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DAYS: Hogan Sheffers ORIGINAL Interview

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Days has problems. No one is denying that. It's far from perfect but no way should it ever fall to a 2.1. It's not even close to 2.1 one bad. 2.4 is understandable but not 2.1. The quality is there but the balance is still off quite a bit and the pace is just now picking up a bit.

It is my hope Days returns to around a 2.6 before the end of May so that if they pull out all the stops this summer they can start building from where they were.

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Wow, my 'dar never pinged on Nick. To me, he's a senstive nerdy type who up until recently never had experience with a girl. Never thought he was gay. As for Jed, I just don't care. Although his hair is reminding me of that really bad male singer currently on American Idol. :)

I think DAYS is deserving of its current 2.1 rating because it serves as a wake-up call. It's just such a fragile time in daytime now. Instead of low ratings serving as a wake-up call for the shows to refocus, it might just serve as a wake-up call to the networks to get rid of the shows. In terms of entertainment quality, GL is more entertaining than DAYS these days, and they have the same rating, so IMO DAYS is exactly where it should be.

I can see budget issues aesthetically. For months now, we see sets being used for a whole week. Sami spent all of last week at St. Luke's church, first with Lucas and the priest, then Celeste, then Lucas again (from what I remember, I haven't been watching all episodes in their entirety). Other characters spend endless time at Chez Rouz, and now the restaurant of the week is Penthouse Grille. When the Lockhart clan reunited with their son Connor, it all happened at the cop shop. And when the Brady Pub is used, you'll see it for nearly 2 weeks straight. It's beginning to look like Springfield, USA in Salem. Soon, all the Salemites will be living in the same apartment and there'll be an in-door Salem Place constructed for all the citizens to use for every function imaginable! :) :)

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I never picked up on this, but you're right. That's not a good sign at all :( And as for the indoor Salem Place set, we're already there :unsure: They don't use the outdoor set anymore. It was because of construction, but that was 2 years ago. That damn building had to have been built by now. I want real-Salem Place in the summer '07!

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Wow, I never really thought much about the same set being used all week but that's definitely true.

I agree the show is improving, slowly. It hasn't been horrible by any means (lets face it folks, on Hogan's WORST day he's far better than Langan and Jer's second run) but the balance has been awful and things were just too drawn out (except at least I found JER's method a tad more interesting).

I also agree with Gray Bunny. I find myself really looking forward to GL again. I'm actually quite pissed they fired Michael Dempsey as Alan-Michael.

And yes. The 2.1 should serve as a wake-up call. I hope it does. My problem is that DAYS has no room for errors. 2009 is AROUND THE CORNER. They can't risk anything as the show could be GONE.

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Yes technically Kman is right. Quality wise he is damn better than both Langan & JER, but as I have said before what good is quality if it is boring and even off balance.

Quality wise The English Patient is 100 times better movie than something like Porky's or American Pie - but one thing about Porky's or American Pie don't make me go to sleep and The English Patient does because it is so damn boring.

Actually right now Days actual day to day dialogue writing is better than Guiding Light but I enjoy GL 10 times more than I do Days. GL makes me want to tune in while Days doesn't.

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You could bring Agnes Nixon in to write Days. You could bring Doug Marland (had he still been living) in to write... and some people would still be pissed. It's not an indictment of the audience, it's just a fact. Take GL, for example. I love David Kreizman's work and so do many others (including the cast), but the fans are upset. Now ATWT? You could get rid of Jean Passanante and there'd be a party in the streets.

The blame here goes to Corday and NBC. They just couldn't leave well enough alone. And if NBC is making Days pay because Corday had the cojones to stand up to Reilly... then grow up.

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This may not be relevant but I noticed that the Early Edition for tomorrow's (Tuesday's) show lists the tape date as February 26th. The tape date for Monday's show was February 15th. It seems unusual that the show would take an 11 day break from filming so soon after the New Year break. I am wondering if this was not arranged to give the writers more time to adjust to the rewrites forced upon them. Since scripts have to be written 4 weeks in advance of taping, a break from taping equals more time to adjust scripts, outlines etc.

Of course, they could just have taped Tuesday's ep. out of order. I will check again tomorrow to see if they revert back to the original taping schedule.

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Eh. I don't see a soap shutting down production for a week due to rewrites. ABC does rewrites all the time on their soaps and you never hear them shutting down production. Them shutting down production was probably a money saving tactic.

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