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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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IDK i buy it personally. Sonny’s not trying to leave the mob immediately but Isaiah pointed out how his previous heart damage makes him more susceptible to a sudden heart attack, stroke and worse which made him contemplate the fact there is pretty much no one but Jason who could potentially take over should something fatal happen. The convo with Jason was him looking for reassurance he’d be down for the gig and I was glad Jason actually told him no because of Danny.

I think its obvious Kristina is going to be the one who eventually steps up which is probably why they had Alexis chew Sonny out for involving her in Charlie’s and why suddenly they’re putting Lucky in her orbit. I’m actually intrigued to see where they go with this.

I’m glad Dante got to tell Lulu off for putting her life in jeopardy after Sam’s sacrifice and for abandoning Rocco to sloppily run after Valentin and Charlotte. DZ and AH did great work I only wish the camera work and blocking hadn’t been so stiff.

Valentin is a grooming creep to me and his scenes manipulating Charlotte into staying with him were gross.

Sasha and Felicia scenes discussing the pregnancy were sweet and its too bad we won’t be getting Michael and Sasha paired together because they do have good chemistry.

The way Nina and Curtis got nervous by Michael’s non reaction to Willow taking Wiley to DC to be with Drew was funny. I wish they had written something to make the audience feel the same but he still just looks like a pansy to me.

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Rocco wanted to go with Lulu. Lulu did the right thing and kept Rocco safe by not allowing that. In turn, Rocco knew his Mom wanted to bring his sister home to safety. Rocco gets it

The Parent in the wrong here regarding Charlotte is her father Valentin. Valentin truly loves her and her him but he puts her in danger every day on the run. Valentin should have left Charlotte with Laura or just faced the music & turned himself in.

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But, it was an act on Michael's part. He went & immediately saw picture & headline of Willow in DC on his phone, turned the phone around, called Diane & told her what had happened & asked what can they now do to Willow, who has just taken his son across a state line without permission, or having even notified Michael. I mean I'm pissed that they didn't give us a ton of DARK MICHAEL, but right then & there, for one brief shining moment 

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we definitely got SCORCHED EARTH MICHAEL. The dude is just a cool dude.

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I don't think we'll be getting Spencer until Trina is gone. 

I am glad they haven't had Dante immediately go back to only focusing on Lulu. I hope that remains the case for a while. Lulu, like all the Spencers, would probably be better off alone anyway. 

The groundwork has been laid so many times for Sonny to leave the mob. It's not as if Valentini loves the mob the way Guza-era GH did, but I guess it's too easy a crutch to stop using. 

Kristina being a mobster would probably be the best use of Kate Mansi's interpretation of the role, although it's hard to believe she wouldn't just start ordering hits on Ava or anyone else who annoys her.

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I'm not sure we'll ever get Spencer back. Could be, but ...meh.


I can just see it now. Kristina gets into an argument with this woman spouting politics in her bar. Kristina is patient for as long as she can stand it. Then, that's it! 

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A quick call to an enforcer. 

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I think he (and the network) feel compelled to use them in the very sort of lackadaisical way they have since the early 2010s. When Frank and Ron tried to mostly phase the mob out they got backlash from MB who incited his fans, and since then they've allowed the mob to still have a role. But it's never had the stakes or weight it had in the Guza years (which got very repetitious and tired themselves), and Maurice's performances have seriously degraded as well.

DZ and Alexa are great together and their clashes are clearly meant to reintroduce Lulu's brash personality from the old days, without the hardness and coldness JMB often had. But I wish it wasn't all over that mutant child.

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