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AMC right now is

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What do you all think.....right now I honestly think it is doing good and I'm really liking the storylines of Zach's past, Krystal's paternity secret, the serial killer, and Zoe/Bianca friendship so there is plenty to enjoy right now on AMC and so far 2007 looks like it will be better than 2006

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AMC's storylines are horrible, but they are able to piece together very good episodes. It's not the actor's fault that the writing sucks. I mainly watch the show for performances....but you can only like the performances so much.

AMC is like a trainwreck waiting to happen. And I wish I could push McTavish in front of that god damn train.

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They are still not doing what the fans clearly want, they are earasing more history by the day.

I don't know. In terms of the actual storylines, they are at least exciting and probably better than what we had last year. But at the same time no where near what the show could be.

I am really interested to see who the Satin Slayer is...... and I love how it is tied to Zach'as past. I don't know. Its inconsistent, which has been a good word to describe AMC for the better part of the last 2 or 3 years.

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It sucks and there's very little on the show that makes any sense. I could care less about the characters they over-pimp and the plot driven mess they spew out each week.

It's time for a change, AMC needs a brand new slate with new leadership. Sadly, that will never happen. :rolleyes:

Poor Agnes Nixon, all they do is spit on her legacy.

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Well - as a long-time viewer - I'm not really enjoying present-day AMC compared to the past. The fans aren't given any respect at ALL.

But then there are the newer viewers or are obsessed with AMC right now. You have people like JSF and then I have a few friends in college who picked it up a couple of years ago...and they all love AMC right now. They think it's entertaining and fun.

But they didn't know Brooke, so Brooke being phased out doesn't matter to them. They didn't know the 'old Adam' - so this POD Adam doesn't affect them. They barely knew Dixie, and they may have been saddened by her death, but they are over it. They enjoy the characters like Kendall, Babe, Bianca, Zach that are featured heavily.

I guess this is what Frons is trying to accomplish - get new viewers to become long-time viewers....but I really wish they would consider the fact that they are pissing off already long-time viewers :(

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Frankly I think AMC is a mess right now.

I guess it's just me, but there is too much going on that I don't agree with or understand:

1) Josh's existence

2) The Babe-propping

3) Emma is Ryan's daughter

4) The lack of mourning for Dixie

5) The P-whipping of Adam Chandler

The only story that makes sense to me is Zach and Kendall's marriage. The Zoe/Zarf/Bianca story is progressing very nicely--I just hate how Maggie was brought back and written off.

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It's total crap right now.

No character ever faces the ramifications of their actions any more, from Babe to Tad. What happened in the past no longer influences the current or future storylines because McT just keeps rewriting everything.

I couldn't care less about Zach or what happened to his mother, I want Krystal & Babe off the show permanently, along with Josh & Jonathan. Zarf has been a flighty caricature since day one and her Babe propping makes me just despise Zoe. There isn't one current storyline that's good, imo!

I stopped watching regularly after Dixie's death because for me it was the last straw after years of badly rewritten plots, for example Ryan dumping Kendall for his former stalker, Greenlee; Erica's unabortion; Jonathan getting away with murder due to a brain tumor and then moving into his victim's house; Ryan threatening Kendall with violence but never needing counseling because he's the "hero." Ugh!

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Its been made quite clear to me the long time viewer does not matter.

All they care about is new, younger hip viewers....

Soaps are a dying breed, piss of your loyal fanbase, then you have no fanbase at all.

They started down the slippery slope a decade ago.... people like Frons have just made them gain momentum.

All three shows on ABC too me are unrecognizable compared to a decade ago.

Almost all soap opera has lost its true identity if you ask me, ABC is just losing it more quickly.

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Its better than it was a few months ago but it still needs work. The show is on shaky ground and there isnt much substance. The show has no heart at all. Its a shell of its former self. Its heavily carried by Babe and Zendall and it needs more than that to do well

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I honestly think the show revolves around too much around Babe & Ryan. Babe-only what a 3-4 year character?-is the center of the PV universe. Ryan-is potrayed to be the saint of PV. And after reading Cady's blog...knowing the Emma story was rewritten and what should have been Kate Martin is now Emma Lavery and now St. Lavery has 2 kids...ugh...makes me soooo :angry: If McTavish realized that her favorites aren't those of the audience AMC could be enjoyable again. JMHO

My positive thoughts :)

-Love Zach and Kendall. Loving their story. TK & AM have been awesome

-Love Di and Aidan and would rather see more of 'em instead of Ryan/Annie

-Love Zoe

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What is AMC going to do if Alexa and Justin leave the show late summer like the rumors are suggesting??? They will be lost without babydoll! :blink:

I will gladly help you guys push Mctavish in front of that train. Didn't another poster already say that she had renewed her contract with AMC? I can't remember who posted that though. Errol or Ryan? Or maybe it was just a rumor. And where are Alden and Smith??? When are they going to be taking over?? I still refuse to watch AMC until Mctavish is fired.

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