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DAYS: 2 Big Firings...

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You do, I believe you but many don't. There is no there there. Were Carrie and Austin bringing the show down? No, not by themselves, they are part of the problem, two bland characters in a bland story that played itself out 10 years ago. I'll get mad when Bo or Hope or Abe or Lexie or any other talented vets get their walking papers.

Not for a second do I believe this is solely a budgetary decision, I bet you Hogan sat down and watched a few months of the show and wonderd why two actors who barely remember their lines and are void of emotion are constantly frontburner in a story that does nothing for anyone except have two good characters, Lucas and Sami, spinning their wheels. This is creative just as much if not MORE then budgetary.

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I thought Days was a lot more unrecognizable during and after the serial killer story. There was lots of buzz, sure, but I thought it was an awful show up til now. A show can't live on gimmicks and 90s nostalgia forever.

I used to love Christie Clark but I can't see it, not without a lot of help from really good actors around her, which Austin Peck is not...and then after that I ask, why bother?

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It's saying that she really loves DAYS and wants to work, but they aren't freakin smart enough to realize what an asset and a commodity she can be to the show. They pair her with a big freakin 2 ton weight that drags her down instead of breaking the chains that bond her with that pecker and letting her flouris on her own.

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I don't get it either. DAYS still has 4 supercouples: John & Marlena, Bo & Hope, Steve & Kayla and probably Shawn & Belle.

If any of those actors get their walking papers, with the exception of Shelle, then I'll be pissed as HELL!

The only reasons I'm not mad about Peck and Clark's firing is because Peck cannot act worth crap. I HATE Carrie's character. But I love the actress. I hope she gets picked up by another soap.

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I see, so Christie and Austin are simply dispensable and not a vital part of the show's history, present, or future.

You guys are full of s**t.

I'm FED UP with this bile in this thread.

TO YOU they may not matter, but to their fans they do. What the hell is wrong with us feeling upset, even bitter? Whose to say that you wouldn't feel the same way if your precious Sami or Lucas or John and Marlena were cut out of the canvas? No one, and whoever does can blow it out of their asses.

To be told that I'm not a true fan simply because the departure of my favorite actress has led me to the decison of not watching anymore is ridiculous. Why do fans have to justify our actions and feelings to non fans?

I feel for Matthew Ashford fans simply because its ludicrous what they have done to him over and over again. He had a lot of potential but is screwed royally every five minutes. Granted, I'm not the biggest Jack fan, but I know of his importance to the show and of his talent. I do NOT belittle his fans for flipping out and not wanting to tune in anymore. I sympathize with them.

Christie is amazingly talented. She garnered two emmy nominations for her last tenure to back that up (and if anyone tries to beat down those nominations they can look at the rest of the cast and see how few members have even got one nomination).True, JERk did screw up royally on her return, but the possibilities of showcasing what an amazing actress CC is were endless under the new powers that be. Instead, they flush them down the toilet and get her out of Dodge.

Some argue that the less talented hacks simply wouldn tbring about positive changes in the budget. If they got rid of a half dozen horrible actors to save one talented one, there you go. BUDGET PROBLEM SOLVED.

I don't normally get bitter in threads like this, but I have to speak up. CC and AP fans will not be made to feel like our favorites don't matter.

End of rant.

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