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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Steve Burton looked beyond disinterested in mouthing those lines about coming to better appreciate Edward and the Quartermaines in those scenes with Ned and Tracy the other day. In fact he looked kind of pissed. It's odd, since he did give emotion to the scenes surrounding Alan's death years ago and has allowed Jason to be a little closer to Monica and the Qs at the very least ever since his return in the late 2010s, to try to mirror Billy Miller's Drew who embodied a 'Jason' who was much more closely tied to them. Seems almost like Steve is annoyed with the 'Jason moves in with the Qs' plotline and is phoning it in, and that's saying something given his low standards.

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I’m sold on nuEmma after today. Her dancing around telling Anna she got expelled from Berkley was fun and I liked the snark once she got exposed. The scenes reuniting with Josslyn and rubbing in her face that she introduced Cam to his new girl were the exact dynamic I wanted for Carly and Robin’s daughters

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Lulu’s reunion with Charlotte was sweet. Alexa Havins plays the moments with her onscreen kids really well. Of course Valentine was lurking at the end I’m actually excited to see him and Lulu go at it next episode

Trina is too nice to Ava lol don’t give me a painting give me my bonus ma’am I liked their scenes though and I loved her swooping in to save Kai from the overzealous fan. Glad they pivoted to less head chewing and more fun with those two

Martin telling Laura and Alexis that Ace is getting the Cassadine fortune and Alexis will be the trustee felt like scenes that should have aired a few weeks back, same with Michael and Diane finally meeting. I did laugh at Diane’s reaction to Willow cheating with Drew and Alexis’s joy at finding out she gets to take Wyndemere and funds from Ava though.

I’m back to wishing Sasha really was leaving because I’m not looking forward to where this baby plot is clearly headed  

On SB’s recent pods he keeps saying he’s happy he finally gets to work with Jane Elliott and do the big Q family scenes again. I don’t think he’s doing any tanking for real, those scenes didn’t really call for a lot of emotion from Jason. He did briefly mention wanting the penthouse set back though

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I wonder if it's his awareness of just how little he matters to the current show, compared to the hype over his coming back and the heyday of his badass shootouts and motorcycle rides. 

Being one of a million in the Q mansion must be deflating to him, especially since his big years were where Guza and others made sure everyone knew the Quartermaines were poisonous and pathetic. 

Anna and Valentin seem to have a lot of Twitter fans, for whatever reason.

Edited by DRW50
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He is still capable of doing the work when he cares, as his scene at Sam's deathbed showed among others. And I believe him when he says he enjoys doing the scenes with Jane, etc. But for whatever reason I just felt he gave nothing to the scenes with Ned and Tracy, even less than Jason's usual these days or in recent years with the Qs (or when he first came back under Mulcahey, and BLQ? showed him the note from Monica at the PCPD). His tone and responses here were just 'yeah, whatever.'

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Yeah, I know they have a following.  I just never thought it was that "real".  It seems to have really tarnished Anna, IMO.

Steve did some decent work on Days too.  I just think like you sometimes he 'cares' and sometimes he just coasts.  I imagine he's not happy with Jason's return in general.  Hell, he was getting more interesting material on Days as Harris even with everything wrong with that show.

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It's always hard for me to know what's real or not with fan followings online. With Sonny and Nina, I get the feeling many of them are Nina fans, all of Liz's pairings are mostly just Liz fans, etc. I would say Anna and Valentin are more mutual, even if I don't know why Anna fans would want the pairing at this point.

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I think there are certain sector of Sonny fans who will follow any pairing with a woman that props him up.  I remember the entire faction turning on Carly, then Alexis, then Brenda, then Kate and so on once they decided to speak up or dump him.  Very loyal fanbase lol.

I assume Valentin has a similar small (but vocal) fanbase as well.  I don't think any true Anna fan would consider that romance much more than a blip on the radar for the character.

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Just spitballing, but it could be fun if Brennan seduced Joss/have an affair with her to make Carly's head explode. I'm thinking it'd be reminiscent of Dorian/Cassie and the character John Martin played on OLTL. Those classic confrontation scenes where Dorian goes on about him being a coward randomly popped into my mind so here we are. Emma could find out about the affair first and use to against Joss somehow, or just to mess with her. Could be fun. And ultimately, lead to the the exits of Brennan and Joss.

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