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Days: Friday, January 12th

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I hope Willow is not Jan, because Jan is much better than Willow and I would nto believe that we got rid of Heather Lindell and got some new blond fishliped woman for the role!

Willow does resemble Jan and Nicole though. She resembles Nicole in ways already mentioned and she resembles Jan by her looniness.

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Haven't seen the episode yet, but from what I hear, Willow's little performance will come back to bite her in the butt and she deserves it. She's such a pathetic piece of trash. All because Shawn finally used his brain and realized being a father was more important than banging an ex-whore. However, if this appearance showed that Annie Burgstrede did not graduate from the Farah Fath School of Acting, I can live with that. :lol:

I do see why Victor is so intent on getting Claire for Philip because unlike Bo, Victor was allowed to be a part of Philip's life. But I still stress that you do not allow a man who paid someone to kidnap his own great-granddaughter and is known to be part of a crime syndicate free access to that child. Lord knows what else he would have done in his quest for vengeance. We don't want Claire to grow up to become the female version of Michael Corinthos. :lol: So anyone who thinks Victor is right in all this needs a reality check.

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Victor was straightforward with Shawn and Belle. However, he could have got custody of Claire, or rather, Philip could have without Victor resortiing to underhandededness by the phony disappearance of Claire (which was deplorable) and paying off Willow to color the truth, because she had enough without coloring the truth. Just Shawn's own behavior was enough including his defying his dad to work for EJ and Patrick for an enormous amount of money without question. That alone proved his mentality and stability. Belle was done in by not having a stable home or family to depend upon. Victor didn't have to be devious. But, the fans expect that of him and so Hogan wrote it in.

I hope that Belle and Shawn are caught and pay dearly and learn that there is a price to pay for not thinking and for being disrespectful.

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Your logic continues to be ridiculously flawed. Shawn didn't know EJ was was a DiMera and a major villian going after the Bradys at the time. Eventually he wised up and quit his job. People do get paid under the table in real life. But it's perfectly okay for Victor to pay off an ex-hooker to testify in a courtroom, pay someone to kidnap his own great-granddaughter, and help his son be responsible for the welfare of a baby? Talk about irrational thinking.

Victor was not straightforward with Shawn and Belle. He was out to take Claire from them the day Belle agreed to let him see her and have Philip continue to be a part of her life. Even when Belle was suspicious of him she allowed it. She wanted them to be in her daughter's life. She never imagined that Victor would go to such lengths to take Claire away from her.

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Awesome show...Great courtroom scenes...Brandon, Martha and John Aniston all gave great performances..I bet you JA is so excited that Victor has returned to his devious old self...

I also enjoyed the marlena/hope scenes..glad their friendship has been revisited...

Connor and Bonnie provided the comedic relief today, and were hillarious...I just adore judi evans..she really can do no wrong...

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All this talk has made me really miss Nicole. :( But, I do agree with Willow being similar as a character. Annie was very good in her scenes.

I'm loving Bonnie and Connor! Does anyone think that if this mother/son pair catches on that maybe they'll reconsider having Judi go? And what about Connor? Is the actor long term or only around for this storyline?

Oh Martha, I just love her! And when she's on, she rocks!

I have loved everyone lately. Even the ones her are usually disappointing have really stepped up to the plate lately.

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Probably after they figured Willow has blonde hair and called her Espinoza before they thought they were actually going to have to use her last name eventually.

Connor is definitely getting positive buzz, I hope somehow JEL stays around as Bonnie.

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