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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I have zero opinion about who came to whose birthday bash. But in like fashion I do not believe he's had some magic remarkable evolution to some kind of highter being. I doubt even Ryan Murphy promises such things.

I think she's very good & I don't think they've done a good job of what they've written for her.

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I hope NAC is following Michele Val Jean or anyone else from BTG on social media.  He's gonna need them when he needs a job a few years from now. 

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A much better episode for me. I know it's been discussed about how the writers are regressing Cody and how stupidly it was written. But that scene with him with Spinelli irked me even more and a more sharp and abrupt regression. JK really played a menace that I'm not used to him playing...and I liked...but I just don't feel that Cody would do that to Spin now that he's been revealed as Mac's father and he has a nice growing brother/sister relationship with Maxie. The only bright side to it was the potential conflict between Maxie and Spin and thus story.


I loved the Isaiah/Jordan and Lucky/Liz scenes. And then Brick, too. hahahahaha. HE was so outclassed by the actor playing Isaiah giving that look he gets when he sees Jordan. And I loved that they were on a date. FINALLY! Hated that Sonny drama pulled Isaiah away...but organically done. Meanwhile well the deja vu I got from the Lucky/Liz scenes because my ex was a bartender so that whole set of scenes rang soooo true. And I loved that Lucky pushed Isaiah off so he could have some time with Liz. hehe. And okay, I'm crushing just a little on scruffy JJ. Darn shirts. lol. 


Speaking of Lucky...yeah, I would rather see him as a PI. I could see him as a bartender. But will he be like Luke was with Luke's Club with other things going on that keeps him in story...maybe a feud with a new Dark Cody now that Cody punched him. It just seems like Lucky as a bartender...is a CHOICE. Kinda of like Laura's absences now that Lulu is up.


I really, really have been enjoying the Tracy/Jason scenes. And the scene with them + Lulu was delicious. I loved how her/Jason were tag-teaming Tracy. And yes...the long game. Get her, Lulu. If anyone can play the long game it is Tracy. Here for it.


Reeeeeeeallly liked that Willow continues to show some backbone toward Drew. Because Drew's hovering during the scenes with Jason was annoying AF. And I will always love how the rivalry between Jason and Drew plays into everything they do. It's becoming more and more about him sticking it to Tracy, Jason, and the Qs and less about Willow. He stays giving obsessed. Of course, it also stays giving murder mystery. lol. And I thought the Sasha/Felicia scene was cute as it gave some backstory to Sasha since she appears to still resent Willow reading her a few episodes back so I guess we can expect more Sasha vs Willow scenes. 

And that's assuming he's not still with the jealous gf. Allegedly.



Agree. I definitely feel there's more chemistry between Jane and Alexa and they do come across that way. But I also feel there's more...wit?...to their scenes vs when we get Laura/Lulu scenes and they come across as a plot dump versus genuine scenes...which Tracy/Lulu scenes DO come across as. 


It does seem like the aforementioned Monday scenes might give me more of what I would expect from Laura/Lulu scenes, but their scenes (not fault of the actresses) have been hit or miss I am afraid to say. And we all know my expectations were high. 

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Sasha shouldn't be hiding that she is having Michael's baby. She should be demanding Q money for it.

Seeing Valentin going after Brennan was a pleasant surprise.

The only interesting thing about Kai was the football. If he can't play anymore, than he is just as boring as Trina.

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He's been on the show for 2 months.

I don't care, but Carly and Brennan do have chemistry. Laura Wright is invested. She's selling every little moment and is determined to make this work. And he's okay. His height and accent are doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

Emma is great, the actress (like the guy playing Kai) doesn't have any of that awkwardness newbies. She's not just waiting to say her line or looking slightly terrified in every scene. I don't know why we needed Emma back on a show with this bloated cast. If she's for Gio, well we all know how couples on this show work now: A solid two years of flirting (???) before they eventually kiss.

Eva LaRue looks tanner than a rotisserie chicken. Double-breasted too. 

I'm kidding (kinda). Sonny and Natalia do not work. Mo is not waking up from his self-induced coma for her. They have no chemistry. She should no longer be on the canvas.

I hate all of these "Tracy is mean to Sasha" scenes. They're just stupid and make Tracy look monstrous. And that bugs me because I don't see Tracy as someone who punches down this much just because she can. A snide comment here and there but you'd think Sasha had pushed Lila down a flight of stairs. It's a weird vendetta that Jane is entirely too talented to waste time on. Leave that mumbly mouth girl alone!

I knew it, Jason is going to pretend to be the father of that baby. We didn't get that flashback of Jason holding baby Michael in the hospital just because Michael was injured. I can't say I hate if we're forced to endure her anyway.

Can't believe Michael has three baby mamas already. Trying to catch up to his dad. What a slut!

Everyone is so fixated on Nicholas Chavez not attending Tabyana's birthday party but does anyone know why Eden McCoy didn't? Unless I missed it.

Edited by Darn
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I was pretty sure Jason was going to pretend to be the father the minute he and Sasha started sharing scenes.  Frankly, I think that was where this was headed even if Chad didn't leave.  I guess you can argue it's in "character" for Jason to do this, but considering it's the third time he's played this charade I don't know why anyone would even believe him.

All of Michael's baby momma's either are Nina's kids or pretended to be.  To me, all three are interchangeable.  One was just more evil. 

Does someone even know why Tracy hates Sasha?  I thought it was underlying jealousy over Cody, but since Sasha is clearly not going to be with Cody does Tracy just hate her for no real reason?

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