers are like this. The ones who have posted on various blogs all over the place (not just soaps - but on deadlinehollywood and unitedhollywood) come across as fairly modest, and just asked for a fair deal. Why is it the only two are these two soap writers who clearly didn't suffer anymore than anybody else. They were ALL out of work - what makes THEIR trials and tribulations so tough? I didn't hear exwriter or Peter Brash whining about how awful and put-upon they were.

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It's hilarious to me that Elizabeth Page is the one saying stuff like this. First, it's so stuck up, but it's not like this is a Kate Hall type, who got her first Industry job shortly before the strike started. Elizabeth Page has been writing in daytime for over 25 years. She had a long tenure at AMC in the 80s, had a long tenure at AW in the 90s, went back to AMC and was co-HW for a while, and then spent seven years at ATWT as a script writer. You mean to tell me that after such a long career, she didn't save or invest any money? 25+ years of work didn't help her become financially comfortable? No, you don't make as much as a screenwriter when you write soaps, but you make VERY nice money, and after 25 years of doing it, you shouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck, unless you're extremely shitty with money management.. I think it's hilarious that she makes it sound like she was on the edge of poverty. Girlfriend must really love her expensive haircuts then!

And, yes, Lizzie, it's very possible for an ex-soap writer to make a good living outside of daytime. So many ex-soap writers have segued into other media work and many have taken up positions involving theater work & stage companies. It doesn't start & end with soaps, so please, spare us the tears!

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Thank you, Kubla, for echoing my sentiments.

I'm surprised she isn't bald already.

I pray EP has learned to save up a little money between now and when she's ready for retirement. The way Social Security's going these days....

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Judging from the article and the list of names provided elsewhere, I don't think she did. But if she did? Then she definitely has nothing to complain about, lol.

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i dont understand the hate steming from what she wrote.

its the lifestyle she leads. could her and her family lead a cheaper lifetsyle? yes. but why? why would they when they could lead the one they have been? you wouldnt lead a upper lifestyle if you could? i sure would.

i also understand everything shes saying. furthermore she wasnt insulting anyone like others have. shes just saying this strike really f'd up her lifre and wanted it over with IMHO.

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