Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, and Beebs
Saleisha Stowers appears as K.C. Burrell
Toni and KC sit at a table.
Toni: How did your visit go?
KC: I absolutely loved it. I’m surprised how great their pre-med program is.
Toni: What about NYU and UCLA?
KC: All I got from them were acknowledgement letters. BCU is actually moving forward. I think I wanna go there.
Toni: But NYU and UCLA are better schools.
KC: BCU has a great program, you’re here, and mom’s not too far away.
Toni: You can’t make a decision based on family. You have to do what’s best for you.
KC: I’m getting the feeling you don’t want me to attend school in Bay City. I wonder why.
Allen walks up to them.
Allen: Hey Toni.
Toni: Umm...hey. Uh, you haven’t met K.C.
Allen: Hi K.C. nice to meet you.
KC: Likewise. You’re my sister’s ex-husband right?
Allen: Yep.
Tyrone and Marley lie on the couch as Tyrone rubs Marley’s belly.
Tyrone: This little guy’s defying all the odds.
Marley: He sure is. He’s our little warrior.
Tyrone: Wait a second.
Marley: What is it?
Tyrone: Roman.
Marley: Roman?
Tyrone: His name. Our Roman warrior. Roman Montgomery.
Marley: What about his middle name?
Tyrone: Name him...after your dad.
Marley: Michael. Roman...Michael...Montgomery.
Someone rings the doorbell, and Tyrone answers it.
Tyrone: Hey Donna.
Donna: Tyrone nice to see you.
Marley sits up and Donna walks in.
Donna: Marley how are you feeling honey?
Marley: I’m okay.
Donna: Don’t shut the door yet Tyrone. I’ve come bearing one big gift.
Marley: What is it? A cake that someone’s gonna pop out of?
Donna: Even better.
Michael walks in.
Kirkland and Charlie are sitting on the couch as Charlie lies in Kirkland’s arms.
Kirkland: I can’t believe your dad actually gave you his blessing.
Charlie: I checked his temperature to make sure he was okay.
Kirkland: I’m pretty sure he was just fine. You know what that means right?
Charlie: That...uh...we’re gonna get married?
Kirkland: That means we can...set a date.
Charlie: I say...the sooner the better. It means so much that he’ll be giving me away.
Kirkland: I need to thank him personally.
Charlie: I really think that since Christy Carson wasn’t granted parole, dad’s felt good about giving me his endorsement.
Eric: I should’ve been at the hearing for you mom.
Christy: I’m glad you didn’t come. They would have figured out that you’re my son.
Eric: I probably could have said something to get you out of here.
Christy: Don’t worry about me honey.
Eric: You’ve missed most of my life.
Christy: And we are gonna make that time up. Don’t you fret.
Eric: I know it wasn’t your fault. Douglas and my father left you no choice.
Christy: He put you through boarding school.
Eric: I wonder why my father wanted nothing to do with me.
Christy: Don’t take it personally. He didn’t want much to do with any of his sons. All of his kids were nothing but possessions to him.
Eric: I heard all about him. He wasn’t a very good man. I wonder if I’m like him.
Christy: Don’t you talk like that. You’re NOTHING like him! The apple didn’t fall far where David was concerned. He didn’t know much about Henry, but Paul, ohhh he was the apple of your father’s eye, and it turned out that Paul wanted little to nothing to do with him. Truth be told, James Stenbeck wasn’t much a father to any of you. All he was, was your sperm donor.
Marley: Dad. I thought...you.
Donna: It was his twin brother who died in that car accident.
Tyrone: Where have you been all this time?
Michael: I’ll explain everything soon enough. I just wanted to see my girls.
Marley: Have you seen Vicky and Bridget?
Donna: I called them. They’re on their way.
Tyrone: I can’t believe this. After all these years. I wonder if Reginald has something to do with it.
Michael: He did. He held me prisoner for years, and he used my brother to take my place.
Marley: Well you’re back now, and you can’t leave this time. Roman is gonna need his granddad.
Michael: Roman huh.
Tyrone: He’s named after you, too.
Michael: Speaking of relatives, Donna tells me that she has a nephew, and he’s your brother.
Tyrone: She’s talking about Allen.
Allen: Toni’s told you all about me huh?
KC: Don’t worry. Nothing bad.
Allen: I sure hope not.
KC: I’m considering attending Bay City U. for pre-med.
Allen: Wow. Sounds real good.
Toni: I think she should wait to hear from NYU and UCLA first.
Allen: Whoa those are some good schools.
Toni: That’s what I’ve been telling her.
Allen: Seems like she’s a smart young lady. If she wants to come to Bay City, then that’s her decision.
KC: Thank you Allen. I like you already. That’s the message I’ve been trying to convey to my sister. I gotta go to the ladies’ room.
After KC leaves...
Toni: What the hell do you think you’re doing?
Allen: What? I just offered my two cents.
Toni: Well we didn’t ask for your opinion!
Allen: Where is this coming from?
Toni: If it were up to me, she wouldn’t be coming to school in Bay City.
Kirkland: So I guess we better start getting ready to get married right?
Charlie: You got it.
Someone rings the doorbell and Kirkland answers the door.
Kirkland: Steven?
Steven: Hey little bro.
They hug and then he turns to Charlie.
Charlie: Hey cuz.
Steven: Charlieeee.
Charlie: Good to see ya.
Steven: Same here. So when’s the big day?
Charlie (looking at Kirkland): We set a date. Didn’t we?
Kirkland (looking at Charlie): Yeah we did. Next week.
Steven: Whoa. Guess I better get my tux fitted huh?
Kirkland: Yep you better.
Charlie: You know what I’m sure you two wanna catch up, so I’m gonna go to the Center. I’ll catch up with you later babe.
Charlie kisses her fiance and says goodbye to Steven.
Kirkland: Look I know what you’re gonna say, and you can save it.
Steven: I was gonna offer you congratulations.
Kirkland: Charlie doesn’t know about Scott Granger, and you’re not gonna tell her. That part of my life is behind me.
Eric takes out a flash drive, puts it in his laptop, and looks at Kirkland sleeping with a male bartender in a room at the Genoa City Athletic Club.