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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

Entries in this blog

Episode#395: Kristen Seeks Bo

Episode#395: Kristen Seeks Bo -Lucas tells Jan that for the final time, she has to understand what he's going through...he had to help his son get his granddaughter back, and now he has a teenager and ANOTHER infant to take care of, and he loves both her and Eugenia deeply...he still needs time to process EVERYTHING thats happening in his family....his mother is in jail for goodness sakes! Jan tells Lucas that she knows, she heard this all before, and she's given him time! She says that HE



Episode#394: Kristen Breaksdown

Episode#394: Kristen Breaksdown -The sun has risen as another day starts in Salem! -Jan is in the kitchen of the Spears Mansion, feeding Josh some formula....Lucas walks in and greets her, and she immediately goes over and kisses Lucas...he however ignores this, and asks how she is...she says she's fine, but just a bit irritated...and Lucas asks why...Jan explains that she got a message from Tony yesterday...telling her that he and that dumb bitch Anna had gotten back together and were



Episode#393: Goodbye

Episode#393: Goodbye -Alexis tells Chris she just has a bit of researching to do, about something she heard about shortly after she came to Salem....she tells him that he probably wouldn't even remember it if he was around then, it wasn't anything huge for the entire town....as Alexis browses the computer, she finally yells "AH HA!" and says she found it...Chris takes a peak, and his eyes widen! -Victor tells Dorian that it would be unwise to drag the police into this....Dorian tells h



Episode#392: Tony and Kristen Have It Out

Episode#392: Tony and Kristen Have It Out -Eugenia asks Jan what she means, and Jan realizes the slip up she just made, and quickly covers herself by explaining to Eugenia that around 7 years ago...she lost her baby she had been carrying for months...her baby with Paul Mendez. She tells Eugenia about how thats when she fell in love with Shawn, but she fell down the stairs at Bo and Hope's house after an argument with Belle...but then told everyone Belle pushed her down the stairs....she car



Episode#391: Tony and Anna's Decision

Episode#391: Tony and Anna's Decision -Its another new day in Salem! -Outside St.Luke's, Jan is seen in the cemetary with baby Josh in a stroller....Jan stands over the grave of Blake Willens/Bradley Spears....she slowly touches it, as a few tears fall from her eyes....she tells him she's so sorry its taken mommy so long to visit...she's just been busy with daddy...and also, she's taking care of his brother Josh...she tells him she's sorry she had to practically give him to that witch



Episode#390: The Reunion

Episode#390: The Reunion -Justin looks at Victor, stunned and says he must not have heard that right...Victor sadly says he did! Justin wags his finger as he walks past Victor and says he thought that Victor grew PAST this years ago...he tells him he thought he was past the point of all the crime, murdering, and crazy schemes! Victor says that he HAS...its just...when he thought Dorian put Celeste in that coma, he was ENRAGED...he wanted to just murder her, because he loves Celeste so much! H



Episode#389: Tony Cuts the Cord

Episode#389: Tony Cuts the Cord -Victor groans and tells Justin to mind his own business...there is NOTHING going on! Justin says that he knows there is, and Victor finally says fine...he's still in pain over losing Celeste, thats all! Justin slowly nods and says he understands, as Victor tells Justin that he and Celeste were in a relationship for over a year...and then to her suddenly leave him like that...it has to hurt! Justin slowly asks: Justin:Why DID you and Celeste break up, anyway



Episode#388: Crystal Goes to Jail

Episode#388: Crystal Goes to Jail -Victor arrives at the Kiriakis Mansion after leaving the hospital, and he storms in, yelling for Suga...saying he needs her to get her ass down here now....he wants to know what the hell she's trying to pull, kidnapping Dorian from the hospital...he thought they agreed all bets are off when it comes to Dorian! Suddenly, he turns around to see JUSTIN behind him, and Justin asks: Justin:Oh, Uncle Victor, what are you up to now? -In a room at the hospital



Episode#387: The Confession

Episode#387: The Confession -Bo and Kristen continue to talk as Bo thanks her for being there for him for all these months....Kristen says she's glad to, its just....if he and Hope get back together, she doesn't want to be a roadblock, so maybe she should just walk out of Bo's life right now...Bo tells her no, he definitely needs a friend like her around...suddenly, Chris bursts in and tells Bo that they need to get down to the courthouse....they got a call and the murderor of Peter Blake has



Episode#386: Destiny Exposes Crystal

Episode#386: Destiny Exposes Crystal -Down at the police station, Bo is in his office, doing some work...suddenly, Kristen walks in and says she hopes its okay that she stopped by, she still sorta feels like maybe she shouldn't be talking to him at all but she thought she'd see how he was anyway...and he says oh no its fine, she can talk to him whenever she wants...Kristen smiles and asks how he is, and he says he's great as he tells her that he and Hope may be on the fast track to reuniting!



Episode#385: The Custody of Arianna Roberts

Episode#385: The Custody of Arianna Roberts -Judge Fitzpatrick tells the courtroom that her decision is final, as Will stands with Lucas and Lisa, and his family and friends stand behind him, and the Galore's stand with Ji'Min...Judge Fitzpatrick explains that she's heavily reviewd this case for a long time, and she again heavily reviewed it during the break...she says that both the Roberts clan and Galore clan brought up valid points, and she almost wasn't sure if Arianna belonged with any o



Episode#384: Recess

Episode#384: Recess -Kate drives throughout Salem, heading for the outskirts and the woods, knowing she has to save Destiny and Dorian...she thinks to herself that maybe in a way....she loves Tony, and thats why she didn't do this sooner....but she has to put her great-granddaughter and grandson in front of herself....and she can't let anymore innocent people die! -Lisa and Will and the Galore's and Ji'Min all continue to fight each other in court, as Ji'Min constantly points out how irres



Episode#383: Kate's Choice

Episode#383: Kate's Choice -Carrie looks at her mother in shock and asks why she'd say something like that....Anna shakes her head and says she best not get into it, its just...ever since Nicole impersonated Tony and Marlena's hidden child...things have been so different between them....there's been sparks of romance, but nothing solid...Carrie shakes her head and says no...she thinks there's something else bothering Anna! -Rex asks Alexis WHAT she just said about Cassie....Alexis again ap



Episode#382: Trying to Escape the Truck

Episode#382: Trying to Escape the Truck -Anna is seen walking into the Brady Pub...she walks over to a table, where Carrie is! Anna tells her daughter that she's so glad that finally they could meet up and have breakfast together...she says that they didn't see each other much after Marlena's death, and didn't really get much of a chance to talk at the aftermath of that failed wedding....Carrie nods and says yes, she just thought maybe it was time to meet up with her mom now that she's back i



Episode#381: The Poisoned Truck

Episode#381: The Poisoned Truck -Tony tells Jan thats nonsense.....he doesn't know what she went through with her adoptive parents, but he is here for her....Jan says that her relationship with both her parents wasn't too good...her father was away all the time and cheated on her mother alot, and then her mother was just an icy bitch....they sent her supposed twin Lilly to boarding school for years, and her mother just always slapped her around, and was even more of a bitch to her when she go



Episode#380: The Battle Begins

Episode#380: The Battle Begins -Its a brand new day in Salem! -At the park, Jan is sitting with baby Josh and Bentley in this nice sunny Salem morning....she tells them both how much she loves them, and how soon all three of them and Lucas will be one big happy family, it may just take a little time....she tells Josh that he's her ace though, her key to keeping Daddy...she says she loves Lucas anyway, but he....helps...thats the whole reason why she even went along with the switch, aside f



Episode#379: Kidnapping

Episode#379: Kidnapping -Hope looks at Bo....and she tells him that he's so ridiculous....so pathetic....Bo asks how trying to save the relationship that they have had, on/off, for over 25 years is ridiculous and pathetic...Hope says that she's doing this FOR him...she says she KNOWS he loves Kristen! She says that she's leaving the door right open for them to get together....she's not trying to cling to him and act like a psycho, like some in this town do! But then he acts like a dumbass an



Episode#378: Crystal's New Plan

Episode#378: Crystal's New Plan -At Maggie's House, Julie hears a knock on the door....she goes to open it, and sees none other than Bo there! Bo tells her that he's sorry if this seems unexpected, and she may not want him here, but....he needs to speak to Hope. Julie smiles and gently tells Bo to come on in....Bo enters and tells Julie he's surprised she'll even speak to him...Julie assures Bo that she believes in Bo and Hope's love, and understands how they both feel...she tells Bo that Hop



Episode#377: Destiny Puts the Pieces Together

Episode#377: Destiny Puts the Pieces Together -Will confusedly asks Sami how she knew about that...and Sami sighs and says thats the thing...she was there when it happened! She explains that was the night of the prison riot, and the night she escaped...she found him and Destiny in the car, and called Lucas, and he and Eugenia came down there and helped her get them out and get them safe...but afterwards, she told them not to tell him about her being involved because at the time he thought she



Episode#376: Greta's Vow

Episode#376: Greta's Vow -Brandon shrugs and tells Carrie thats just fine...he says now the time is to just move on from EVERYTHING thats happened over the past year...Carrie agrees and says its a chance for a new start for her, him, Sami, so many others...Carrie tells Brandon she has something to ask him....she asks Brandon if he'll move in with her! -Lucas tells Sami to not talk about them like that...he loves Jan and Eugenia. Sami bursts out laughing and says that he's insane if he does



Casting Updates!

Some general casting updates have been announced as the ins and outs continue! IN: Lisa Ray, who plays lawyer Lisa Raye on SONOP soap "STEAM", shall crossover to LIS for a special guest stint starting this week when the trial for little Arianna Roberts is held. "I am so glad that ML(former Co-EP/Co-HW of LIS, EP/HW of STEAM) let me bring Lisa over for some episodes....my DEEP appreciation goes out to him! And it will be fun having Lisa here for several episodes...she's definitely a lawyer



Episode#375: Air Bubble

Episode#375: Air Bubble -Brandon and Carrie are seen walking into a place....a place thats revealed to be....the old apartment complex that Alan Harris burned down almost three years ago! Its entirely rebuilt, and Carrie walks into the apartment where she and Lucas lived when it went up in flames....she says wow, its been so long...she looks around, and Brandon says that he heard about how that Harris guy burned it all down....Carrie nods, and says she's excited to be living here again....it



Episode#374: Nicole's Advice

Episode#374: Nicole's Advice -Laura tells Anna that she really is fine...Anna snorts and tells Laura that she's been like that and has seen many others like that...something's on Laura's mind...and she says that if she doesn't mind, she'd like to know what...Laura slowly explains to Anna all about Robin...and says that she wants to take the fight to Robin, but she's not sure how! -At the hospital, Destiny arrives and approaches Mike, and asks him how Dorian is doing...he tells her that in



Episode#373: Jan Visits Greta

Episode#373: Jan Visits Greta -Laura is at the Java Cafe...she thinks about all thats transpired within the past month...Robin accusing her of trying to kill her...Lucas's failed wedding...she is so lost in thought that she bumps into someone...and it happens to be none other than Anna DiMera! -Will looks on at Destiny in shock and asks if she had any idea what Dorian knew about Crystal...Destiny says no, she doesn't, but Dorian really made a big deal about it....she wanted Destiny to do s



Episode#372: Lea Zaslow

Episode#372: Lea Zaslow -Its a brand new day in Salem! -At the psychtriactic ward in the hospital...Greta is seen in locked up in a padded room....she sits in the room, staring at the wall, with deep anger and hatred in her eyes at both Nicole and Jan being alive and free now....and her entire scheme failing....however, she looks up when she sees...ERIC! -Destiny sits outside the Spears Mansion as the sun rises....she looks to the courtyard, which is now a crime scene....she sighs.....a



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