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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Well first of all, I guess I see what you all meant about the 1-31 episode. Because I found there were a lot of interesting things going on. But darrrrrn at how all those quick cuts destroyed all of the potential. I mean...what was even the point of Brad at the gym and seeing it for 45 seconds, then 10 seconds, and then off to the hospital 30 minutes if for nothing other than  wacka wacka humor. When they could have JUST focused on his quest to get Lucas back. 


I was hoping to see Kai's friend again. I felt he more than likely would be a spoiler between Trina and Kai and hoped for it. That actor had more chemistry with Trina than the actor playing Kai in those first scenes. So I was happy to see him and surrrre enough he don't like Trina. 


I continue to love Maxie being in character. Being kind, but matter-of-fact with Emma one moment. Then being sassy and a diva the next. I can't believe Emma would even think to spread a rumor. It's almost like this whole 'Jason is Sasha's babydaddy' angle to the Michael baby plot is being done...silly for one...and also because SB's comments about doing such a storyline so the writers had to figure out a way to make it so there is no way a Jason/Sasha relationship will happen for two. 


I had heard rumblings about seeing a return to Alexis's vengeful half aka Nastasha. But...I haven't seen any of it yet. I have seen a grieving mother though. I love the scenes with Sonny and telling Kristina and Molly (and Diane in that poor wig) about Sam being murdered. Ever since Kristina lost the baby and Sam died, Sonny and Alexis have had an interesting platonic rapport that I've really been liking. So it was nice to see more of the same. NLG continues to sell it. I AM looking forward to Natasha coming out to play when she finds out Cyrus killed Sam. 


And DZ continues to do excellent work. Him losing his cool with Anna was so unexpected, but DZ played that to the hilt. And I loved him talking to BLQ. I wonder if it is going to be Lulu that finds out about the baby just judging from her walking in on BLQ with Dante. Even though nothing was going on...AB played the history of that. In fact, it's interesting to see BLQ have a setback with Chase, Lulu getting that Deception job/talking to Laura/Maxie about her feelings for Dante, and Dante learning his fiancée was murdered and then...that scene happened and playing so much onto their past history and the fact of the basic of the Lulu Awakens storyline. Dante has grown. BLQ has grown. And they are showing it. But Lulu is just soooooo stuck in the past. And because of that...trouble ahead. A different kind of rebuild for her. 


Isaiah...let me just *swoon* as he came in to flirt with Jordan before she had to deal with Sidwell. 


If they don't get this Cyrus storyline frakking going...lol. My way of saying that I did love the Lucky and Liz scenes as they are following up on the hospital list. Yes, it is a beat that should be played. But it just felt like stalling given how many other people also know or suspect Cyrus. This story should be having a steadier pace than what is being shown. I would say it's more C story than B story at the moment...and that makes no sense. 


Bittersweet that basically Brennan aired last (as Charles Mesure) on Friday. And he and Carly had had such adult conversation. Le sigh. 


PS. I could watch Curtis vs Drew forever. From former friends to guys taking digs at each other. 

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He was a soap heartthrob at around the same time as Richard Dean Anderson (and William Moses), he's fine.

And no, Zimmer is not suited for that part and Colleen Zenk is frankly a tired choice at this point. Especially after that Y&R stint. Woof.

Edited by Vee
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Yeah so many people looked forward to seeing Liz's parents. And definitely a loooooong time coming. Only for it to be about...Finn. RME.


I don't know yet if the show has pass by Lucky, but the writing (and filming) ain't doing him any favors. At this point, I am wondering if the shipping off of Jake is a way to avoid what you mention re: Jason/Liz. And I'm totally down for Ric and Liz treated like that. Or even a Liz/Ric/Ava triangle. Because everyone would have chemistry with everyone going off of those brief Liz/Ava scenes when Liz was helping Nik hide pregnant Esme in the Wyndermere tower, and Ava believed Liz's baby lie. 

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Actually, @Vee, I think RDA was off GH by the time Robert Newman joined GL, but okay.

If not for the fact that he, too, might be too young, I'd cast Dean Butler - a.k.a. Almanzo Wilder, a.k.a. Gidget's husband, a.k.a. Buffy Summers' Dad - as the new Jeff Webber; and I'd have him return with the sad (or not) news that Carolyn passed away.

I'd still give Ric and Nina another try (even though I had NO idea they'd been married before when I suggested it a month or so ago, lol).

Edited by Khan
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Wait. Hold up. Wait, wait, wait...was he??? No wonder he looked familiar!!!!!!!!!!


They have chemistry, too. Though I'm not sure where Nina is going to land when all this Drew stuff is over. They treat her as an afterthought as is. For all I know, they will try to have her breakdown again which we know CW can totally play.


But...if they go with Ric...wouldn't be the first time in a year that Ava and Nina have fought over a man. 

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I could definitely see Ava becoming paranoid about Liz and scheming against her. I know Ava fans would say that's beneath her and she deserves happiness and a good man, but I think Ava would be better off as a character (the recent OLTL Dorian stuff I watched still in my head) who never lets herself be happy and always wants what she doesn't have.

I can see Jake going being down to wanting to avoid Jason/Liz. I also wonder if it's because they want to concentrate more on Jason still being in "adventure" or with the Corinthos and Quartermaine crew (as Sasha is now in that grouping too), and they thought Jake and Liz being in his life would be too confusing. It's a waste as the feud between Jake and Danny could have gone somewhere. 

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Lucky has been relegated to B level. Is that because the show doesn't really value him; or is it because he wants to work with Liz, and the show doesn't really value her; or  maybe is it a little bit of both?

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Well those fans seem to think she would never kill someone when we have seen her kill in cold blood. Ava...when allowed to be who she is...is not one to cross. And when pushed far enough, I still think Liz can be edgy. And we know she always has an ace by having an enforcer as a past love interest. That dynamic would be interesting to see if the writers decide to go that way. 


Mmmmm...Dorian...but I wouldn't mind Ava playing that, either.


It would only be confusing with how these new/old writers like to vanish characters off for a spell and then we the audience forget about those connections. I know I have moments...like with where's TJ for example. You do make me wonder what mode Jason is in now. Especially since he flat out told Sonny he refused to take charge of the mob and was focusing on his kids. And he turned down Brennan's offer which would lead to more Adventure Jason. I do like him as Jason Q these days more than how Stone Cold the writers seem to want SB as when they took over in August. He does seem more Quartermaine-y now than I would say Mob Enforcer. But I am probably overthinking because I liked a lot of the duality that has been in play for Jason since he returned last year.


Don't get me started. lol. Was looking forward to it along with the duality in play last year.

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Yes, but that's why I said around the same time - he came to GL what, 2-3 years later? He's in the same age range!

I would not do Ric and Nina again, but I would eventually (probably not immediately, there's still juice in the saga with Willow and Drew) just write Nina out - probably happily at this point. I like Watros and the character's just been through enough lol.

Ava doesn't want happiness or a good man. Only her stans want that for her. Ava wants power and trouble.

The Liz/Lucky stuff lately has gotten a good response from the audience (even the Liason stans who attack every single day he's on have been quieter, maybe retraining their weaponry on Sasha) so I would stick with it. But we'll never agree on that, which is fair enough.

I think it's both. I don't know if it's true FV didn't want him back (since he was also said to have been holding out for Jonathan for years, or maybe that was an excuse he gave) but at this point it wouldn't shock me. I suspect bringing back Lucky became a priority for the network, but it does feel now as though Frank is slow-walking or marginalizing story with Lucky and Liz as much as he can (a la Spencer and Trina) even though the writers came out and called them 'a foundational part of our show'. Either because he didn't want Lucky, or because he resents Jonathan insisting on Lucky and Liz or just preferring 'his' stars.

It's idiotic treatment, but of a piece with how little Genie has been seen in the last year. Though that could also have to do with a family tragedy.

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I think it's a combo of many things - I don't believe Frank really wanted him back, Lucky is exclusively tied to characters Frank has no great interest in, and Luke, who defined Lucky, is long gone. We may be getting the same treatment with Lulu if she didn't have a child via Valentin.

I think Robert Newman would be fine as Jeff, if they give him a chance. I was never that into him as an actor but he's certainly capable. I would say there are more dynamic actors, but then you look at what GH did with those actors, like Richard Burgi, so maybe it doesn't matter. 

I'd say maybe Gregg Marx, if he was interested.

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When Robert Newman completed his run on Y&R, he said he lives on the east coast, and doesn't want to do anything longer than 6 months away from home. He says he'll do theatre gigs away from home that last 6-12 weeks.  In the interview, he sounded relieved to have left L.A. 
(he said that in August 2022, so don't know if he feels the same way now)

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