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DAYS: Gloved Hand Speculation

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This is what I wanted to see for the longest time. When Wayne was cast as Alex North, I raised an eyebrow, especially since he was fired under the same Headwriter last time, in 1994. I wondered if, when Taylor was originally fired, Northrop was intended to assume the role in a switcharoo. I continued to think it possible when all dead were revealed alive on the island.

The fact that Stefano orchestrated Roman's arrival to disrupt John & Marlena's nuptials AND offer himself a pardon was so uberly suspicious. In fact, I wonder to this day if it was just Wayne saying no that made that not happen - and resulted int he horrible Alex North angle. And then, I thought Alex could be Roman, the real one that Shane called dead in '97. That's nearly a decade of time - making the North angle slightly believable for a Reilly stunt.

This is why I wrote about it in my BLOG. At one point, I had started writing something back during the Island/Castle days to reintroduce real Roman, long before Wayne ACTUALLY came back as new character Alex, and I think, if Wayne ever returned as Roman that would have been the best way? Now? After Alex? I don't want to see it at all. And it was excruciating doing it in my BLOG, but if there's one thing I can say for myself, its I stick to my guns! :lol:

And Roman, I hope you're right about the direction of the show.

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As for John's true parentage, am I missing the obvious here? Ever since they screwed up and turned Ro-John back into just John, I've wanted them to reveal that Shawn Sr. is really his father. If Shawn had had an affair wth Daphne DiMera years ago, it would explain Stephano's unreasoning hatred of the Bradys and his need to destroy them. John should be a Brady. He, Bo and Kayla just work to well as siblings.

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I think so. Days is FINALLY staring to get that industry buzz, and not for the God-awful crap it has been doing. Those "Days" are dead and buried.

And, BTW, I liked how you made Alex into Roman. I think it speaks to a bigger point. Alot of us just are not happy not only with whose playing Roman, but this need to rehire actors onto Days playing different characters. I hate the fact that Judi E. is playing Bonnie and not Adrienne K. I guess maybe TPTb thought that if they bring back fan favorites playing different roles, it would bring fans back, which was not the case.

Good writing trumps casting stunts and bad stories every single day. Ask the fans of Dallas (Of which I am one) how every time that show is broght up, The Dream is always mentioned. Ken Corday is finally doing what needs to be done. The gloved Hand story is not over, but now with E.J. being revealed as TGH, it finally kicks into high gear for NS. That's what's important. Good story telling, even when you do the fantastic.

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GBB, I agree. That's why I've never been for SHELLE. John's a Brady, in his heart, even if he's not Roman and, ever sinc ethe Daphne reveal, I've been itching to make him Shawn's son.

And thanks, Roman, for saying that about my Alex reveal. It was by far the most difficult and awkward story I've ever tackled. I never want to do it again. :lol:

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I also agree with GBB. John has much more chemistry with Bo, Kayla, Kimberly and the rest of the afmily than the current Roman does. I just wonder what great story HS has planned for John and the rest of the Bradys.

No proble, Keith. I meant to send you a PM or post on your blog about how muchI enjoyed that stroy. The fact that it was difficult, yet you still tackled it, and made it believable, speaks alot about your talent. :)

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I forgot to add my Gloved Hand speculation. I have to toss Billie into the mix. I know I'm biased because she's in the way of Steve and Kayla, but I something just rings false with Billie in regards to Steve.

We know the gloved hand wants Steve and Kayla kept apart. Its actions in Cincy showed us that. Billie showed up at the Brady pub right after Steve got back from Cincy. We also know that Steve told her she seemed familiar (could he have known her during his blackout years when she was working for the ISA or maybe the Dimeras?) Billie's living in the house with Patrick. It's not much of a stretch to think they're both working for EJ. There was all that lurking she did at the hospital the day Steve got his memory of Stephanie, as if she needed to know what was being said between him and Kayla. And so many of her facial expressions just seem "off" when it comes to Steve.

I definitely think something's up with her.

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Great point, GBB. I'm just wondering what would be Billie's motivation. If she is working for E.J., does he have something on her? Something that would destroy her if it got out? Hmmm.......

Excellent thinking. I also feel that TGH was responsible for Will running away from home. There is so much stuff TGH has his hands in, no telling where it ends. :)

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Actually, Langan never touched John's paternity. The Daphne DiMera reveal came from B&C in 2002. Langan was long gone by the time this happened. Just thought I'd correct that tidbit.

John/Roman is just a dead story that after 20 years, it would do nothing for the show if they reversed it and made John the real Roman. Had they done this when Wayne Nothrop left the first time in 94, it would've worked. People would have accepted it. Now, in 2006, John and Marlena's daughter is grown with a child of her own, Brady is off in Europe, grown as well. Too much time has passed. It's a dead storyline and should remain in the past. John is John. Roman is Roman.

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She's more than a possibility, per Hogan's Sweeps previews. I'm not sure, but I think Shawn is also involved, but may not know it. They mention him having a "dirty job".

So, the likely suspects:

EJ - confirmed

Patrick - confirmed

Willow - comfirmed

Shawn-D - all but confirmed

Stephanie - speculation

Billie - speculation

Tek - speculation

Will - speculation

Roman - speculation

Sami - speculation

Is that about right? I do hope not al of the speculations come true. EJ doesn't need a harem! :lol:

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