Members SteveFrame Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Tell us how you think your show did or all the shows did with February: AMC: Grade B- Would have been a lot better if everything didn't become about Babe. Even poor Dixie couldn't get her own funeral even thought Dixie was really dead and Cady McClain fired while Babe was hidden alive somewhere. I am loving the show so much more but tired of the Babe and Kendall hour. The biggest saving grace for them is that the show was highlighted by great acting and exciting stories. Not once did I ever get bored watching AMC in February. ATWT: Grade C The show was a lot better in February but it still had periods where it was boring. And hired Austin Peck as Brad has really brought the show down in it's acting caliber. He is a sore thumb and sticks out in all his scenes. The Adam Munson murder story has turned into a great family drama and has utilized the long overlooked Scott Holmes and Ellen Dolan and they get big points for that. B&B Grade C- There was some exciting stuff. I am loving Nick bringing the Forresters down some. I started out excited about the new dynamic in the Ridge/Rick relationship but can't stand him with Phoebe. The show needs new blood big time. I am liking the Nick/Taylor relationship. And having Betty White show up was nice. Days Grade F Okay the show has the quality back, but the show is the most boring thing on the tube right now for me. The stories just have no execution to them at all. I know many will accuse me of having an agenda or not liking Hogan for rating it this low, but I don't. There is no reason that a show that has more quality than many shows in the tube right should be so boring. And people can say that if the stories are good balance does not matter - I tell them they are wrong. Tell that to GH fans who are so tired of the Sonny/Jason hour, or the AMC fans like myself who are tired of the Babe/Kendall hour, or the OLTL fans who are tired of the John McBain hour. I don't care how good the stories are or how good the show might be balance is always important. And right now the Chelsea/Nick/Shelle/Steve/Kayla hour is getting old and making the stories that only feature them creep along even worse. ATWT just went through that trend. They showed Carly/Simon/Katie/Paul/Meg/Emily every single day almost for 2 months and the stories crept along so badly when there was a little movement but them being on everyday made it seems like there was no movement at all. I came back to Days in December, watched every show in January and watched every show through all of February until this week. I turned it on a little while Monday - nothing caught my attention and I haven't even cut the show back on since. Maybe when the balance gets better again and the stories get some kick or exectution to them I'll tune back in. Right now I just don't have a reason to. GH - Grade A- Great month. Everything about it was great. The best thing was not the hostage situation but the fact that the show featured everyone this month. IT was so balanced and yes the story moved but even the best week ratings and all was a week when there wasn't much excitement - just good day to day drama. And the month ended featuring the Quartermains which turned a little Jason heavey but for once the show wasn't truly the Jason/Sonny hour even though they were featured a lot. They got knocked off for turning Alan's death into more of a Jason story and for killing off a 30 year vet. GL - Grade A+ Clearly the best show of February for me. I worried about GL losing Jonathan & Tammy but my worries were wrong. The show has rebounded and has the best story in daytime on right now. Almost everyone in the cast is involved in the Who Shot Alan story. And it is wonderful. Great acting from everyone esp. Nicole Forrester and Beth Chamberlain this month. And I absolutely love Doris and her daughter. They add so much to this story. Great great job GL. The old dog has new tricks and some say she is going out and you better be damned if she is she is going out fighting. OLTL - Grade C The show is making vast improvements. I am loving the angst family drama of little Tommy. I love seeing Rex and Michael both having trouble with keeping him from his real dad. I am loving that so many of the characters central to OLTL are being used more, but I am still tired of the John McBain hour. He is still on way too much. And they still have done nothing to improve Erika Slezak's role on the show. She is the heart of OLTL and needs to be on more. I can't stand Todd & Evangeline and I hate they are going there. But for the improvements the show has made I raise them up to a C Passions - Grade C The show still has lots of problems and took way too many safety outs with stories esp. Chad's lover. But the show still manages to entertain me and for that it gets points. I will be sad to see Passions go in a few months. It was the one hour of my day that I could just sit and be entertained. I didn't worry about it being good. It was just mindless fun and entertainment and that is all I ever expected it to be. And full of great eye candy to boot. Y&R - Grade A- Even with the show having some problems right now it is still technically the best show on the air. All the problems right now are in the writing which is good but a little too fast paced for me. Latham needs to slow it down some to give the stories time to build more angst and emotion. I have enjoyed every story she did this month and got entertainment out of them except for the Reliquary story but after it tied in with the Carmen Mesta Story I have enjoyed it more. The thing that Y&R still sets the bar for all shows is it's Balance. Not any show on the air can touch it there. No character or characters every dominates for a long period of time. you may go a few days and see a lot of someone but then boom they are off for a little while and someone else shines. I know that many say people are watching Y&R out of habit, but I still hold if that was true Y&R would be stagnant in the ratings but they aren't. They are rising and have added an estimated million viewers to the show since last year. Latham has her faults but she is doing some things right. The big thing is her balance. She features everyone from the youngest to the oldest cast member and people like that. No one can ever say that Y&R is anyone's hours. It is an ensemble. She needs to give more of her ensemble stories but hopefully even some of that will be remedied as spoilers say even Nikki is going to get a small story. So hopefully the show will get even better in coming months. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members darraholic Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Days of our Lives: C The show is good but it's just boring. Nothing seems to be happening at the moment. As The World Turns: C A few good storylines and a few bad storylines. Young & The Restless: B I'm liking pretty much all the storylines right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members CSW Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 AMC: Grade B- ATWT: N /A B&B Grade C+ Days Grade D- GH - Grade A GL - N/A OLTL - N/A Passions - F (should be an N/A b/c I didn't see an episode but it always gets an F) Y&R - Grade A first 3 weeks, B this week (Dru going insane is lame) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members winterguy125 Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 ATWT- C It was a much better month, but still nowhere close to being my ATWT, hopefully things will get better soon B&B: B I watched most of the shows, and they were pretty good Y&R: B Everything was pretty good except the R storyline and the Amber/Ali striptease Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 GL: A I think GL did an awesome job of using Tammy's death to launch several new, interesting stories. Plus the acting by Nicole Foster, Beth Chamberlin and some others has been amazing. OLTL: B They've kept me interested and I'm glad they are using Lindsay and Nora more. They have some hot couples in Jess/Nash and Todd/Vangie, but some of the stories have been on the silly side. Jess/Nash sexing it up while Capracorn burns around them for example. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 ATWT....C The show's fairly balanced, not overdosing on a particular set of characters. I like the Parker and Faith stories of mutual rebellion. Austin Peck hasn't been shoved down my throat, which is a major surprise. The Gwen/Maddie/Adam story has had it's moments. The vets have all been featured, another plus. B&B....D Too much Rick/Phoebe insta-romance. The anniversary show was nice, but strangely out-of-place as a stand alone-ish type of eppy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R3dheartz Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 AMC: B+ ATWT: C+ B&B: B- DAYS: C+ GH: A GL: B+ OLTL: B P: C Y&R: A- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members King Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 For the first time in 15 years of soap viewing, I can say I did not watch one soap during February Sweeps...or any Sweeps for that matter. Wow, that's sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Andre Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 DAYS: C • The show needs to kick it into high gear. They need to start not only writing well (which they are) but working on the execution, excitement and suspense. Right now it's very good, but parts which could be amped up suspense-wise are falling flat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Andre Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Not really that sad. This day in age, many longtime viewers have taken breaks. I've gone almost a year without watching a soap more than 10 minutes every few months (thank you Reilly in 2005/2006). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members psychofan Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 I'll explain my reasoning later. AMC: A +++++ B&B: C ATWT: C- DAYS: D- GH: A PSSNS: B+ OLTL: D- GL: B Y&R: C+ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ponz Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 DAYS- D This was Hogan's weakest month as DAYS HW by some distance (and he picked a fine time to have it). There was little plot movement, action or suspense. The Sami/Lucas/EJ story is in virtually the same place as it was at the end of January. The kidney story involving S&K is interesting but there have been serious flaws in its execution (eg. not seeing Marlena's reaction to John's kidnapping). EJ's reign of terror was shaping up to be a great umbrella story but has degenerated into EJ/Steve/Sami only. The show is slipping back into the habit of using only the characters essential for a story and thereby neglecting important family connections. Shelle and Mabby are tolerable but also rather boring. There has been way too much James Scott. Uber villains tend to wear on viewer's patience if they are not used in reasonable quantities. The individual scenes have been good but HS needs to impose more of a creative vision on the show. The only bright spots (for me) were the incipient romance of Nick & Chelsea and the LUMI engagement (which only accounted for 2 episodes). For what it's worth, I'm hopeful March will be a MUCH better month. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaysFanJean Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 I only watch Days and nearly back to quitting this insipid show if it doesn't get some substance to it. All that's keeping me now is the Steve and EJ story. It's macabre but, that is what DiMera stories are and I always loved the DiMera's. The Shelle debacle is an insult to intelligence. Shame on Hogan for writing this story that shows off the worst side of human nature in my humble opinion. Everyone involved in it in every way has been a huge demoralizing mistake. Parents advising their children to break the law and run with a baby who has medical issues with no money, no place to go is beyond comprehension....mistake number two, number one being starting the whole thing off with a child custody battle without a divorce proceeding and having the respondents not even married to each other or the so-called father of the child not having the recorded proof on hand. It got worse from there. I think that is why people are leaving. It's sure what they are complaining about besides the lack of the vets appearances. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DrewH Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 The only shows that I really watched during sweeps were Y&R, DAYS and GH. I would catch B&B and ATWT from time to time, so I'll just go with the three I know for sure. DAYS: B I found nothing drastically wrong with DAYS this month. I loved it. It wasn't action packed-February sweeps like other shows tend to pull off, but I don't care about that. I was entertained every single day. I can't remember one day where I was like, "this show is boring." The balance sucks, but luckily for me, all of my favorites are apparently all of Hogan's favorites. I do wish we got to see more of Marlena reacting to John's coma, but I'm not devistated by it. BOPE never appealed to me much so I'm not caring that they're not on. I just want to hear them call that baby "Ciara" for the first time. Shawn/Belle/Philip/Willow is my favorite storyline going on right now. I felt that it has been great from beginning to end. All actors were on key and did a great job. Steve/Kayla/EJ has made me start liking Kayla again. I hated this character since she returned in May last year. It wasn't until she slapped the sh*t out of EJ that I started to like her. It's making me like them as a couple. And that's shocking because I'm a total STILLIE whore! Nick and Chelsea are too cute to care that they're on everyday. And it's looking like MABBY, after almost 2 years, is finally getting the storyline fans have been waiting for. I loved February! Keep on going, Hogan! You have me entertained, and I know a lot of others as well. GH: A Of course they're getting an A. They always do around sweeps time. GH does it like no other show on the air. They know when they need to bring it and they do. No surprises. It just pisses me off because we know that Guza can right great material, but he only does it 3 times a year, for the most part. But back to the stories. The hostage storyline was done very well. The same characters that get written for, with the exception of Alan, were the hostages, but it didn't feel like it was the same. I actually enjoyed watching Sonny, Jason and Sam. That never happens. I always enjoy watching Carly. There were a lot of shockers too. I had no idea Robin would get shot as early as she did. I always love the storylines where everyone is brought together. Always my favorites. The aftermath was just hearbreaking. Poor Quartermaine family. I never cry during soaps, but Monica had me getting a little watery when she went to the Q mansion and sat down in the chair. You could tell that it finally hit her. Her husband is dead. And then when she broke down in Jason's, the son she never wanted, arms, they had me. Great job, GH! You deserve all the praise. Y&R: C- I don't know what it what it is about this show. Never in my wildest dream did I ever think I would be giving Y&R a C as their grade. The Hack has seriously ruined this show for me. I can now say that I don't like one single storyline that is going on right now. The only reason I gave the show a C instead of an F is because the actors, although I feel very sorry for them, bring it every single day. The Carmen murder storyline ended stupid in the fact that it got tied into the Reliquary storyline. I feel Jana was a cop out. I think they should've actually made Dru the killer and she just blocked it out of her mind. The storyline The Hack promised to Jill and Kay, and their fans went to Amber. And it's not that I dislike the character of Amber. I loved her on B&B. But that's where she belongs. I just can't get into the character in Genoa City. She just doesn't look like she fits there. The Pheila storyline was easily the best part of sweeps and that ended pretty shortly after sweeps began. That sucked. This show has just gone to hell... I can't say much more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members sheilaforever Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 GH: Started off really promising, then the hostage drama became totally boring and Sonny/Carly centric. However the fallout has been amazing and GH for once used its cast and even talented actors got a chance for frontburner action. Overall, it was an exciting month and the writing was way above-average. A- B&B: It was a mixed bag: Nick vs. Forresters was amazing. So was all the Douglas family drama with THE best actors - Betty White, Alley Mills, Susan Flannery - on daytime involved. Then we got much Brooke/Ridge drama which got all the moring awful tahnks to Rick & Phoebe. Especially last week there was much too much focus on them. However loved seeing Shane and Felicia in revealing episodes. All in all, okay but could have been better B Y&R: I can't say I liked any story that was on. The only crapfest that turned out pretty well - thanks to the actors - was Jana's reveal as Carmen's killer and the freezer scenes. The rest was boring. Incredibly stupid. And one can't say it often enough: boring. There is no reason or reasoning for investing in the stories at all. Only those Jill/Ji Min scenes saved the show and altered my final judgment for sweeps. However, the Amber hour of horror in Las Vegas was the worst moment EVER in Y&R history so my rating is still not to pleasant... D- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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