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ALL: Grade February Sweeps 2025

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So it's the last day of February...meaning Sweeps are DONE. So how are we grading them?

















Or to quote Dani Dupree hehe the hottest corner of Hades??


I haven't finished this week yet, but expect to this weekend on all my soaps, but I'm curious how everyone else felt. 


It's at least a given that BEYOND THE GATES is an A for me though.

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Posted (edited)

YR:  F

BB:  C-

BTG: B+ (This was a toss up between a B+ or A-)

GH:  C-

Days: D- ( It would've gotten an F if it wasn't for the Holly and Doug scenes)

Oops forgot Days

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Now that I FINALLY made it through all of February Sweeps.


In order of interest...IMHO.



  •     Yep. Kept its A lol. Even with beginning flaws, it was EVERYTHING. As I mentioned in      the thread, it took the Warren Ellis approach of dropping audiences in and loved that it trusted my intelligence (and ability to google) to keep up. Acting was decent to flawless. Plot was interesting and (most important) moving...it even did GH's technique of 'quick cuts' one episode and did it BETTER. Dialogue was superb. Fashion and setting was on point. Best of all...FRIDAY CLIFFHANGERS (cliffhangers period)...ARE...BACK!!! Well done for one week. 



  •    I know...shocking. But it honestly held my interest more than GH. And both show this Sweeps apparently thought it was smart to really start their story movement mid-month. UNLIKE GH though, I felt like it was cohesive and had a rhythm to it where several stories were going on. The main plot of Finn being Luna's father might have been an abrupt idea and the first half of the month was slow and full of the same conversation, but once it got going...I found the pacing intentionally slow vs just plain slow (again, looking at GH). TN did great with the revelation. Meanwhile, there were other stories going on with everyone wondering where Luna was, Luna/Remy's growing friendship, and of course Operation Carter which is silly but giving old school soap. And I'm counting down to the moment when Li finds out. And yes, I've already seen the next week clip.

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  • And that grade is only on the basis of the Damian storyline and how it has splintered into several avenues beyond the main plot (Damian/Lily, Enter: Victor, the Holden reveal, Holden/Audra/Nate, the mystery that is Damian) of Amy wanting Nate to find his half brother because she's dying. It has surprisingly had reveals throughout that have been surprising. Where the show failed was the pacing of it which has been VERY haphazard. And when that story was not on, the rest of the show was boring as Hades. So much so...the curveball of a SAWque kidnapping tale for Sharon and Phyllis was...been there, done that and yes...BORING. 



  • For me, it's how the mighty have fallen. If any soap has schooled other soaps on a good February Sweeps, it was always GH. So I'm sad to see that the worst impulses of this show that I don't like (wacka wacka humor, cheap gimmicks, propped writing, agendas) completely overshadowed what the Sweeps should have been...the downfall of Cyrus. For months, the writing has been on the wall with what appeared to be an umbrella tale as Joss had his number on one side and Lucky/Liz having his number on the other. Screaming at a collision course. So the abrupt turns that the story took was maddening. And it was frustrating when the story took off mid-month and then was swiftly buried by a false accusation for Jason, the 'comedy' of Tracy vs Martin, and Joss as Sidney Bristow...wait...what? Yeeeah NO. The show has diven off the cliff so badly...honestly with BTG airing and DAYS about to get a new set of writers that I've more interested in, to quote one of my favorite characters Cordelia Chase...this is my off-ramp. At least until the forthcoming Leslie C. tribute. 


DAYS...not watching at the moment.



Lol. Yeah, I found out by the Episode Count thread. It is. 

Hehe. Never change. 

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