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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Alicia Coppola was definitely much more popular. I don't think Robin Christopher was unpopular, but no one really cared a great deal about her time on the show. Her biggest story use was when JFP paired her with John Bolger (and then three all three actors together again on OLTL).

The handling of Dano and Christopher at ABC was like working backwards - let's find these old characters, who would never have any ties, and throw them together because ABC viewers were surely glued to AW from 1994-1996. 


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For me personally I never understood the idea of bringing characters over from cancelled soaps.  I know people do enjoy the character living on, but these characters couldn't save their old soaps so why do we think they will help current shows?  Especially jumping from NBC to ABC.  

It's a cheap ploy even if the idea is interesting.  We have to pretend all these crazy connections make sense in the same way we are supposed to pretend Michael Easton, Roger Howarth, Sarah Brown, Tamara Braun, etc didn't already play characters on GH.

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The funniest part is I think ABC actually did try to buy Felicia from P&G but they declined. If they had been able to then Robin and Linda likely would have been playing Lorna and Felicia.

At least that spared us a world with a later story where Skye kidnapped Lorna and impersonated her. 

Edited by DRW50
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Exactly.  ABC couldn't have AW or Felicia Gallant, but they could have whatever they had with Linda Dano, throw in someone who worked with her on AW and who had ABC soap ties as well, and then cross their fingers and hope for the best.



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I may be wrong and I certainly don't know enough Ryan's Hope history or backstory to be certain, but IIRC Carlivati did actually make sure to slot in Ava's conception to a time prior to RH itself. Delia had a rather detailed explanation onscreen which involved her coming back to New York after having Ava, then either getting involved with Pat, marrying Frank, etc. Whether that timetable contradicted the show's backstory I can't say. At least it wasn't as tossed off as Sasha and Cody's lineage.

Edited by Vee
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If you look at stuff that aired around 2017, it’s everywhere. They were using some kind of lighting that picked up the blue hues that almost every set was bathed in at that time, and it reflected blue on everyone’s whitened teeth! Scenes in the Metro Court bar/restaurant were especially bad. It has mostly gone away since COVID, every once in awhile it comes back. There were scenes with Finola where it appeared she had glowing blue teeth during those days.

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They stopped moving the cameras around as much as they used to. Those shots of people coming down the main stairs inside GH near the lobby/nurses desk with a camera following them have stopped. It’s much more static. The lighting is also more flat and has a sameness when it used to vary by scenes. I have noticed less day to evening shots too. But everyone’s teeth are not blue like they used to be all the time, just some of the time, so that’s good.


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