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Days: TV Guide Spoilers Sept 4-10

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I think that E.J. could be possible if both he and Patrick were gloves... so whenever we saw E.J. somewhere else at the time of "glove's" work, that would mean Patrick was doing it... and the other way around...

I would actually be okay with this! Because I am actually surprised that Patrick is the glove hand! Okay, I am not surprised that E.J. is, since he was my suspect since practically day one... but Patrick? Didn't see that one coming!

So if this is true, I am all for it! :D

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Well, I just read this at Spoiler Diva.

From the Logan Report:

Since June, DOOL fans have seen someone with a black glove lurking around Salem. But enough already! Hogan Sheffer says he will reveal mid-fall that the man behind all this is EJ....what's more, he's in cahoots with Patrick. Also EJ is a member of the DiMera clan.

Why spill the beans so soon? "The viewers need a payoff" says Sheffer. "He's fine with the audience being ahead of us because this mystery has been milked to death!" Sheffer says EJ's story features even bigger bombshells coming late this year.

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Interesting that he thinks the story has been milked to death, and it's only been since June....he had to have been informed about JER's stories or read them himself and realized how painfully slow he dragged things out. I'm sure if JER was still here, the gloved hand wouldn't be revealed until the end of the year or sometime in 2007.

If EJ is DiMera, let's hope it's Benjy, and not another unknown spawn. I wonder how Patrick fits into all this. It is a surprise that he is one of the hands.

Now, why would he or EJ switch samples, threaten Sami and Lexie, or reveal Claire's paternity? Unless it's a new war against the Bradys...

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I'm not at all surprised that Patrick is part of this as I've mentioned time and again. There is also a woman and I thought it was Eve as we saw her talking to the glove in Cincinnati. EJ could be behind the glove which doesn't necessarily mean that he "is" the glove. The glove obviously had a mastermind calling the shots for his own purpose. It's more difficult to see how, if EJ is behind it, that he has any reason to check on Steve's memory. The article says that EJ is a member of the DiMera clan, so maybe he does have someone behind him, not yet mentioned.

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If it's real, this is really predictable. I guess if Patrick and E.J. are both the glove then it explains why the glove was EVERYWHERE and absurd.

I loved the glove at the beginning, but I don't like it now. It's gotten too much. And I don't like E.J. or Patrick. Sooo......

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If true. this actually makes a whole lot of sense even though it is predictable. It accounts for the glove being all over and it gives us answers about both Patrick and EJ. This is clearly not Hogan's story and he is merely taking it on and using it in his own way to setup EJ's story. I like this even though I would've preferred someone else. I like EJ as a Dimera as long as he isn't Elvis. It is really interesting to have Sami involved with one just like she was Tony. The Patrick angle sucks but the EJ part is actually interesting.

I will wait until I see the article and the story play out before I make judgements but it doesn't sound too bad, especially the EJ stuff.

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I love Ej as the gloved hand..Because all of the Sami stuff makes so much more sense...Remember when Sami said EJ's prints were on the envelope..CLUE obviously...i think EJ has been trying to get control of Sami all to himself..and in a way having a bad influence in Sami's life, has turned Sami into a better person...she's finally doing the right things in her life...or trying to at least...

the patrick thing doesn't make sense..and is kind of lame..But i'll withhold judgement till i see it on the screen..

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Patrick has worked for the DiMera's before. Even though he said he wasn't still, it's just like he couldn't get out if he wanted to. His family would be threatened so he'd have to stay. It's the Lexie part that is strange, too. Why would EJ want to break up Lexie and Abe? Why would EJ be interested in Steve's memory. Those are the ones that need explaining. Do you suppose we get full disclosure or it's just dropped JER-style. If Eve is murdered, do you think EJ did it himself or ordered Patrick to do it? Questions, questions.

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I don't mind wrapping up the black glove story; it stank of Reilly. What I want to know is where EJ himself stands for Sheffer, was he created by the new team or not?

I think the diMeras are played out and I suspect HS does too, or rather the way they usually are used is. Would be much more interesting if it was, say, Roman, looking out for his family in a twisted way.

OTOH, the idea that EJ is making up for his family's sins by righting wrongs in a twisted way is interesting.

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As I have said before, I think the glove did not have any reason to break Lexie and Abe up except because of Sami, that gives the glove material only he/she can use on Sami, EJ wants Sami for himself and if he is the glove, he exposed Lexie so he s the only one that could have any control over Sami and not Lexie.

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If E.J. is truly Stefano's son, he may be acting towards Samantha like Stefano acted towards her mother, Marlena. Wanting to possess her just like his father has wanted to do with Marlena for the last twenty years. He probably is keeping an eye on Steve for his father, and as a DiMera, he would hate Abe as much as Stefano does, so that's why he wants them apart.

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