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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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I loved the Lulu scenes with Jack, Carly and Maxie. The Spencer cousins tag teaming Brennan was cool to see and I’m glad Carly got to be the one to tell her about Bobbie’s death. KS and AH also had instant BFF chemistry, I loved Lulu running to hug Maxie and her reaction to Spixie being back together.

Anna and Jason kidnapping Martin no Tad for info on Valentin was funny but I’m sick of Anna pointing the finger at everybody else when she’s the one who let the man escape with Charlotte. Glad Spinelli and Brennan are already narrowing evidence of his location down, this story doesn’t have too many legs left for me.

I actually enjoyed Jordan/Curtis/Portia today, they haven’t played up the tension between these three at all the last year which was odd because they were all in a weird quad with Portia’s brother the last time I dipped my toe into the show prior to PM joining. I’m glad Curtis is going after Drew and getting supported.

Isaiah and Jordan continue to be a nice pairing as well but you can tell the writers are stalling on moving forward with any real romance so they can keep them compartmentalized to the background should they see a shinier prospect for Isaiah.

Nina and Drew are back to being more vicious with each other again which I’m glad to see, the new regime had removed so much of their bite which was a wrong choice. He ain’t shite for trying to use her to placate Curtis. I liked her earlier scenes with Maxie talking about Lulu and being in long term comas as well

I can’t blame Joss for suspecting Sonny for getting Dex stabbed since he was on his head for months. Part of me does hope he gets a strong dose of digitalis because they are just so boring as a couple to me.

As for the OLTL and AMC references I don’t mind them but can see how they feel semi cheap and tired for others. I would only want a La Lucci cameo if the AMC revival movies or a show actually gets off the ground and they wanted to cross promote but I doubt Frank could afford her.

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No offense to the lovely Susan Lucci or Erica Kane, but if FV shells out the money for Susan Lucci and her AMC character I would be done with the show (or just storm the GH studio and be put in jail lol).  There are several GH characters that could be brought back and add to the canvas and we all know who.

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I would love to see both Susan and Erika/Erica & Viki but shoehorning them unto GH is not the answer.

Most of General Hospital's stunt casting has been unimpressive. The only stunt casted actor that actually does something is Maura West as Ava.

Moreover, I have little confidence the current GH writing regime could do both characters justice. 

That being said... it would probably be more interesting to see Erica and Viki again rather than half the characters we have on  canvas today.

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Colette? I took a total & immediate dislike to her! LOL! I think we may be on a roll, as to liking & disliking. So far the only place we agree seems to be Bianca, who is not even on this show.  Amusing, don't you think?

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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