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BTG: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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BTG is, in my opinion, the best written and best produced soap opera on daytime.  It makes the other four look like amateurs.   How do others feel about this?

But the budget appears to be huge -- extravagant sets, wardrobe, hair, and other production values. Is anyone else concerned that this type of budget may not be sustainable on daytime TV in 2025?   What if CBS renews the show in a couple of years, but demands huge cuts in the budget??   

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Hehe. Same.


I agree. I have really enjoying watching this show. And rewatching. It's giving 'great rewatch value to catch something missed.' Something I haven't seen for the most part with other soaps as of late. I could totally see me rewatching over the weekend. 


But I will probably worry about the budget around when it gets renewed.  

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I think this is, so far at least, unquestionably true, obvious, delightful, scary & a product of getting to do it from scratch, IOW being the new kid on the block but also a great many excellent decisions being made!!

I wouldn't say it's a question of amateurish versus professionalism. Instead I'd say DAYS looks - and is - produced fast & cheap & we know why. GH is produced fast & sloppy & shallow & we have theories why. I'm not a regular viewer of either B&B or Y&R but there have been times in the past year when I watched & both seem like they're being written by some experiment that has failed but no one has turned the lights out yet. Again, theories. They are all really old US organizations so they have lots of inherited problems & baggage. 

1. We know they opted to save a great deal of money by choosing Atlanta.

2. Great question! 


So, I watch in a live group via zoom & we, a dozen of us watch GH, talk about it & then half the group leaves & the remaining half dozen watch BTG & talk about it. But, we've already decided we're having an extra rewatch/binge of the whole week, this weekend!!!! It's too much trouble to change the name of the room from Daily Jarly Zoom but I give it subtitles in the chat some, like, today, Daily Jarly Zoom Investigates the Fairmont Crest. (Yes, we did & I need a much better graphic.) BTW, this is by far the most enjoyable way of watching soaps that I have ever experienced. I would highly recommend to any close-knit friends who share a soap love. 

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I never rewatch soaps but I have gone out of my way to watch the show while I’m working live and then rewatch in the evening with the boo without work to distract me. He’s only watched bits and pieces of Soaps from when I’ve had them on but he was actually interested in starting this show from the beginning with me so I’ve loved that. And like you I pick up on things I missed the first time around.

Edited by Antoyne
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If anyone cares the actor who uttered the very first words on BTG was Shaun Mixon as FC staffer Calvin.

First lines, Episode 4:
Diego Sanchez: "Absolutely, just let me know a good day and time for you."
Tom Navarro: "I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a lucky man you are."
Mike Davis: "No kidding! Hayley's one hell of a catch."
Mystery Man: "Are you alone?" (This is character named in today's long credits but I won't spoil here)

Today was Anthony Pascarelli's first directed episode and I thought it was just as good as the previous three. 

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I would say BTG definitely has the best production of the daytime soaps (B&B has the best lighting however). I also wonder how they are sustaining this level of sets and production.

I will certainly be in the minority here, my only gripe is that BTGs plot lines are a little slow, and some of the supporting cast actors sound unnatural, like they are reciting lines.

Especially in this day and age where there's so much to watch, I think they needed to come right out of the gate like it was sweeps month.

General Hospital is not well written, but I feel slightly more gripped by the plots.

But it's just the beginning, the BTG will continue to grow. I really hope this is successful and leads to other soaps.

Edited by Planet Soap
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Dani got herself a new boo.

That scene was giving me 1990s R&B video energy.

Leslie got a plan and a plot, yes!

Edited by kalbir
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Wouldn’t it be something if whatever Martin did ten years ago contributed to the deaths of Hayley’s parents (Dani said she was an orphan), which directly led to Bill and Dani taking her in?


I don’t think either Hayley or Ashley look old enough to be best friends with Naomi, who in turn looks more like Dani and Nicole’s sister rather than daughter and niece respectively. They both look more of an age with the social media influencers.


I missed Anita and Vernon today. I’m definitely more intrigued to find out what shadiness they were up to in protecting Martin, who seems like a typical insincere politician to me.


I am definitely enjoying this show, but it seems to me there’s a lot of not quite natural posturing, like the characters themselves are just performing to each other.

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