Devin Lucas meets Lindsay
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultants: ML Cooks and A. Washington Beeby
The role of Gregory Hudson is now being played by Robert Scott Wilson
Stacey is sitting at her desk as someone walks in..
Stacey: Thanks for coming. Have a seat.
It’s Jake.
Jake: Is everything okay?
Stacey: No. Not at all.
Jake: It’s about Lindsay right?
Stacey: Yes. She’s sinking deeper and deeper into this hole and I can’t get her out. She needs your help...I need your help.
Devin Lucas is walking with Lorna. Lorna is looking up and around.
Lorna: Wow. This place is amazing.
Devin Lucas: Must be new.
Lorna: It is. This place wasn’t here when I lived in Bay City. It looks great.
Devin Lucas is despondent.
Lorna: Thinkin about your dad aren’t you?
Devin Lucas: You’re a mindreader.
They stop walking and Lorna faces him.
Lorna: Honey, we can’t change the past.
Devin Lucas: I feel so cheated mom. Years I missed with my father.
Lorna: And we explained why. I was the only one who was able to come and see you.
Devin Lucas: I know. I’m not blaming anybody. It’s just that now that I can come out of hiding, we learn that he’s dying of a brain tumor. It’s not fair. You know?
Lorna: I know baby. We’re gonna get through this okay.
Lorna hugs Devin Lucas. Meanwhile, Charlie and Lindsay are walking from around the corner with department store shopping bags.
Lindsay: Oh my God this felt so good. I just had to get those shoes.
Charlie: I had no idea what to get for Carl’s party. I loved that dress you picked out.
Lindsay: It will look great on you. Kirkland’s gonna love it, too.
Charlie: Thank you.
Lindsay: No...you’re the one I should be thanking. You got me out of the house. You got my mind off my situation.
Charlie: It’s good to see you smiling.
Lindsay: I haven’t had much to smile about lately.
Charlie: Linds don’t let this set you back. You can come back from this.
Lindsay: I’m so happy you came. You’re the only one who doesn’t tiptoe around me. Worried they’re gonna say the wrong thing.
Charlie: I take it you’re talking about your mom and Gregory.
Devin Lucas and Lorna release each other from their embrace and someone catches his eye.
Devin Lucas: Mom?
Lorna: Yep.
Devin Lucas: That’s my niece isn’t she?
Lorna: Charlie Winthrop Harrison. Yep that’s Frankie’s daughter.
Devin Lucas isn’t focused on Charlie.
Devin Lucas: Who’s that with her?
Lorna: That’s her cousin Lindsay Winthrop.
Devin Lucas: I think it’s time we’re formally introduced.
Devin Lucas gently passes his mother and heads toward Charlie and Lindsay. Meanwhile, Gregory, drinking a bottle of water, walks up to Lorna, who is watching Devin Lucas.
Gregory: Lorna?
Lorna: Hi?
Gregory: It’s Gregory.
Lorna: Gregory Hudson. John and Sharlene’s son?
My God you’re all grown up now. You were yay big the last time I saw you.
Gregory: What are you looking at?
Lorna: My son.
Gregory: Why is he going over toward my girlfriend?
Gregory tosses his empty bottle of water in the garbage, and Lorna puts a glove on, retrieves the bottle, and puts it in her purse. Meanwhile, Devin Lucas approaches Charlie and Lindsay.
Devin Lucas: Shopping?
Charlie: Yeah.
Devin Lucas: Hey aren’t you my niece?
Charlie: Huh?
Devin Lucas: Oh I’m sorry. I’m Devin Lucas Hutchins.
Charlie: Hutchins? That’s my grandfather’s last name.
Devin Lucas: Your grandfather is my father.
He turns to Lindsay.
Devin Lucas: And you are?
Lindsay: I’m Lindsay.
Devin Lucas: Good to meet you.
Devin Lucas extends his right hand, and Lindsay extends her right hand through the handles of the shopping bag, and they shake.
Devin Lucas: You must be shopping for my dad’s party tomorrow night.
Carl answers the door and sees Russ Matthews.
Carl: Dr. Matthews. Come on in. Please.
Russ: This place hasn’t changed at all.
They walk into the living room.
Carl: Ohh this place holds a lot of history. I’m going to miss it.
Russ: I came to give you some painkillers.
Carl: No...Dr. Matthews. I’m going to go out with grace and dignity.
Rachel walks toward the living room doors, leans on the archway, and smiles as she sees Russ and Carl.
Russ: Carl these will ease the pain. I know the tumor is growing quickly.
Carl: Somehow I feel I...deserve it. Especially after all the pain I’ve caused everyone else over the years.
Rachel: Don’t talk like that. You’ve atoned for all of that.
Russ: Rachel’s right. Your party is tomorrow. Let’s focus on that.
Rachel: I agree.
Carl: I can’t help but to think how things could have been different for everyone if I weren’t so evil. Especially Cass and Frankie.
Christy has just made an unexpected visit.
Cass: What the hell are you doing here? How dare you show your face at my house?
Christy: I know this is...this is unexpected.
Cass: And unwelcome.
Christy: But I’ve made a decision and I thought that Mary Frances would be the first person I told.
Cass: Why don’t you go back to hell where you came from and send a letter?
Frankie: Let her in. Please.
Cass: Frankie---
Frankie: Let her in. What is it that you have to tell us Christy?
Christy (walking in): Thank you so much Mary Frances. You’ve always been so good to me.
Cass: Say what you have to say and get the hell out!
Christy: I’m gonna do that Cass, all the way out of town. I’m leaving Bay City.
Jake: How has she been?
Stacey: She’s been depressed.
Jake: Well that was to be expected right? Especially after what she found out.
Stacey: Yeah but she hasn’t left the house in three days. She hasn’t even showered or put on regular clothes.
Jake: Stacey you’re overreacting. She’s not gonna stay like that forever.
Stacey: I hate seeing her like that Jake. That’s not her. That’s not the Lindsay I raised. That’s not the Lindsay that came to Bay City determined to find you.
Jake: Sounds like she’s gonna need professional help.
Stacey: It sounds like she needs her father. Jake she needs you.
Jake: Of course I will do whatever to help our daughter get through this, but I can’t help with any depression, and honestly I think Lindsay’s gonna snap out of it on her own. She’s a very strong willed girl.
Stacey: I hope so. I truly hope so.
Jake: Come here.
Jake hugs Stacey.
Jake: We’re gonna get through this. Where’s Lindsay now?
Stacey: She’s home.
Jake: I’ll go see her...okay?
Stacey nods her head.
Lorna: Lindsay Winthrop’s your girlfriend?
Gregory: Yeah.
Lorna: Well I’m sure when Devin Lucas finds out he’ll back off.
Gregory: She looks very comfortable with him.
Lorna: Is that a bad thing?
Gregory: She’s been pushing me away.
Meanwhile, Devin Lucas talks to Lindsay and Charlie.
Charlie: Uncle Devin as a matter of fact we were.
Lindsay: Yep, the shopping was soooo therapeutic. You know this girl, my cuz, it’s like she’s my sister. She knew exactly what I needed.
Devin Lucas: Well, does she know that you need an escort, too?
Lindsay notices Gregory out of the corner of her right eye and it gets her attention.
Gregory: I hope my girl let’s me bring her to Carl’s party.
Charlie: Hey Gregory.
Gregory immediately turns to Devin Lucas.
Gregory: I’m Gregory Hudson...and you are?
Devin Lucas: Devin Lucas Hutchins.
The two exchange a firm handshake.
Lindsay: Gregory, we were shopping for the party at the Cory’s tomorrow.
Gregory: You don’t have to explain. Looks like you’re feeling better.
Lindsay: I...I just went shopping with Charlie---
Gregory: Hit me up later okay.
Cass: You’re leaving town? That’s great, but why now?
Christy: I had to make sure that my child was okay.
Frankie: Eric seems like a strong guy.
Christy: I missed a lot of time with my son because of Douglas, and I just wanted to stick around and make sure that he was going to be fine. I’m not certain that he’s gonna wanna come with me when I leave.
Frankie: Well I’m glad you made this decision. I’m sure wherever you go you’ll be able to start fresh without anyone judging you.
Christy: I wonder how that even feels. Here I’m the killer who got a governor’s pardon.
Cass: That shoe fits you well.
Christy: I completely understand why you feel the way you do Cass.
Cass: Don’t patronize me.
Frankie: Cass. Listen, Christy whatever you decide I’ll support you.
Christy: Thank you Mary Frances that means so much to me.