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Barbra Streisand tells fan to "Shut the F**k up"


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Streisand has outburst at NYC concert

Nekesa Mumbi Moody

It was an evening that elicited tears, standing ovations, raucous laughter and shouts of joy from the audience — and that was just in the first few minutes.

Yes, Barbra Streisand's return to touring after a 12-year absence was the extravaganza that it promised to be. Monday night's show at Madison Square Garden was the third stop of a 20-city jaunt across the nation — a virtual lovefest between the ultimate diva and an adoring, sold-out, celebrity-dotted crowd.

Streisand effortlessly crooned through a select repertoire of her four decades of hits. But night's most riveting moment came during what was perhaps the only unscripted — and truly uncomfortable — episode in the three-hour show.

There was Streisand, enduring a smattering of loud jeers as she and "George Bush" — a celebrity impersonator — muddled through a skit that portrayed the president as a bumbling idiot.

Though most of the crowd offered polite applause during the slightly humorous routine, it had gone on a bit too long, especially for those who just wanted to hear Streisand sing like she had been doing for the past hour.

"Come on, be polite!" the well-known liberal implored during the sketch as she and "Bush" exchanged zingers. But one heckler wouldn't let up. And finally, Streisand let him have it.

"Shut the (expletive) up!" Streisand bellowed, drawing wild applause. "Shut up if you can't take a joke!"

With that one F-word, the jeers ended. And the message was delivered — no one gets away with trying to upstage Barbra Streisand, especially not in her hometown.

Once the outburst (which Streisand later apologized for) was over, Streisand noted that "the artist's role is to disturb," and delivered a message of tolerance before launching into a serenely beautiful rendition of "Somewhere." That put the focus back on what the audience came for — her voice, one of the greatest female instruments of her generation.

Streisand's sound, at once soaring and soothing, doesn't seem to have been affected much by her long layoff from performing.

Early on she seemed to fall short of her full potential — moments when she once belted a tune, she now seemed to simply sing at a steady register, sounding great but not delivering that the big showstopper as she had in the past. But as the evening progressed she got stronger, such as during her stirring performance of one of her biggest hits, "People."

Though she sang a few of her signature songs ("They Way We Were," "Evergreen"), the evening was not designed as a hit parade — some of her most popular work was absent. Instead, the show had more of a cabaret feel, from the choice of songs (including those from her Oscar-winning performance in "Funny Girl") to her onstage banter. Though most of it was completely scripted and read from a teleprompter, there were a few funny, spontaneous moments, such as when one fan shouted out, "Marry me, and I'm gay!" to which Streisand, a gay icon, replied: "There are gay people here?"

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I still hate her regardless.

She is one 'gay icon' I just don't get.

Her voice gives me hives.

"The way we were"....Ewww...Think again ya cow!

I know some people who would shoot themselves in the face just to be front row at her concerts.

But to each their own I guess.

I personally wouldn't walk accross my street to hear her 'sing' if it was free.

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I agree. You pay to see her entertain and perform, not spout off on her views.

I do not care who she supports or doesn't support.

If she is so into politics, why doesn't she run?

I am not a fan of hers, but I respect her views, but come on. When are entertainers going to grow up and just be mature adults and perform for their fans?

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I seriously LOATHE Barbra with a passion. Just the sound of her voice makes me want to eat glass to end the pain.

HOW many farewell concerts has she had and HOW many times has the hag come back? She needs the ego boost every three years apparently. :rolleyes:

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I agree that she should do her concerts to entertain, not to use them as a political platform...but it's also known she is one of the biggest lefties out there. Conservatives and Republicans should have known what they're getting into.

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FANTASTIC! She is the superstar who can get away with putting those nasty pieces of work in their places. So happy she sent that grumpy fart on his merry way. barbra has my utter support & respect! I just wish id been there to bask in his humiliation as the greatest singer of the 20th century dealt with the little A*Swipe good and proper!

And whoever says she can't sing must be deaf. Or right wing ;)

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I just think it is sad that entertainers have to turn their shows INTO a political mess.

GOOD FOR HER they say. But I have many friends who are opposite of what I believe in and we get along great.

Why should an entertainer, who charges for their shows, put people who may like them for their music or acting, of not wanting to see them because they may go off on a political rant during a show they paid for.

It is sad that these days you have to choose your concerts of movies by a political preference and not out of your likes and dislikes of music or acting.

I applaud her for having her beliefs, I hate her music and would not attend her [!@#$%^&*] concerts because her music sucks, BUT, why would she want to alienate fans who do not agree with her politically..it is stupid, immature and has no place.

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