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AMC: Wednesday

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I'm loving Adam Chandler today - he is being the real Adam we've all known and loved. I love the way he was talking to JR too. I've really grown to dislike JR a lot right now, which sucks bc he used to be one of my favs. Love seeing Stuart more often now - it's been what, 3 days in a row now? Poor Stuart though - Adam just called Marian a tramp! haha

Great - Di is now officially a Fusion girl. I can see her being the new Simone - where she'll be Fusion background, averaging 1 episode a week :( I hope the new HW uses her more often.

I'm liking Ryan/Annie - this is the only Ryan I enjoy, so all is well with their scenes for me.

Erica looks good today - can't wait for some Krystal/Erica catfight.

Good seeing Livia and Joe today too.

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So now is Annie going to be our last member of the Fusion Team? I thought so until I saw the previews..... but now it looks like the Fusion Team will be:






I guess Amanda is still working in Confusion with Del and Jonathan? Speaking of Jonathan - why does he get to come on for 1 scene at the end of every episode? This is getting annoying....

I know what Erica is going to do - so I'm pissed...and the Erica/Krystal catfight was way shorter than I expected - maybe we'll get more tomorrow.

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I wish Fusion would die, as is - it's useless. Everybody owns it and works there, which is plain pathetic. What is more pathetic? Nobody works there, it's a prop-shop for perfume/ABC profits where 95% of the time is spent sniping over s**t and men. There would be more context in Kendall, or any of those women, being a Fast Food restaurant worker rather than working at Fusion in the context of what it's been since MMcT became writer (and JHC became EP). New Beginnings sucks a** and needs to die as well.

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Adam lost whatever sympathy I had for him in this whole situation when he attacked Stuart. Adam sucks.

I thought Erica looked fabulous today her hair was done well and I liked everyone today. Which is rather rare. Today was kind of just a filler episode.

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WORD Rugrat, just let Fusion die, it's become a dumping ground for characters they dont know what to do with. Kendall should run the casinos in Zach's absence

Gawd I flove Adam :D

Erica's Josh worship is sickening

Binks using emotional blackmail on Kendall is sickening. She doesn't get her way and she threatens to cut people out of her life, Erica would be so proud :rolleyes:

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I too was shocked Binks used emotional blackmail on Kendall today. I guess now it's confirmed without a doubt that Krystal's baby is in fact Tad's. Adam lost all the empathy I had for him today. Him attacking Stuart like that was uncalled for. And while I want Mama and Baby Doll to get there comeuppance, what Adam and Erica are attempting to do is wrong (we know Josh, Binks and Zoe are gonna bull the "Babe is love" bullshit on Erica and she'll recant).

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Dr. Doolittle Ryan

Well on today's show he corrects Emma's little scrape and claims to be a master of healing them and thankfully it is just minor problems like that he can handle and not the big tasks like when doing a heart transplant he only puts half of it into the stomach and then wonders why the person comes out acting like Regis Philbin had just gotten turbo lax...or another procedure that thankfully he cannot do is operate on the brain since well he has no brain to begin with so that is something to be grateful for but man all of Ryan's little talents. He can ride a horse just like he rode Gillian and her precious rack and princess tiara and save the world from the demented villains disrupting the quality of life here in Dynamite Kiddo Land and now he gets to play doctor. Sheesh I wonder now if, like Dr. Doolittle, he can speak to the animals and go tell a horse to fly in the sky but bear in mind horses cannot fly. Or he can ask a hyena to roar when all they know how to do is laugh at knock knock jokes like "Knock Knock...who's there? Orange....Orange who? Orange you going to get laid and no longer be a virgin?" Ryan really does think he is HIGH HO of the Valley, huh? Well time to put this Ho out of business and give him a lethal injection faster than Scott Peterson jumps Bubba higher than a kite to escape from prison!

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I'm not surprised, Bianca has done this before, most recently, she basically told Kendall to accept Babe at Fusion or she'd cut her out of her life. Bianca hides this side of her behind a sweet smile and saint like nature.

No wonder Binks loves Ryass so much, her love for Kendall is as conditional as his is. Erica would be SO proud

Adam regretted hurting Stuart, you could see it in his face. It wasn't the time or place, Adam wanted to be left alone.

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I loved the Annie scenes but could they make it evern more apparent that she is here to replace Greenlee? Now she might even take a place at Fusion as Kendall's nemesis at the office. Should make for some interesing scenes.

Like everyone else though, Id rather they just dissolve Fusion and have the whole concept retooled as Enchantment, owned by Erica but run by Kendall. No need for useless Fusion girls with no connection other than the fact that they have nothing better to do or have little ties to teh show (Amanda, Di, Annie, etc...) The original Fusion was fun and had a purpose but it died when Greenlee left but even before that it had started to lose its flame

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