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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I spent the whole time, grinding my teeth & thinking "STFU, Drew!" But, not really, because so much was not about Michael. I thought the balance on the show was way off. I mean was today the day we needed to learn that Cody is considering some questionable investment in crypto currency? Or to be reminded that Stella is tender on the subject of children because TJ lost 2 surrogate kids? And, Portia is keeping it a secret that there's a digitalis injecting murderer lose in GH?!!! And, Sonny & Nina broker a deal where Sonny's side gets nothing & gives up everything? Today was an incredibly stupid day. And, Drew, the master manipulator got up in Willow's face & told her that someone was trying to manipulate her. And, he didn't mean himself.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Wow, how bittersweet was Tracy's conversation with Stella about Monica?   It couldn't have been timed better.

I really don't have much of a problem with Nina/Sonny brokering a deal.  Realistically, Michael is looking at months or years of intensive rehab and care.  Who would raise those kids?  Nannies? Carly?  Willow is the most viable option and I don't even think her having proxy over Michael's care is that bad.  She is a nurse.  I don't think she would choose a poor medical option for the father of her children.  Drew inserted himself into everything is a the annoyance I have.

I don't even know why Cody was in this episode lol.

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Drew putting himself front and center in all of this is SO annoying. I need someone to humble him. Willow is just eating up everything he says like she’s never had a mind of her own. Sonny killed an FBI agent and got away with it. Drew seems to feel immune to what could happen to him.

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Wow the Tracy convo about Monica was such eerie timing but perfect. Jane played it so well as she always does when they allow Tracy to be a human. I’m so glad they didn’t drop the Tracy/Stella friendship. It’s wonderful.

Glad we have Dr. Gannon who quickly figured out what was going on.

Edited by Antoyne
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Michael’s face not being touched after that insane (and admittedly impressive - I didn't know they still had the budget or time for that) fire stunt is hilarious. Frank is (for now, anyway) really devoted to no recast. Come on.

Edited by Vee
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It’s amazing not a single flame touched Michael’s face

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. I was so impressed with the explosion. GH really is the only show that still does this type of stuff and well. I’ve got to wonder what their budget is like in comparison to the remaining other soaps.

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Okay, now that I've seen the awful scenes in question...


Is it soapy? Yeah. That's not even in question and has never been in question. But given how long it took to get here, it could be been much soapier. And even what's going down now could be more soapier if there had not be an explosion but instead the tale of Dark Mike. But woulda coulda and shoulda. Perhaps I'm just bias to the fact that this story started long ago and one of the main players is now an afterthought, reduced to a phone call at the end of the episode. Unless the point of the phone call was to remind me that Drew ain't @#$!. I can see why people felt a way given what Willow was doing while Michael was burning...and that was not helped by the abrupt build to Drew/Willow Round 2. That said...I am looking forward to the aftermath. It's been a while since Carly has gone scorched earth and I'm looking forward to it.


And now the BLQ Baby storyline truly begins. Le sigh. Surprisingly, I thought the scenes were well done. And there might actually be soooome wiggle room in it to explain out Lois's role in it. Maybe. But I doubt the writers will be going that way. So BLQ said she gave the baby up in hs and after the camp event? And Lois stood by her? And it seems like BLQ knows the baby is still out? So I take it the writers will probably say that Lois knew where the baby was all along...and who he is now. And then...I am going to cry foul like Carly on the loose. But I'm bias again because this is sooo a story that didn't need to be told.


I found myself really liking the Carly/Brennan dinner scenes. But it's just funny how good they are when there are no gimmicks involved. And there is just the Sword of Damocles hanging over them of him getting her out of jail and he still has not said anything and Carly still has not figured it out...something that would draw them closer naturally. No gimmick. And it looked like what's about to go down with Joss will also give them some conflict. 

i admit. That part was well done. I even was impressed with the burn body makeup in the coda of the episode, but the side-eye I gave over his face. 

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WOW. I don't know who I enjoyed getting dragged more: Willow by Joss or Drew by Curtis. Probably the latter because you can tell DT relish having those moments over Drew. And Drew had it coming. That said...I found the episode juicy and I thought of @carolineg when I saw Diane's hair. I guess the shading going on and Diane being shaded has gotten a little contagious cuz I laughed. 


That both lawyers were soooo shrew to try to one up each other was so unexpected. But so soapy. Willow is uh and stalling. Diane, on the other hand, not so much. I didn't mind that at all.


And the aftermath has gone good so far. Watching everyone either gradually finding out about Drew/Willow or finding out about Michael led to some great scenes. I don't normally give her her due, but I've been enjoying EM in emotional scenes as of late...something I never attach to her at all. Very present, but not trying to overpower scenes. I've found it refreshing. That said...her Joss can still be a bitca so yes, I liked her reading Willow's weak sauce self.


I know opinions on SB can vary and that's mostly his fault, but I found myself draw to his Jason through this than I do Sonny. But Jason has always been a father figure to Michael or a dad and I have been around for most of that history so watching SB emoted throughout the episode was something to behold. Those expressful eyes. And then a flashback on top of that. And him sitting in with Michael and Michael opening his eyes. The feels. 


I'm shocked to say that I didn't mind Carly taking the high road while Joss ran off to be a miniCarly. For now.

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 And I hope Drew throwing their forced relationship in her face is the thing to have her explode.


As for the explosion...I thought Sidwell at first as payback to Jason. But he might still be too new in FV and the writers' eyes unfortunately. So...dare I say it...Ms. Wu?

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lol. I just saw that hair and how disheveled it looked. It made me think of you and how you had discussed her styling. Then I thought you probably had a good laugh at it given how much you hate Diane. True story. 


It might just be something in the air because there has been a lot of shadiness around me today.

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