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DAYS: 2 Big Firings...

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I'm a huge Kate fan. If Lauren Koslow was announced as leaving the show tomorrow, hell yeah I would be pissed. I would also understand the reason behind it. Like Austin and Carrie, Kate is pretty much useless and has been written into a corner. Obviously, Hogan may see something different and that's why Koslow's name hasn't been menitioned as one of the ones leaving.

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But my thing is, I used to love them in the 90s but what do they DO now? I loved them but here, today, their stories are boring and their purpose is nothing. Billie is there to create tension for Bo, that's the only reason they brought her back, except that that story has already been done over and over and OVER, and I just don't care anymore. I'm sorry, I loved her for what she was, but it's not like Julie Pinson has been turning out Emmy material for her entire run or that Billie had some great story last year or the year before and is just in a bad spell. The same for Kate, only worse, she's been like this for so many years, I just don't care, it's played out. What are they going to do that they haven't done? You gotta let it go.

Heck I sometimes I feel the same about Bo and Hope and John and Marlena, but they are still incredibly popular and have some talent, unlike Austin and Carrie IMHO, and also the show seems to be taking steps to do something NEW with Bo/Hope and Marlena. With Billie and Kate they've played them into the ground too many times.

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When I said to look at Guiding Light, I was saying how they only have one major minority character, Mel. And when was the last time you saw her? Exactly. I can't even remember. That's why GL has a small demographic and I can assure you that minorities aren't a big part of that demographic.

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I agree-I think Matt will be back sooner rather then later. I think Hogan does want him there.

If Pinson and/or Koslow go, then I will be pissed. I won't quit watching but I would be with you on that KR. I won't quit watching until the show ends, which I hope is not anytime soon. I don't seem them both going but I could see one going. I think Koslow is in more danger though because she makes more but I am hoping both stay on.

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Carrie and Austin returned to little fanfare and no effect on the ratings, they're not longtime mainstays, they were gone for years and the show went on. It will move on from this. This isn't a case of AW or GL or GH where vets with talent are cut for budgetary reasons, these actors are marginally talented and recently returned and in a sorry, repetitive story. There is no great loss because there was no "great" in the first place.

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DAYS fans shouldn't be nervous. It is no secret that DAYS is a ratings soap. That's all NBC and Corday care about. GL is in bad shape because they have been on the bottom forever. I'm talking they are only slightly above Passions. That's not saying much.

There is no comparison to DAYS and GL and won't be for a very long time.

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I think Days fans are nervous anyway because we all want the show to do well. This is how it started but Corday is not going to let the show become unrecognizable-he isn't that stupid. The show will go off the air before he lets that happen since there wouldn't be much of a show anyway if Days turns into GL, which it is far from doing at this point.

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Um, I disagree Darn. I agree with KR that in the '90s, Caustin were VERY much a supercouple. I remember watching "Days" just to see them at some points. Or at least just Carrie. Carrie was my favorite, hands down! This dismissal won't leave NO impact. They're a popular couple...they just got a bad return. THat's ALL. Caustin are hot.

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Yeah, but it's 2006, and the Janet Jackson song of the day is What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Even when Maggie or Abe or Lexie don't do anything we know they're good actors who can deliver if they're asked. I don't see Austin and Carrie driving a social interest story.

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I see magic in A/C, but their return was NOT good at all. It didn't do much for DAYS's ratings for the simple fact that NO ONE wants to see a story that was done so often so many years ago. DAYS lost it's chance to capitolize on A & C's return. They beginning could have played out just the way it did, but Austin & Carrie could have found their way back to each other. There was no good reason to stick the quad back into frontburner status. It's tired and been done too many damn times. Their returns sucked to be quite honest.

Even with that said, I don't think they should be fired. I would have cut others before them. WTF is Roman even on the show? He does nothing. Why is Swampbitch still getting airtime? Let's can her ass and send her back to the swamp where she belongs. Will? He should be sent away and come back 3 years from now. MeMe and Phillip? Fire them now, end the story and send them packing.

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