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B&B: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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What drives me crazy about Brooke and Ridge.  It’s time for Brooke to get a backbone and tell Ridge and Taylor it’s fine to call Hope a bitch.  Because your daughter invented the term and has also successfully slept her way through the Spencer family.  I prefer Forresters, she pines for Spencer’s and she will be right back with one (snap those fingers - “just. Like. That.) as soon as her needy vagina is done with Finn.  It’s only a matter of time, children - and maybe she will inherit your fake Broken Heart Syndrome, losers.  

if it’s going to be stupid, yank those gloves off of Brooke’s hands. 



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Re: the recent repeats of Rome episodes from June 2023 ... The B&B cast did a lot of interviews in Italy in May 2023 during filming.  They did a lot of press/publicity. 

KKL discussed with an Italian reporter how women characters are written on B&B.

Press interview
from "ANSA" (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata), the National Associated Press Agency.  
(not-for-profit cooperative, whose members and owners are 36 leading news organizations in Italy.)

The full ANSA article/interview was about Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor.

Quoting excerpt of what KKL says about Brooke and about female characters on B&B.
(Italy was behind USA in episodes; so what was airing in USA in 2023 had not yet aired in Italy.)

Reporter: Chi è Brooke oggi?
KKL: "Una donna che sa farsi valere. Continua a fare tanti errori ma ama la famiglia, è cresciuta, e cerca sempre di migliorare. Vorrei però tornasse più attiva professionalmente, con le sue linee di moda, e che pensasse più a se stessa".

(rough translation via Google Translate)
Reporter: Who is Brooke today?
KKL: "A woman who knows how to assert herself. She continues to make many mistakes but loves her family, has grown up, and always tries to improve. However, I would like her to be more professionally active, with her fashion lines, and to think more about herself".

Reporter: Le donne in questa soap come sono cambiate?
KKL: "Secondo me all'inizio erano più forti e indipendenti anche per la presenza nel cast di attrici come Susan Flannery (interprete di Stephanie Forrester) o Darlene Conley (volto di Sally Spectra). È qualcosa a cui dovremmo tornare, perché oggi a volte appaiono più fragili, e quasi dipendenti dalla figura dell'uomo".

(rough translation via Google Translate)
Reporter: How have the women in this soap changed?
KKL: "In my opinion at the beginning they were stronger and more independent also due to the presence in the cast of actresses such as Susan Flannery (Stephanie Forrester) or Darlene Conley (Sally Spectra). It is something we should go back to, because today they [woman characters] sometimes appear more fragile, and almost dependent on the man".

*** Obviously "Google Translate" is unreliable.
Does anyone here speak Italian fluently? 
(not just looking things up in a language translation dictionary)

^ Re: above KKL interview -- I was intrigued that she wants the women written better.  I don't think she's ever said that to the US press?

Edited by janea4old
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Hope vs Ridge and reading him (and Steffy) all the way down??? YES, PLEASE.


I do like that Carter does feel some regret in light of his relationship with Ridge. I don't mind that they played the beat of Ridge trying to get through to Carter. For someone who said he cared about the Carter/Ridge friendship, Ridge really has not been acting like it. At least, Carter appeared torn...Brooke making those inroads. I also loved that this Takeover storyline was far from over. I was afraid that just a simple talk with Carter would get Ridge his (rme) company back.


Did I say I loved Hope calling Ridge out? lol. And the cherry on top was she did what everyone here has been wanting someone to do on this show all the time...REMEMBER STEFFY'S PAST. Love her, but she ain't no saint. 


I think my only disappointment is that Brooke is again softening to Ridge. Which is funny since everyone else stay dragging him for how quickly he went from Brooke to Taylor. My bad...Taylee. 

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Its a nitpick, but why is Taylor (the former alcoholic) drinking a beer? Especially since in the past they made a point of showing her toasting with water when everyone else was drinking alcohol.

I guess since Bradley seems hellbent on erasing Hunter Tylo, her storylines must be non-canon now. 

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Steffy had a more impactful reaction on today's episode.


Even Finn had a more impactful reaction in telling Steffy about Luna. I thought his acting when finding out about Luna being his daughter wasn't as impactful.

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I have to say - Tanner Novlan stepped it up and I thought he was pretty good actually from what I saw.  

and God the reveals on this show - LOL the comment above about Steffy.  Right?  I mean you’ve talked all the way around, over, back again and all the way around again.  You…..you….. but….who is it? Who could it BE?   Get out your IPhone and pull up WAYZ hun because you are LOST. 

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Lord...leave it to Sheila...lol.


I was disappointed that Sheila was not the one to figure out what Remy was doing to Electra. Cuz game recognizes game.

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 So it was great to see Sheila (with KB back to the black hair) have scenes with Remy...who is back. And I love...now that everything is out in the open...their friendship. Of course, Sheila ain't judging him cuz SHEILA. And how she helped him out with a scheme with the quickness (hehe Dario) was genius. Her setting him up with Bill was done in such a B&B way (A/C fixer) but I can't say that I didn't love those scenes and how the actors bounced off each other. Hopefully, we will get more of that friendship. Finally...movement.


And speaking of movement...oooo at Finn finally deciding to tell Steffy. He's been debating on the episodes I've seen (my mind has been on BTG and letting episodes delete themselves) all week. And last week. But again, the storyline is moving. And I liked that Poppy will sadly have to tell Li while Finn started to tell Steffy. I even liked how it was done, and I laughed at Steffy's reaction to hearing that Finn slept with his aunt. And leaving it on a Friday cliffhanger (well the part about Luna being his daughter) was well-done. 


Liam sighting! And all I could think was...like father, like son. Where do they go with him if he's going to be sticking around. 


Really liked Friday's episode. 

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