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Is Passions being cancelled?

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Pssns being cancelled means that all of daytime is being cancelled? Y'all are crazy. Daytime has been dying for about ten years, and some argue longer. It's slowly dying, but it won't go extinct for a long, long time. And PSNS being cancelled will not speed that process along. It's the most logical step.

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Ok, I'm tired of all the depressing stuff. I am now going to be a Pollyanna and say that even if Today or even GMA expands to another hour, the ratings will tank so bad that even the networks will get the message that we don't need so much news and/or talk shows and the soaps will be saved!

I know a bunch of people are now going to tell me all the reasons why it won't work this way, but that's okay. I'm happily living in the state of Denial.

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Daytime is not dying yet! The person who posted this is just mad because Passions is dying fast and will be gone very soon. Passions cancellation is not the end of the world or daytime. Many great soaps have been cancelled by NBC, alot of them a hell of a lot better then Passions(Another World, The Doctors, Generations, Search for Tomorrow, Santa Barbara, Somerset), and none of them were given the chances Passions had. Passions had 8 long years to build itself up and become a great soap, and it never did.

I will say that Passions has had its moments(The Avalanche, The Prom Boat, Who Shot Julian Crane, Anything to do with Beth, Anything to do with Tabitha before Timmy died, Hell even the Earthquake/Tsunami)but Passions always went downhill and become an even bigger mess after these great moments.

And before someone says you have no right to say this, I watched Passions for 6 years and I always stood by it and never gave up on it, till last year when it really became crap!

I think Passions should be cancelled, I mean it is never going to get any better as long as JER is head writer, and we all know he is not going anywhere, because he owns part of Passions, and if NBC even tried to fire him he would sue the pants off them, and NBC does not want to relive the whole Dobson thing again. I think it is time to put Passions out of its misery!!

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To bad your not that optimistic all the time lovey

Have you read the thread in Entertainment News? ABC is probably going to axe one of their soaps too. GL/ATWT up for renewal in May and it don't look good. So it's quite possible that by the end of the year we could lose 4 soaps.

That's not slowly dying my dear, that's hiting a major artery and bleeding out.

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I just called that number and I was told they'd be airing until the end of August. I asked "And that's it?" and she said "Uh huh." Has that phone number (8186555454) been confirmed to actually be Passions? They did answer with "Passions."

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I'm not talking about just Passions. Check out the news forum.

Meanwhile, the number for Passions listed above IS correct. I called the other day after closing and the message on the machine said "thank you for calling Passions..."

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I just called the number. She answered "Thanks for calling Passions."

It's official.


I asked her if she knew what was happening with Days of Our Lives, and she said that she hasn't heard anything yet, but there are questions.

Passions will air until the END of August.

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