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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#212 -It is New Years Eve in Salem. Kim and Shane are together at the Pub, where Steve and Kayla are. A few tears go down Kayla’s cheek as she asks Kim if she really has to go, and Kim says she feels like her time in Salem is up…for now. And she needs to get physical therapy for her leg problems, and Shane knows people in England who can do it. Steve is silent, sipping on a drink at the bar. Shane walks over to him and pats him on the back, asking if he’s al




Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#211 -At the Alamain Mansion, Vivian walks into the kitchen and tells Ivan she is going out for a bit, and he nods in acknowledgement. She grins evilly as she grabs her purse and leaves… -Kristen continues to lie on the bed in tears, and Vince walks in and with a smirk says: Vince: You poor poor thing…you need to be stronger. You are a DiMera! Yet instead you lie here in self pity…you make me sick. Kristen looks at Vince, and tearfully yet angrily s




Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#210 -Jan walks into the Spears Mansion after Lucas goes back to the Salem Inn, and whispers to herself she wonders what everyone’s fascinations with her are lately, first Lucas Roberts asks her out on a date on Christmas and then Anna DiMera wants to meet with her. She however then whispers: Jan: But you know…Roberts may not be such a bad guy. -David is with Julie at the Horton House, and Julie says with all the drama on Christmas she never got to for




Salem Police Dept. Celeste walks over to Lexie's holding cell. Lexie "Thanks mother for supporting me today." Celeste "Alexandra darling, did you expect anything else?" Lexie, smiles "No, I guess I didn't. I'm a little bit nervous." Celeste "Don't be darling. Sami said she would turn the tape over. Once she does that, this who trial we be thrown and then you can focus on putting your life back together." Lexie "I'm not so sure. This is Salem we are talking. This is the town




Episode#208 Snow flakes gently fall from the sky, piling onto the 2wo inches already on the ground in Salem on this Christmas morning Bo and Hope's House Bo surprises Hope with bed in breakfast when he enters there bedroom with a tray of french toast, a hash brown and hot cocoa. He sets the tray down on the night side. The smell of food awakes Hope. She opens her eyes and looks at Bo. He smiles at her "Good morning fancy face" Hope smiles back at him" Good morning Brady. What do you got




Episode#207 Greta, with Jan walking right behind her, walks inside of Salem Airport Greta “I’m not a child. You didn’t have to escort me down to the airport.” Jan “Just shut the hell up and get on that plane. I wanted to make sure you pulled no last minute surprises.” Greta “Like what? Telling Steve he’s my father?” Jan “No, more like keeping yourself in Salem. Your not wanted here. No one likes you. ” Greta “Jan please, you don’t have nothing to do with this. This




Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#206 -It is Christmas Eve in Salem! Sami walks into St.Luke’s with a black dress on, and sees EJ’s coffin there. She walks over to it, and says “I’m glad your finally being buried…I’m sorry I couldn’t arrange it sooner, its just things have been…hectic.” and then she turns to Father Jansen as he walks in, and he asks if she will be the only one attending. Sami nods and says EJ wasn’t that popular around Salem when he died. She goes to sit down and the funera




Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#205 -Vince shoves Anna off of him and onto the couch, and tells her that’s not going to work anymore! He again claims he is back FOR GOOD! Anna tells Vince: Anna: No, let Tony out NOW! I know he’s in there! Vince: Sorry, hon. Your precious lover is never coming back. Anna: This is worse than I thought… Kristen walks into the DiMera Mansion and sees the scene between Anna and Vince! -A woman walks out onto the pier, looking for Nicole. She sees Ni




Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#204 -Anna asks this Vince who the hell he is, and Vince says he’s the one she met in Italy and later on the island, she just never gave him enough time to tell her his name. Anna snaps to him she wants Tony back, but Vince says: Vince: Oh no, Anna…now that my father is in a coma it is up to me to lead the DiMera Empire. Anna: Never!!! Tony, come back to me! Please! -Victor arrives at the hospital, and he slowly walks into Stefano’s room, and stares d




Episode#203 Downtown Salem, Titan Victor is wrapping up a phone call as Vivian Alamin walks in. “I want the “New face of Bella” campaign up and running by the end of the day. Time is of the essence.” After saying that Victor hangs his phone up and looks at Vivian “What the hell are you doing here you old Battle Ax?” Vivian “Is that anyway to talk to an ex wife? I did give birth to Philip you know.” Victor “For the Love of God, Please don’t remind me. You stole Kate’s embryo so p



Episode#202(ML'S FIRST EPISODE!)

Episode#202 Salem Police Station A guard escorts Sami to Lexis's holding cell. Lexi gets up off her cot and walks over towards the jail bars. Sami "Well I'm here. What the hell do you want Lexie? People do have lives to live you know. I was just so happening to be mourning EJ." Lexie "Look Sami, I am sorry for your loss. I called you down here to talk you about the security footage of Tek's accident." Sami " Oh, it's an accident now…Yea, what about it?" Lexie "You h




CUTS GALORE ON LIS! JAMES SCOTT OUT!!!! AND OTHER CHARACTERS PUT ON RECURRING/BACKBURNED! During the past few weeks as The War ended and the aftermath settles down, LIS can now report that huge cuts have been made to the cast. First of all, gone completely is James Scott(EJ Wells Cassadine DiMera). His contract with the show expired and was not picked up, and EJ, a major character on LIS and one of the main characters in The War, was killed off in the finale of The War. "It was a blast wri




Episode#201 -It is a new day in Salem! Lexie is back in jail after she briefly visited Stefano while Abe spoke to Shane the previous night, and she is visited by Celeste. Celeste tells Lexie it shall take her some time for her to get out of this, but Lexie assures her mother it won’t. She says she just needs the police to look at that security tape once again to prove Tek’s murder was an accident. -Kristen is at the DiMera Mansion, and she says to herself it is good to be home, she just wi




Episode#200 -Nicole sits in her room at the Salem Inn, and she watches the news and snorts at the news about Roman and Stefano, saying this was a long time coming. She picks up her cell phone and calls Greta, but no answer. She then leaves a message saying: Nicole: Hey princess, its me. Have you made your decision yet? You don’t have much time left, and its either leave Salem and all of its citizens behind for good, or your secret to daddy comes out. You better hurry… -Tony and Anna are




Episode#199 -Abe and Lexie arrive at the airport after finally returning from Italy, and Abe sighs as he turns to Lexie and says its time for her to return to jail, and Lexie begs him not to do it, and says: Lexie: At least let me see Theo, my son, one last time. I did this all for him, not for you, him! That’s the reason I contacted Shane Donovan and the ISA and if I had not you, not to mention the rest of Salem, might not be alive! Just please take that into consideration, Abe, please!




Episode#198 -At the Alamain Mansion, after seeing the news report on Roman and Stefano, Vivian flashes back to being Stefano’s wife and she says to herself if Stefano dies, and she’s in his will…she can get something out of this! -Shane then says so it looks like Stefano won’t be waking up soon anytime either, and the doctor nods and goes on to explain Stefano barely survived, and while he may be stable, he looks pretty bad…the coma might not be irreversible, but it is a deep coma for sure




Episode#197 -Vivian walks into the Alamain Mansion, and goes into the foyer to see Forrest sitting on the chair. He says its about time, and she tells him to just shut up and he needs to quit his damn whining, and he asks: Forrest: So where have you been? You’re always vanishing. Vivian: That’s really none of your business, is it? If you must know, I was simply shopping a little. Forrest: Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Because that will be your last trip with the Alamain money; I just shut




Episode#196 -Some time later, Tony, Anna, and Shane all arrive at the hospital and Shane asks Marlena if there have been any changes in Roman and Stefano’s statuses, and Marlena shakes her head and says they went into surgery right when they got here but she knows no more than that. Tony sighs, and says after all that has happened he doesn’t know if he would want Stefano to live or not, and Marlena says she thinks most of them are like that. *Life in Salem Opening* -After the babysitter




Only weeks ago, the recently-hired Co-Executive Producer/Head Writer Jay quit the SONBC soap Life in Salem to go write his own OLTL blog. Since then, Creator/EP/HW Daysfan//Tara Smith has continued on her own as she did before Jay came to LIS. But suddenly she was contacted by aMLCproduction, who has created and writes sister network SONOP's soap S.T.E.A.M., hoping to join the soap as the new Co-EP/HW. Smith happily accepted his offer and welcomed him to LIS. "I was so overjoyed, and surprise




Episode#195 -The ISA jet prepares to touch down at the Salem Airport, and Marlena whispers to Roman they are almost to Salem, and he can get more help at the hospital. She promises him he will survive, and Kayla says that she almost has the first bullet out. Meanwhile in Stefano’s room, the agents have barely any luck with him! *Life in Salem Opening* -The jet touches down at the airport, and the agents begin to quickly wheel Stefano out and yell that he needs to get to a hospital IMMED




Episode#194 -Anna says they just had a situation like this back in Aremid, and she hates having to go through some revelation again. Tony slowly says he knows, and they continue to embrace each other. Tony promises her once they get back to Salem they will figure all of this out. -Marlena snaps to Kayla she doesn’t need her to be vague, and Kayla sighs and says she can’t be sidetracked while trying to remove two bullets with so little help and she doesn’t want to panic Marlena, but Marlena




Episode#193 -On the ISA jet, Anna sighs, and tells Tony to sit down because it will be a long story. She then begins: Anna: Allan called me in Aremid, and told me Helena and Stefano as well as everyone else were all in Italy. You overheard me say Italy, and suddenly you started acting all strange. We went to Italy, and took part in huge drama with Helena holding everyone inside the palace hostage. You mysteriously vanished outside in the courtyard by the entrance, and later you were report




Episode#192 -Marlena and the rest go back into the sitting part of the jet as Kayla begins work on Roman, and she prays that Roman will make it. She looks at Sami, and slowly walks over to her. She asks her how she got to the island, and Sami slowly says in between tears she was with EJ…and they were going to try to stop Stefano and Helena, but EJ tricked her slightly and ended up being killed by Steve. Marlena sighs and tells Sami she is so sorry, but Sami says no and she will get over it he




Episode#191 -Anna slowly says “Tony? Is that you?” and Tony slowly says “Anna? What…what happened?” and she says it is a long story, but they are in a DiMera compound on the island they were all at in November 1984 and they’ve got to get out of here! -Roman and Stefano both lie on the beach in pain, and both of them have been shot in critical places in their bodies. Stefano has a shot in his head and on his leg, while Roman is shot in the neck and shoulder. Marlena rushes to Roman, as he l




Episode#190 -Kayla walks over and checks EJ’s pulse, and after a few minutes she says he’s gone. Sami nods slowly, and Shane asks what happened. Steve explains the situation, and shows Shane a couple of bullets that EJ fired in the struggle but missed. Shane nods slowly, and says it looks like there has already been one death here. A few ISA agents pick up EJ’s body, Shane looks at the entrance and says its metal…he’s not sure how they will get through it. - “Tony” laughs and tells Anna th



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