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DAYS: Now Available on Itunes

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NBC does have a B-Plan. It's tenatively titled FRESH SQUEEZED. And I don't think it will be a syndie entry either. And I don't think they are giving up on Today Hour #4 either.

Hopefully, DAYS can sustain its numbers so it can move to a network that actually gives a damn about its soaps.

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I think something else will be announced at Days. I don't think this is the announcement hinted at in Variety.

I think this is an additional "bonus" promising more executive interference. I suspect Sony is seeing trouble with the ratings across the board in daytime and decided they need to start meddling more in an effort to save their shows.

But I also think it highly unlikely that any of the networks will be even remotely interested in picking up a new soap in this current climate of falling ratings.

If anything it might be CBS picking up something to replace GL if they dump it.

Unless there's a huge change at NBC based on the shuffle going on I don't see it happening there either.

And ABC is intent on killing their soaps with the darkness and the "big bang" junk instead of decent compelling writing. SoapNet might be open to buying a short run of a show like that horrible sounding GH spinoff. But it will probably be just as awful as what ABC has been running.

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You know, I guess the good thing is Latham now has a boss that will over see the crap she's producing. With the ratings sliding, as well as the quality of the show, this Kent dude will have all the power to fire and replace her ass.

I guess the bad thing is Kent worked on SB with JFP, so let's not be surprised when she makes her way to Y&R or Days to screw things up. LOL!

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A very smart poster(forget who) alerted us to this awhile back, after NBC cancelled PASSIONS and Kevin Reilly/Jeff Zucker made their idiot comments about cancelling DAYS after 2009.

FRESH SQUEEZED is a live entertainment news show. The speculation is that it will air on NBC during the day.


This blog has some speculation in it about FRESH SQUEEZED as well. NBC has even registered the internet domain for it already.

ETA: Guess I was wrong. If they have already done a pilot for the series, I wonder if they plan on having it as a mid-season syndication replacement?!

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Well, you're right. I had forgotten about "Fresh Squeezed." (Gosh, NBC SUCKS!)

I was, however, hoping that NBC would "see the light" after Today 4 (inevitably, God willing) fails miserably, and they'd respect their soaps again, call "Passions" back home, and realize that it's best to just build up their devoted daytime audience, promote it RIGHT (they suck at that more than anything, even just in what to say in their dang promos) and watch the numbers roll in again.

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Changes may come at NBC especially with the various new teams being put together at the network lately.

I don't see Passions coming back on NBC. I don't think it will last very long on DirecTV either.

But with all the changes going on it's very hard to predict just what might actually be on the air a year or 2 from now.

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It really depends on the person in the position. On one extreme, you could have an Ed trach, who truly understood soaps. Under his watch, the PGP soaps truly flourished. OR you can have a Ken Fitts or a Mary Alice Dwyber-Dobbin, in which case, LOOK OUT! I swear they were cancers on the show. (Oddly enough though, I kinda miss MADD at GL. At least there, she proved a stopgap, it seems, against Kreizman and Wheelers ideas.)

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I'm hearing from my sources (sorry, they don't have a link! lol!) that after 15 years, Steve Wyman is on the way out as producer of DAYS. Steve has pretty much been running the show for Corday and has played a big part in storyline direction and casting. His departure doesn't look to be of his own choosing. Rumors are swirling Hogan Sheffer will also be leaving as head writer when his contract with the show is up the end of next month and that Beth Milstein will once again take over the head writing duties Sheffer will have course filled his obligation to WHO WANTS TO BE A SOAP STAR later this month with the winner being announced and showing up on DAYS in August.

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Oh, I really hope this is true! I always suspected that maybe Stephen Wyman is bigger part of the problem then Corday is. Corday may say some stupid things in interviews, but it seems like Wyman is actually the one who are in charge of most storyline decisions together with the head writer. And my opinion about Hogan Sheffer is that he is terribly overrated. Everyone kept kissing his feets last year when it was announced that he was replacing James E Reilly, but after these latest 6 months, it has become obvious to me that Hogan Sheffer is not the genius that some people make him out to be. I dont care how many Emmys he has won. He has proven that he simply can not write DAYS in a satisfying way, and the ratings have dropped significantly since last year. So I hope these sources are correct beceause DAYS needs some changes behind the scenes if it wants to survive past 2009.

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