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ALL: Where is the love?

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This may be a foreign concept to many soap watchers, but the love stories on these shows interest me the least. They always have. For me couples always go through a contrivance to be together, another contrivance to break up and create tension, and one more to reunite. After just reading at CBS.com that the latest row between Lily and Holden on ATWT may jeopardize their future, you can see why I feel this way. They weren't even supposed to be together, but the actors' chemistry was so strong 2 decades ago. Perhaps more happy accidents like that could win me over. I believe the author is right about love stories being used as a background prop for convoluted plots. As much as the Luke and Noah story could be the hottest soap romance in years, it's already being fouled up, and we probably haven't seen the biggest detour in that tale yet.

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Hmmn...the great Jack/Katie "romance" doesn't thrill people? Shocking...simply shocking.

Other than Henry and Vienna on ATWT, romance is dead on that show. At least until Carjack steps up to the plate. :wub:

"Romance" has been sacrificed as boring. Or worse, in order to more efficiently work the budget in the budget tightening era.

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Here's the Julian/Eve scene as posted by SIPort. IMO, it was one of the best written scenes on any soap that I've seen in a long time.......and it happened on Passions of all soaps. LOL

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I definitely agree. It's a really interesting column, but sadly, nobody will ever listen to this. Half of soap charm is gone these days and the only way we can get them back is by watching reruns.

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I don't think romance should be the be all and end all of every soap opera(how boring would THAT be?) but I do think romance is a huge soap opera staple that shouldn't be ignored. A little bit of romance can ground a character(like B&B's Ridge, who was literally unbearable all of 2006 until Ashley melted his butter) or too much of it will make you puke more than a girl drinking the punch at a frat party(DAYS's John and Marlena).

I'm hoping DeLacroix is wrong about Ridge and Ashley. I think Brad and whoever is consulting with him on this one(re: Kay Alden) will try their best to build up this romance. The more I see Eileen/Ashley, the more I realise that Brad brought her on for the future. Eileen wasn't brought on as a steal from DAYS(although that probably has to be a big bonus), she was brought on as the next generation for B&B. The show needs strong, less-whorey women with no ties to the current characters(Taylor would fit into the category except they keep her very isolated).

Everyone often wonders who will fill the Susan Flannery void when she retires or when she is less-needed in story and I believe they could be grooming Ashley for that. Not to say that Ashley will become supervillian like Stephanie, but Eileen is no doubt more of a "lead" than alot of the other ladies on B&B. Brooke is a lead too, but she's very polarized. You either support her or you don't.

And there I go on another tangent. Anyway...

I think anything done on a soap without a purpose or given a good reason(whether that is a romance, an explosion, extreme violence) is foolish.

I heart happy accidents, but soaps rarely, if ever act on them.

I think CBS and the affiliates are worried about sponsors, viewer backlash, etc. ATWT's purpose with this show is to show two young men falling in love, which still frightens the red states. Unlike PASSIONS, where gay stories are designed as crass humor and insulting parody, ATWT(or at least this is what I've inferred) wants this to be right. But the holdup is that they don't want to piss people off either.

Luke is the new Bianca. He's always gonna get screwed out of good story and will probably end up falling victim to a hate crime.

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There are rumors out there that a scene between Luke and Noah got CBS and P&G worried. Rumors they wanted a scene toned down.....now I hear rumors it isnt true..and that ATWT people are waiting on a final decision from CBS/P&G.

Again I say these are all rumors.

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Maybe we need a little more romance, but we need fewer baby stories in my opinion. One of the reasons I love Ryan's Hope is that not everything is about babies. I like action and adventure a lot more than romance myself. I think LML has had some good ideas it's just that the execution hasn't always worked out.

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I know that DAYS is struggling in the romance department. Some fans that watched Hogan's work on ATWT say that he doesn't write for romance. I'm starting to see that as an actual fact, and no longer just speculation. When's the last true love scene that we got? I can't even remember it. We always see the beginning, before the lovemaking, or afterwards, in the after-glow. Gone are the DAYS where we had the long hot sex montages. I miss those.

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I think Days's problem is they can't afford bedroom sets anymore. I was shocked on Friday in EJ's fantasy to see Sami/EJ having a love scene in a nice bed like that. Days hasn't had a bedroom scene since Feb. Passions hardly has bedroom scenes either and I am seeing many shows lacking in them. I think it's part of budget cuts across the board.

I think romance is important but, in this day and age, the fans that count in the ratings couldn't care less. They just want drama and action. They want fast paced stories. Long-time fans and devoted fans of the genre want the romance but the average fan just wants entertainment so I can see what soaps are doing. That isn't to say that romance should go ignored. There needs to be more but I can't advocate for 5 days a week of making out and "couple time" when I know that it will hurt soaps ratings-wise. Personally, I miss romance and want to see it regularly but young fans and the average fan have different wants I think.

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THANK YOU. The love stories are so wery Boring.

Marlena and John, two oversexed persons in their sixites, atleast Marlena.,

Hope and Bo, so Boring when it comes to their love.

Kayla and Steve, also Boring when it comes to love.

When it comes to lovescenes, i think many actors & actresses sound so unaturally. You know love is fantastic, but you must face it no one tells your wife/husband how much they love eachother every single day after being married for twenty single years. If the supercouples could fight more, have problems actually and sometimes love eachother it would be so much better. But to hear and see a show where everyone loves eachother and be nice and friendly to eachother, they could just drop it.

I might be the only one, but i rather see Amber every day, being annoying, then i watch Marlena and John telling eachother how much they love eachother. The Uk Soapoperas handles the love so much better, by writing, by actors, and by realistic storylines..........

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