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Oh totally, just depends on the play/musical and how much the soap is willing to accomodate the actor's theatre schedule. It happened more in the '70s and early '80s, I could write a lengthy list of names, but even in more recent times I've read about younger stars of today like JPL and Marcy Rylan having done plays on the side while they were on their soaps (Rylan met her husband doing Boys Life), Tom Pelphrey is actively involved in theatre as well. But these productions tend to be smaller off-/off-off Broadway and black box from what I understand. Now of course Brian Kerwin did August in Osage on Broadway, and I'm sure he found the swing of it, but that's pretty grueling stuff when you're also working the front burner as a tortured alcoholic by day.

I do think that a lot of soap actors could do more theatre, but when someone suggests that so and so should switch from soaps and just "go do theatre", it's not quite that simple. A theatre actor is not going to work as steadily as a soap actor, it's just a much different employment reality. Actually, anyone who wants to do theatre could do it 365 days a year in New York, the fact is they probably won't get PAID for the bulk of those 365 days. And as you know, Broadway is about the big splashy musicals, Disney Disney Disney, and not as many plays go up as they used to. Then of course, they want to put their Hollywood stars in those plays and it's a treat when we see a daytime personality like Larry Bryggman pop up in a co-starring role. But yeah, if you were determined, you could be a NY-based actor who auditioned at Equity for shows in theatres across the country and if you were lucky you could be making $500-&1,000/week acting, just not necessarily in NY.

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I had Toups move this thread here! :) I didn't want it to get lost in PrimetimeOxides and it's nice to have another popular thread here.

Okay I watched episode 11 of NAS and I wish I could say it's improving, but it's not. They recast the role of Harlan, but the new guy (Robert Vaughn I believe) sucks. The first 20 minutes half the characters were at a funeral of a man we never met. That seemed a bit much for a primetime show. I hope when Rita Lakin arrives it actually gets interesting. Jill St. John is given NOTHING to do and there aren't enough characters her age for her to really make much impact.

I finally finished Pacific Palisades and I do think it was a well written show let down by casting and poor production values. One final comment, Natalia C. (who played Anita on AMC) played the most demonic teen I've ever seen. She constantly defied Michelle Stafford and when it blew up in her face she always blamed someone! TheStaff told her that she was RAPED and not to look for her father. What does she do? LOOK FOR HER FATHER! Guess what? Her real dad is dead and the guy she met up with plans to kill and rape her. Of course it was all her moms fault. Then she tried to seduce her stepfather and that too was her moms fault. She was like Diana Fairgate 2.0 without the heart.

Joan Collins and Kimberly Davies really won me over. They ended up being the stars of this. I still wish Joan had played Finola Hughes' mom though. Seems like the logical choice. I wonder if Finola plays Americans or Brits or what. I can never tell with that accent.

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Yes the series finale was written by the fabulous Peter Dunne and it was billed as such. Finola Hughes gave her cheating husband her blessing to marry his mistress and she moved to be near her father. Michelle Stafford took her entire family home to Michigan. John Rielly (of GH and PSNS fame) was brought on as a love interest for Joan Collins and her daughter went off with his son.

All the stories had been tied up a couple episodes earlier so it was an easy finale to write.

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This was the best part of that whole episode:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02pIe-ZiEPs&hl=en_US&fs=1&start=348"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02pIe-ZiEPs&hl=en_US&fs=1&start=348"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02pIe-ZiEPs&hl=en_US&fs=1&start=348" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I've been skipping around, but a few things... no offense to the late Dennis Weaver, but I think Rock Hudson would have done better in this part (not that Thomas has much interesting to do anyway). Weaver comes across too soft and Mr. Rogers-like. Had he been healthy, Hudson and that deep voice would have added a certain gravitas to the character, the show even. Hilary (Sela Ward) is the most interesting character (which isn't saying much) to me, she is at least the most visually interesting thing about any given episode, she looks great on here. BTW, for an '80s show with the Shapiros' name on it, this show is sorely lacking in the glitz department, no Nolan Miller here. Deanna and especially Hilary doll up nice, I'm reminded a LOT of Sela's character in Hello Again. Thomas's daughters are a bunch of drips, and it's kind of hard to believe that Glenn wouldn't have boned Hilary when they were stranded out on that island.

It's the hair, voice, and name similarity, but Jill St. John (Deanna) keeps making me think of Raquel Welch (Dianna) in CPW. I wonder what Jill would have done with the more fun material as Dianna, and if campy Raquel would have made what little Deanna's given more interesting. Deanna does have a cute line about this being real life not some James Bond movie, hardy har. The scenes Deanna has with Hilary are her best. I agree with Chris that Patrick O'Neal seemed like a better fit for Harlan, Robert Vaughn is sort of playing him as a stilted stuffed-shirt. O'Neal was more of a charming creep. Lloyd Bochner (Cecil Colby) played a primetime soap star on The Golden Girls named "Patrick Vaughn" and I've wondered if that was some sort of nod. :P

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Been marathoning more of the show on this very windy, rainy day, and I think I was too impatient and unfair in the beginning. I still have a ways to go, and it's still not quite a Wednesday night Dynasty experience, but there is some entertaining stuff here. I know it's not everybody's style, but starting in the middle then working my way backwards then forwards was the best choice for me. Episodes 10/11/12 piqued my interest enough to go back and see what led up to

, et cetera.

Maud Adams and those chicken cutlet cheekbones. I love Patrick O'Neal in this, he's slick, a cool older dude. Of course I wouldn't replace Ricardo Montalban, but O'Neal would have done well in a role like Zach Powers on the more high profile Dynasty/The Colbys. And longtime AMC fans will recognize Charles Frank (Jeff Martin) who plays Susan Dey's husband in a triangle her and MacGyver, Richard Dean Anderson. Random observation, but the women wear a LOT of blue on this show.

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I decided to take up Models Inc and it's actually a very good show. It succeeds at what it wanted to accomplish. Love Linda Gray in a sexier and less psychotic role. The models are all interesting (especially the one killed in the pilot). And although most people say Brian Gaskill was dumped due to bad acting, I really don't see a problem. I think he's doing a good job and fits right in on this type of work. He's no better or worse than he was on any other soap.

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*doesn't get why this thread is here, but anyways!* biggrin.gif

MODELS, INC. is fabulous! Just great fun, great cheese, lots of soapiness for the sake of soapiness. Love that show.

SAVANNAH's great too. Been watching it slowly over the past few months (or years). It's such fun, although it can be a bit to the boring side sometimes.

Edited by YRBB
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I've just finished with Emerald Point NAS as well...what an odd show. There seems to be some political undertone to it...the Democrat Shapiros writing a show about the navy during the Reagan years...the casting was odd too.

I really liked Jill St. John's addition to the cast, it's the only casting decision that made any sense. I think the tired appearance others talk about worked to her advantage since Deanna Kincaid was supposed to be bitter about her sister, that emotion shows on anyone's face! She had a naughty sense of fun about her as well. I loved her in Diamonds are Forever so I think she's something of an acquired taste.

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I'm still working through Emerald Point. i believe I just finished episode 14. It's getting better, but the casting is so off that it can be grating at times. Now Models Inc is the business. It's campy fun and the cast is really entertaining. Love Linda Gray as Hilary and honestly, I continue to love Brian Gaskill and the way he fits into the show. Still, I'm looking forward to Emma Samms and Kim Zimmer.

Next I think I'll try Savannah and then pick up CPW after I finish Emerald Point.

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