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Nope....co-worker..the one I have a crush on ....we had worked together on Friday on some things which werent working today so I had to call him to tell him that our work on Friday was for none......he came right over...and damn...he was stressed out..so was I.....to the point I want to give him a massage at work....but I bit my hands/tongue..lol.....we finally figured out what was wrong .....as he left he said....I don't know what I would do without you....sigh....I know he was talking about work related....but oh well....and he is suppose to know more about our jobs than me...lol

He also asked me if he could talk to me about something not work related...sigh.....as I had told him the other day.....I wonder what he thought I was going to ask him......I gulped when he said he wanted to talk about stuff not related to work......

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one time i didnt drink for like 6 weeks just due to life and being busy and then being sick and then broke.

I was all "eh, its really not all that great" then I went to a grad party and was like "ha, yeah it really is"

It is funny going out now and seing the teenagers/21yo groups just drink til they hit the floor. Im like wow, I aint got time, money or the ability to do that anymore but rock on.

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Lucinda Walsh accomplished what she wanted to.....lol....on a side note another guy i have been friends with relationship that has being going at a slow place finally speed up a bit...lol.....I should be grateful he wants to take it slowly.

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I keep having dreams of my exboyfriend, and i dont like it.

he called me a few weeks ago singing our song into my voicemail, and again the other day with another song.

I texted him back with this, and he replied with a sad face & i told him to !@#$%^&*] off.


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So much happening...where do i start.....

First, the guy i meet a while back we are just friends ...I dont see anything coming of it......Second guy 2 i met there is a possiblity of maybe something.....Third...guy 3....which came back into my life about a month now...who was a good friend but nothing more until now....see he has a partner and I just saw him as a friend will we connect again this past month and man....I sure have a thing for him...I think I always have...we have been good friends off and on for 2 years now.....we have a lot in common ...like the same sports and think the same way...his partner is much older than him...anyways...I opened up to him and told him how I felt about him...I had to be honest with him.....well he said we could only be good friends even though not everything is great with his partner right now.....he said he knew I liked him...he was aware and that he knew before I told him.......more on him later...and then tonight I find out that one of my best friends who is bi who had been married just got divorced...he had feelings for me and I for him...but he still got married to this girl.......what to do.........

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LOL Me and my people are early/mid 20somethings, so we're over the hardcore party scene (except for special occasions in NO), but yeah, we still get our drank on. I *never* got drunk or went out until I was in my 20s, so I kinda made up for lost time for a while, but now I just like to sip while looking classy, with the occasional shitfaced night. I never ever throw up, though. That's just nasty and inconsiderate.

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Hey AMS...if you havent told you guy how you feel...go for it..he probably already knows as the guy i have a crush on knew already before I told him......my guy doesnt want to lose me as friend but I feel he is holding back.....

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Part of this dude's problem is that when he gets drunk, he gets extremely horny and flirtatious. With everyone. Except for me. At first thought, it's like..."Well, clearly, he's not into you." But then the VERY NEXT DAY, we can talk about a million things for hours. Maybe he doesn't whore himself out to me BECAUSE he views me differently, because he's only been confident in his sexual prowess and he's not sure how to act when someone is interested in him for aspects beyond that. Ugh. I just want him to see himself the way I see him.

A few weeks ago, I did make a conscious decision to no longer actively pursue him, and that's been going somewhat well. I don't wracked with nerves every time he's around, and I don't go out of my way to make him feel special. But at the same time...allll of the reasons why I fell for him the first place are still there, and you can't just turn that off.

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Oh man. I was in high school and we would go to the sunset strip or Huntington Beach and just get wasted. I'm not sure how I made it out alive. Then 21 hit and it was like we had never drank before. There was a period where is leave my ton at 8pm, be in Vegas drunk in the club by 1, drink til 6, eat at the peppermill, then stumble in my door at 11am in a suit and my parents would be like wtf is wrong with you? Get a hotel room lol. But I never drove so I didn't care. That went on until 23 when i got a DUI, i handeled all of that and cut way back & totally stopped driving even after one drink, then at 24 when my rents moved to NOLA and I took care of my grandma and cut back even further. Then she sadly passed and I ended up in the ER for 10 days with rhabdomyalisis. So now I'm just like the DD, or go to a friends and watch dateline, or if I have a driver/take a taxi just drink a lil bit. The issue is every bartender in town knows me a d my rum and sprite is all rum lol. Oh, and about your guy - I think he's scared of actual feelings and acting on them with you. Let me DM u a story.
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Oh I truly understand AMS. I am sure he is afraid to lose your friendship if he flirts with you. You're the friend that's always there for him no matter what....I know because I have been told that with guys. I do think he is into you but would rather have you as a best friend....I know it sucks. I guarantee you he knows you are into him and want to date him and be a possible bf.

I would just full out tell him you want him...lol....lay all the cards on the line when he isnt tipsy....lol....I am sure he will tell you he knew all along...you have nothing to lose....cause I am sure he will not to lose you as a friend..

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