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Law & Order: SVU - Discussion Thread


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IDK how everyone else feels but I dont like how much more modern SVU is getting into the detective's personal lives. SVU from the start was more personal than OG Law & Order but the stories seem to increasingly  involve the detectives rather than them just investigating the case. For example Olivia being kidnapped or taken hostage etc..

I was really hoping for Stabler to come back to SVU but his new show is decent, and the frequent crossovers somewhat fill the void. Getting them romantically involved however may kill whatever tension between them and they should probably wait till the end of the show...then again it's been 22 years so we've been teased enough.

Edited by ironlion
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As I said in the thread about the revival, I don't know how I feel. While the original should have outlasted SVU and should not have been axed for the failure that was Law & Order: Los Angeles, it has been over a decade since this last aired.

And many of the existing cast members are now on other shows. And, frankly, the current writing on Dick Wolf shows does not exactly inspire confidence in me that the revival will not end up schitting on the original. And some, let's be honest, are too old now. (I adore Sam Waterston, but the man is over 80 now.) That means new blood, and casting is very hit or miss.

Sometimes, things are best left alone. (But I will watch the first episode to gauge an opinion should it truly come to pass.)

Edited by Wendy
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I've been hoping for this to happen almost as long as I've been hoping for AMC/OLTL to come back. This show was canceled abruptly due to mismanagement and the grand ego of Jeff Zucker - the guy who said "DAYS" wouldn't be on the air beyond 2009. That guy. How he ever went on to other higher paying and demanding positions when all he ever did was fail upward is beyond me.

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That's the same guy behind the Tonight Show Jay/Conan kafuffle as well. I don't know about this. The beauty of L&O the mothership was that the episodes were about the CASE, not the characters' personal lives and I don't trust Wolf/NBC not to screw that up. Besides, it's been over a decade. I say just leave it alone, but who knows. 

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