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American Idol: Discussion Thread


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Jordin will win simply bc of the fact that every year since Ive watched the person that I support in the final 2 NEVER wins. Its been like that since Diana lost to Fantasia and Id be surprise if Blake won. Maybe I should have said I hated him...lol

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That won't matter Kennypoo. This season they are filtering machine votes, which is why DialIdol is having such a hard time predicting the results this year.

If you pause the closing credits of Idol and read the fine print, it states that machines and other mechanical voting systems will be thrown out and not counted.

Only text and actual phone votes are counted. :D

All Chris needed was some lipsick to go with that bald head and eyeliner and we could call him Chris O'Connor

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Thank goodness for that. I also think that Simon and the powers that be are sick of the people who try to sabotage the show and will be doing more than that next season. Obviously this is a singing talent competition and the contestant is to be voted on for singing ability, but some people don't want to play by the rules.....which AI is really leaving itself wide open for infringement. The fine print also says they reserve the right to throw out votes (or did last year....I've not read it this year).

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Ok I watched the show twice in order to be fair to both sides but allow me to apologize to any Blake fans. This isn't meant to offend but I have to do it...


Even if I wasn't a fan of her, I would vote for her based on tonight. I am so proud of Randy and Simon who drove the point home. This is a SINGING COMPETITION. It has always been advertised as such. Last year, we had a screwup Idol but this year we won't. Jordin's last two performances were that good, folks.

That first song Blake sang is the only time I liked his beatboxing because it could fit in seamlessly with the song. Simon was right in that his performance skills are good. His second song was a copycat but I liked his vocal and appreciate him singing without his gimmick. However, that third song was dreadful and no it wasn't the song. He could've changed it a bit or threw in something but he didn't. Sure, it was nice for him to attempt a vocal there but that is a ballad and his vocals aren't fit for that. He destroyed that song. That song is actually a really nice song and loads better then last year. The judges were right to give him a free pass there. It's not totally his fault because he was handed that song. It's kind of like Kat last year. Her voice gave out and they gave her a free pass. Nonetheless, perhaps he could've done more with it. Blake would've benefitted if there were two Idol singles this year, much like Taylor did. He may have ended up with a better song but we all knew this would happen. A ballad would eat him up and it did. He had a right to be frustrated.

Now, Jordin's first song was actually pretty solid. It had some pitchy problems but she handled the runs good. My only problem with it was she should've moved around more. That song requires movement and she stood there. Her second song was flawless, as I expected. This was my favorite performance of her.s I don't know what it is about Martina McBride songs but they seem to be a Idol winning secret (look at Carrie). Very good vocal. Then, that last song, which is so beautful, she conveyed with such emotion. Brilliant. Her lower register was very good. In regards to not seeing tears, it's called being choekd up or fighting back tears. One doesn't have to be having snot dripping down their face to be crying. She did break down at the end, much like Carrie did. I also liked having no choir this year so we could just hear the singer. I like the choir so maybe they could use them tomarrow but it worked tonight. Blake could've used them to cover his vocals on that last song, much like Taylor did.

It's so clear Randy and Simon were driving the point home and it's obvious who they wanted to win. Paula is always on the guy's side, whomever it may be. Simon was right in saying Jordin wiped the floor with Blake. She did on that second song and it will be an injustive if she loses tomarrow. I like Blake but this is a singing competition. He is a great performer but there was a big mistake last year. I don't want another one. Jordin is only going to get better with time and she is one who could within the Idol contract, unlike others. I really think Simon and Randy were pissed because people forget this is a singing competition.

Oh, and how funny was Ryan cursing and it was go great to see the REAL winning of AI5 Chris Daughtry there tonight. Loved him. Wished they had shown the clip package onscreen and not in the background but whatever.

All I keep thinking of is how we were cheated out of a great finale. Melinda would've rocked that last song along with Jordin. We would then have a nail biting finale and not one that is looking like a landslide if you look at all the polls and all. I would like the two most deserving to get to the end sometime again(we got it twice with Carrie and Bo and Ruben and Clay but that's it). That is what it's all about.

It is also great to hear that they are tossing out machine votes and all. No wonder DI has been wrong. That makes it more fair and I suspect Idol will keep taking steps to improve the integrity of the show.

I look forward to tomorrow and Jordin being crowned AI 2007.

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Damnit!! Sorry :lol:

Alot to type. I have heard rumors of a Blake/McPhee duet, a possible Britney sighting, a possible Paul McCartney sighting, Sanjaya is said to be a huge part of tomarrow, and there were rumors of a Kelly/Carrie duet but I doubt it. I would like to see that though.

I don't know. Anyone else hear anything?

Oh, and I am still voting for Jordin and the lines are open so if anyone wants to sneak in some votes do so. I think most of the rabid fans have hit the sack so you can get alot of votes in.

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Oh, and by the way, Paula looked pretty good for what happened. She sounded bad though and what the hell wad Randy wearing? :lol:

I also wanted to mention how pathetic it was that Blake used the backup singers to save his ass at times while Jordin used them for what they were meant to be used for...backup singers :lol: .

Blake did fall on his face at the end and I almost got a sense he did give up. Like Kenny said, he knew this was coming. the final song is always like this. He could've did something better with it.

I did think it was classy how Blake won the coin toss but still let Jordin basically decide. Jordin was wise to go 2nd. That is usually a good sign.

I still wish Melinda was in this with her. My God, it would've been a toss up final.

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That is excellent news, Rick. Makes these idiots look like morons!

I think Blake was an idiot for doing that.

And I just re-watched the first two performances a third and fourth time and do not think round one went to Blake at all. She was fierce singing Xtina. FIERCE!

Blake's first song just sounded WEIRD. If you have the performance on tape, watch it and then youtube the first time he sang it. There is a definitely decline in the quality. The acoustics did not serve Blake well for that.

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I did what you suggested King and you are 100% right. That first song was not the better then the first time he sang it and I do think Jordin probably won that round too. Jordin's first song was not great but it was good enough to be better then Blake.

I have picked every winner of AI every year when the show has reached it's top 12. I picked Taylor last year, even though I disliked him. I just knew he would win. I called Jordin from the first day of the top 12. She has IT and she will be the American Idol tomarrow night. Mark my words.

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